Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 240

Although Sun Wukong, the king of the Demon King, didn't quite understand it, for the sake of Ye Nan Shabao's big fist, he raised his right hand and said with a gloomy, fierce, bloodthirsty look.


What do you look at·The King of Demon King Monkey King jpg

"Not bad!"

I took several photos in a row, and sent them to the group. Ye Nan also specifically marked them.

Emperor Nantian: This is another Monkey King.

Nyarlattotip: Puff, this is obviously a performer, right?Don’t think I don’t understand Eastern culture!

Bai Yacha: Monkey King Monkey King · Box Court jpg.Do you remember Sister Monkey?

Monkey King:???s(?′?;)

When the members of the sand sculpture group started another topic, Uncle Jiu came over.

He put away the Zhu Xianjian, and asked Ye Nan with a slightly dignified expression.

"Friend of Nantian Emperor, Tathagata Buddha?"


After sending this message, Ye Nan raised his head and said to Uncle Jiu.

"Although he is strong, I am sorry, I am stronger! And he has fallen down before I can exert any strength."


Uncle Ji took a breath.

Dangdang Tathagata Buddha, said he was hammered to death?!It's terrifying!

On the one hand, Uncle Jiu is very happy to be able to solve the problem of group members.

But on the other hand, Ye Nan's combat effectiveness was actually so high that after fighting a strongman like Tathagata Buddha, he didn't get hurt at all.

Anyway, he stretched his head and shrank his head with a knife. Jiu Shu simply clasped his fists with both hands and gritted his teeth.

"I'm very sorry, Daoist Nantiandi. As a thank you gift, I can give all my belongings, but this world is empty for Daoist friends, I can't give it to you!"

"What the hell?"

Seeing Uncle Jiu who was making an apologetic gesture, Ye Nan frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

When did I say I want this world?

Looking at it this way, Jiu Shu obviously misunderstood because of Kirito's affairs!

But the emptiness boy was touched.

It took him half a month to join the group, but he didn't expect the group owner to be willing to use all his wealth to help him!

If this is the case, how can his emptiness son be a brazen person!

"No, host, let me give this thank you gift! After all, I asked you and Daoist Nantiandi to help."

On his pale face, there was an abnormal flush of excitement, and he took the phone to Ye Nandao.

"Fellow Nantiandi Daoist, I am willing to sign a debt contract of millions of shared value with you under the witness of the administrator. I wonder if it can be the price of your shot?"


Lin Jiu hesitated on the sidelines and stopped.

What is the concept of million shared value?

Even if he is the leader of the ghost dimension sharing group, there are many ways to obtain shared value. The strength is one of the best in the group, and he only earns tens of thousands of shared value every month. The total net worth is only 400,000 yuan, of which 300,000 It is Zhu Xianjian.

And the debt of the one million shared value of the empty son is equivalent to at least three treasures of the level of the sword of death. I don't know how many years will it take to pay off!

This decision can be said to have made the blood of the empty son!

Ye Nan took a deep look at this empty son who was more like a scholar than an exorcist, and nodded.

"it is good."

Originally, as long as he tells the misunderstanding, Lin Jiu will give tens of thousands of gifts of shared value, and the matter will be fine.

However, since the emptiness of the son is so bitter and enmity, if he does not agree, wouldn't it be a waste of the other party's determination?

He kindly came to help, but he was regarded as a robber who robbed the world, and he was very upset.

Therefore, under the approval of the administrator of the ghost dimension sharing group and an unknown world heaven, Ye Nan and the empty son entered into a contract.The other party needs to pay off the millions of shared value within ten years.

Otherwise, the administrator will automatically deduct the equivalent from Master Void and supply Ye Nan until Master Void becomes Ye Nan's slave.

After the contract was completed, Ye Nan, who originally wanted to stroll around in this world, left without saying hello to Jiu Shu.

When he got home, he took out his mobile phone when he got angry, and even deleted the friends of Jiu Shu and Kirito directly.

What if you are the plot characters I have had a good impression on?Reality is a scumbag!Conflict with the protagonists of other worlds!

The baby is angry!The baby wants to break with you!

Especially Kirito, he didn't even give a gift for his marriage, unlike Tina, who sent a branch of the tree of life as congratulation.

Soon, Ye Nan's cell phone rang.

Fairy Princess: What's the matter with the Nantian Emperor?I heard Jiu Shu and Kirito say that you deleted all their friends.

Nantiandi: Because of some misunderstandings, I feel bad for them now.

Fairy Princess:?

In the center of Silvermoon Forest, the small world where the World Tree resides, in the realm of the elves.

Tina Fanna Yuwei Falling Star is sitting on a swing constructed by natural ancient trees, holding a mobile phone while shaking the swing.

"really weird."

She pouted, her delicate face, which looked like a god, was a bit sweet and cute.

"Uncle Jiu and Tongren said that Emperor Nantian was wrong, and Emperor Nantian said that he had misunderstood them, but they didn't like them either. Humans are so hard to understand!"

Fairy Princess: What happened?(??.??) Everyone is a group leader who can talk, can't you solve the misunderstanding?

So Ye Nan told her the whole story.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Combining the previous narrations by Kirito and Jiu Shu, Tina suddenly appeared.

Fairy Princess: Is this just a misunderstanding?If you set the conditions for inviting you to help at the beginning, there won't be such a problem, right?

Emperor Nantian: This is the characteristic of the "human feelings" of the East.For example, just now, if Uncle Jiu talks to me, there is no problem between the group leader and the group leader, and it is easy to solve.But as Jiu Shu's subordinate, the empty son suddenly jumped out and said that he had to take on a debt of one million shared value. It seemed that I had robbed him abruptly, and it destroyed the relationship between me and Jiu Shu.

Fairy Princess: It's such a thing!But this kind of thing is just fine!

Nantiandi: But I don't want face!Since they see me this way, so be it!I will not apologize anyway, and the one million contract will not be cancelled!If you want to add your friends back, let Jiu Shu and Kirito come to me!Otherwise, then I will go my way, they will go theirs!Just don't interfere with each other!

Chapter 361 What a miserable newcomer

Facts have proved that the matter of reconciliation is not so simple.

You are the leader of the group, you are strong, but I am not the leader of the group?

You are so strong now, but I don’t know who is better in the future!

Besides, being able to be selected among so many people in one dimension is still one of the only forty-nine people in the world, who is not a small public servant in the hands of Heaven!

Don't think Jiu Shu is good to the empty son, but it is like a tiger giving meat to a husky and a weasel to a rooster.

When you are happy, I will give you a few bones when it is pleasing to the eye; when you are not happy, then turn you into bones!

Yo Yo Chek trouble, ban on the group!

If you want face, I don't want face?Why should I bow my head?

Therefore, despite the kindness of the fairy princess running on three directions, no one was the first to stay low and be small.

It's just that they are very kind in Xindi. Seeing that the elf princess is really thinking about them, all three of them remember this goodness.

But bowing is impossible, impossible in this life!

This bow not only means that I am wrong, but also means that my shared group is inferior to others' shared groups!

Therefore, the elf princess has been busy for a few days. Seeing that no one is going to take a step back, when she is angry, she will not mention it.


Sato Kazuma: Hahahaha!Since signing that contract, the mentally retarded Akua finally stopped messing with me!It's so cool to ask her to mop the floor, and to do the laundry when she is asked to do the laundry!

Rimuru: Wow, Sato, he is also a goddess anyway.You won't even call her to you at night...??? Hey hey you know!

Sato Kazuma: Ooooooo, brother Rimuru, I understand and I understand!Let me tell you that although Akua is a mentally retarded goddess, it is just one word, praise!

Limru:? (????Ω????)?

Sato Kazuma: (ω?)

Hermione Granger: It's disgusting to use a contract to do this kind of thing!metamorphosis!

Emperor Nantian: As soon as I came in, I saw you two chatting here, and I felt that the air in the whole group had become bad!Don’t you know about private chat!

Limru: Yes, yes, let's talk privately, and talk privately.

Illia: Wow, I didn't expect Kazuma Sato and Mr. Slime to be such a person!I am a little worried about Megumin, Dakenis, and Milim.

Emperor Nantian: Huihui and Milim are okay, but Dakenis is fine.If she signed a slave contract, she might be happier with Kazuma.


Kinomoto Sakura: Wow!Unclean forbid!

Takamachi Naha: (*?▽?*) What are you talking about?People still don't understand.

Nine Dragons Bayi: Primary school students now know a lot!Fortunately, my Tianyi and Aijiang are not like this.

Emperor Nantian: Ha ha.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Haha.

Bai Yasha: Hey

Nine Dragons Bayi: What do you mean?What do you guys mean?

Nantiandi: Elementary school students who don't know anything don't go to the high school students' homes to take a bath. After the bath, they ran out without wearing anything to confront their "rival in love".In places you don’t know, what do they watch online every day!

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi: Ah, ah, ah!Don't say it, please don't say it!At least Xia Lu, Xia Lu is still pure!

Kato Megumi: Just looking at this kind of words and deeds, I'm considering whether to block the Loli Control Dragon King.

White Yasha: Pull Black +1

Penglai Mountain Faye: Pull Black +2

CC: pull black +3

Hey hey, the newcomer'Nid Hogg can't make the effort' to join.

Bai Yasha: After a month, finally there are newcomers!Explosive photos of newcomers!

Penglai Mountain Huiye: Explosive photos, Explosive photos!

Niederhogg can't lift the energy: Well, I really think I haven't added this kind of group?Who pulled me in?

Bai Yacha: Wow, a newcomer who knows nothing!I must say this sentence!

Toxic Island: The newcomer first went to read the group profile, and then changed the name to his real name.

Bai Yasha: Noooooooooo!!!Dudao-senpai, why did you take my lines away!

Poison Island: You will lose if you hesitate!(laugh)

Bai Yacha: awsl.

Penglai Mountain Huiye: Group owner.What is the situation of the newcomer?Male female?Human or non-human?

Emperor Nantian: He hasn't changed his name yet, how do I know.The meaning of the name Niederhogg is despair.In Norse mythology, he is a giant dragon entrenched at the root of the world tree.Eventually, it will eat the roots of the world tree and destroy the world.

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