Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 228

About one percent.

In order to prevent Kunpeng from causing greater losses to his kingdom of God, Ye Nan had to consume a full 2% of the power of the kingdom of God, but wanted to kill quickly, so that after the incident, it was very painful.

In addition, Ye Nan's kingdom of God, which was destroyed by the two in the fight, lost 5% of it all at once, which made him sigh, Kunpeng is worthy of being an old quasi-sage.

Obviously, when he beat the Buddha, the loss of the kingdom of God was only 3%.

Coming out of the Kingdom of God, Ye Nan carried a huge ferocious bird head in his hand and said to Monkey King who had stabilized the situation in Huaguo Mountain.

"Brother Monkey, you have to reimburse me for my loss!"

Monkey King: ?▂?

Now, he changed the color of flesh pain on his face.

"how much is it?"

"Not much money."

When it was time to rip off, Ye Nan suddenly became energetic and smiled and said to Monkey King.

"One gourd with nine ranks of golden core is enough."

"Fuck, one gourd turns nine gold cores?!"

Monkey King was taken aback, even his voice changed.

"Why don't you grab it? I can't grab a gourd nine-turn golden core even if I grab it!"

If he was still the little monkey back then, he would dare to go to Laojun's Doust Palace again.Anyway, it's just a stubborn hunk.

But now, knowing that Taishang Laojun is an incarnation of that Bajinggong saint, he has also become the Daluo Jinxian, and if he goes again, he will die properly!

"Then I don't care."

Ye Nan shook his eyebrows and began to play a rogue.

"Anyway, I'm going to turn a calabash nine-turn golden pill to make up for my lost divine power."

Without waiting for Monkey King to discuss again, he took Kun Peng’s bird's head, and then slapped Kun Peng’s dead head with a palm, as if the sky had fallen, and even the mana in the body had become disordered on the head of the Ziling Banshee. Shot her to death.

This banshee then turned into a human form, turned out to be a purple flood dragon, also included in the kingdom of God by Ye Nan.

Get another ingredient.

Looking at Ye Nan, who was like a big devil, the eight black dragons pulling carts trembled.

Ye Nanshi stepped into the three-story crystal palace and said to Monkey King.

"Brother Monkey, we keep in touch in the group. Eight of you, turn around and go to Beihai Demon Master Palace!"

Eight black dragons who know the current affairs return to the original road.In the Three Realms, many people saw the power of Kunpeng's head with emotion.

"These Three Realms are going to change!"

I don’t know, is the appearance of this demon court a blessing or a curse?

But the death of Kunpeng reminded them that only a thousand years have passed, and in the eyes of the fairy gods, it was also the battle of the gods not long ago.

The powerful people who thought this might be the aftermath of the catastrophe, blocked the gates and restrained the gatekeepers.The province accidentally fell into the robbery and turned to ashes.

If he died now, he wouldn't have the same treatment that he could be on the list of gods!


Eight dragons pulled the palace, while flying in the sky, Ye Nan took out his mobile phone to see what the sand sculpture group members were talking about when he was live broadcasting Kunpeng.

Penglai Mountain Huiye: Fish, big fish, Kunpeng big fish!

Bai Yacha: Wow, it's Kunpeng!Because of the duality of bird and fish, there are only seventeen double digits in Hakata!In terms of strength, the two are almost the same.

Naginata thistle: It is a fish and a bird, and its body is comparable to the ingredients of a continent. It is really unheard of!But my strength is low, and I can't cook a monster of this level at all!Underground city!I am going to the dungeon now!

Elia: It’s terrifying that the uncle chef has turned into a fighting freak.

Penglai Shan Huiye: This Kunpeng is very strong. I definitely can't beat it. It is estimated that only the master or father can try against him.

Bai Yacha: It's the woman who is obviously a woman, who insists that you call her father's moonlight night?

Penglai Shan Huiye: Yes, I am the father of a woman who insists on saying a man!When I was on the moon before, she only felt that she was old-fashioned and dogmatic, but now that I think about it, this is one of her few cute spots.

Bai Yasha: I think if you really dare to say this in front of Yueye Jianzun, you will be killed by him, absolutely.

Nyaratotip: Wow, this trick of the group owner is completely a meat grinder!It makes my tentacles hurt.Being both giant creatures, it really feels like being stuck with so many big guns.All this reminds me of being beaten by the twelve ancestor witches in the original copy.

Monkey King: Naiyazi, have you entered the Primal Quest?

Nine Dragons Bayi: Huh?Dasheng, why are you free to speak in the group?

Monkey King: It's the group leader now fighting Kunpeng, and I haven't entered his kingdom at all.Naiyazi, have you ever been to the Primordial Quest and played against the Three-legged Golden Crow?

Nyarlattotip: Well, I've played.The first time he went in, he beat the Twelve Ancestral Witch, and the second time he was beaten by Gu Tianting.That Donghuang Taiyi's Donghuang Bell is very powerful, not only can cause damage to my true evil spirit body, but also directly attacked my soul.Isn’t it just a three-legged crow?

Bai Yacha: Children who eat others will blame them for beating you. You are simply poisonous.

Monkey King: How do I compare with them?

Nyarlatotepu: Let's put it this way, in my opinion, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun can play a Kunpeng and a Tathagata Buddha.According to the Great Sage’s desperate battle, it is probably fifty-five against Kunpeng or Tathagata Buddha. Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun without the Donghuang Bell are about the power of the two monkeys, and the Donghuang with the Donghuang Bell. Taiyi is the three monkeys.

Monkey King:...

Penglai Shan Huiye: Why use monkeys as a unit of measurement of combat power?I can't even beat a monkey now.

Marquis of Vauban: Monkeys can't beat +1

Uchiha Madara: Monkeys can't beat +2

Yamamoto Motoyanagisuke Shigekuni: Monkeys can't beat +3

Pikachu: Monkeys can't beat +99

Little Birds Tour Liuhua: Monkeys can't beat +233

Sato Kazuma: Monkeys can't beat +9999

Sato Kazuma: Is the enemy of the group leader such a powerful monster?From this point of view, my completion condition for defeating the Demon King Army is still a simple start (?^?)

Limuru: I also read your novel. Although the devil is a bad person, he doesn't seem to be a bad person in the traditional sense. I really don't know if he should be eliminated.

Sato Kazuma: Ah, I also read your novel by Rimuru-kun!Lord Slime, are you very strong?If I have something, can I ask you for help?

Limru: Of course you can.For the same traversers, or to cross the different worlds of swords and magic, we should have many common languages.I also welcome you here as a guest!

Sato Kazuma: Thank you Rimuru-kun for that!Actually, I really want to go to the elves tavern, thank you for the enthusiasm of the elves!

Limru: Hey?Sure enough, Mr. Sato, who will take care of the succubus business, is also a fellow man!

Sato Kazuma: Hahaha, I've been rewarded.

Limru: Hehehe, each other.

Sato Kazuma was silenced for thirty minutes.

Limru was silenced for thirty minutes.

Emperor Nantian: As soon as I came in, I saw you driving. What a sand sculpture!

Chapter Three and Three

Nantiandi: Someone is driving as soon as I pay attention!Tigers don’t show off their power, you treat me as Doraemon!Don't think that the suspected car will be fine if there is no evidence!If you hesitate, you will lose, and you will be silenced if you take the key!

Penglai Mountain Huiye: Shaking

Kato Megumi: trembling

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi: Shaking

Nan Xiaoniao: trembling.

After suppressing a wave of sand sculpture group members, the Demon Master Palace arrived.

The trembling black water dragon hovered in the air.Under the sea, seeing these three-story crystal palaces, monsters lined up immediately.

Those two teams were wearing swimsuits and might even be made of mosaic starfish and shells. They were basically defenseless armors, signs of stature, good looks, and exposing large tracts of snow-white skin.

They stood still from left to right, and stretched out their hands to the sea.

Immediately, the icy air exploded, forming a long and wide icy staircase in the quiet sea.

This step, which is purely composed of a whole block of ice, extends from the sea to the heavenly palace, just reaching the exit of the three-story crystal palace.

After the two teams of banshees, a golden fairy peaked with combat power comparable to that of a Xuanxian. The tens of thousands of meters in length of the ferocious dragon tortoise emerged from the sea, and bowed its head respectfully to the three-story crystal palace.

On his broad back stands a magnificent palace with a radius of several thousand meters.

Although the palace is small, it has all five internal organs.Among them, precious decorations such as gems, corals and pearls are dazzling.Just hanging on the wall as a decoration of the sword, three-pronged fork, and square halberd, there is a faint light emerging.

It seems that this should be Kunpeng's sedan chair for traveling in the sea.'

At the same time, two rows of charming and seductive female monsters, each with an upright posture, bowed together for blessing, crisply and delicately shouted.

"Welcome the demon master back to the palace!"

Ye Nan in the Crystal Palace: (ˉ﹃ˉ)

This Kunpeng is quite good at playing!

It seems that he has been in the North Sea for a long time, he did not break out in silence, but perverted in silence!

From the three-story crystal palace above, a huge black shadow fell, and it hit the dragon turtle with a bang.


Silly fufu, the dragon tortoise waiting for Kunpeng to get on the sedan, did not expect this sudden attack and was hit by Hollow.

The formation in the palace on his body was instantly activated, forming a white mask, but it was immediately shattered by the huge mass.

This unknown object hit the dragon tortoise, and even the palace and his tortoise shell smashed into pieces.The dragon tortoise's tortoise shell shattered, and the red blood was floating on the sea.

The dragon turtle stunned by the severe injury was silent on the spot.Affected by this shock, a huge wave rises above the sea.

The turbulent waves rushed towards the maiden maiden, who was shocked subconsciously frozen with icy air.

Regardless of whether these female demon girls are female monsters, all of them have the cultivation base of the golden fairy or the peak level of the heavenly fairy, and they can be regarded as a demon king outside.

When the surrounding ocean turned into a layer of ice, the female monsters stopped and looked at the mysterious object used by'Kunpeng' to stun the dragon turtle.

In their view, it was very likely that Dragon Turtle was punished because of somehow offending Master Demon Master.

However, this behemoth that hit the dragon tortoise was the head of Kunpeng who was hundreds of miles long, like an island the size of a city!

Because the demon master's head is too big, many monsters have never seen his real body, so for a while, although these female mackerel girls were startled by this head, they did not react.

After waiting for a lot of the ancient heavenly court period, I felt the huge fluctuations in the sea, and the mysterious fairy monsters who were considered to be the same as the demon master came to investigate, only then paled in shock.

"How can this be!!!"

"Master Demon Master!"

"Master Kunpeng!"

They raised their heads in horror and looked at the three-story crystal palace above--since Master Demon Master has fallen, then who is sitting in this palace?!

Ye Nan did not live up to their expectations.

He appeared from the Crystal Palace, his body exuding the aura of the peak level of Da Luo Jinxian.

In the sky, dark clouds are pressing on the top, thunder is bursting, and the power is like prison.Brings an extremely heavy pressure to a group of Xuanxian monsters.

He lowered his head to look at the demon of the North Sea, who was constantly rushing out of the sea from the Demon Master Palace, and said.

"I am the Southern Heaven Emperor of the Huaguoshan Demon Court! Today, the demon master Kunpeng violated my demon court for no reason, and was rectified on the spot. The Beihai demon master palace will enter my demon court. Who agrees and who opposes?"


The monster with the Xuanxian level just planned to speak, but Ye Nan's right hand suddenly flicked, pulling out a green light.

This green light slashed out instantly, slicing the Xuanxian monster along with the large group of monsters around him, and even the flesh and spirits into two, making countless other monsters terrified.

Countless monsters retreated, two battles, looking at Ye Nan with extremely nervous heart.

But with the foresight of this Xuanxian monster, they dare not speak one by one.

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