Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 241

Pikachu: So, the dragon was actually a herbivore at first?

Cona Kamui: It's incredible, it's incredible.

Emperor Nantian: You can ask the fire-breathing dragon to see if it eats meat.

Pikachu: The taste of elves is different from that of humans. They eat tree fruits.Although human food is not inedible, it is not very delicious.

Winnett: Me too!When feeding the pet dog at home, it doesn't like eating meat, but prefers dog food that is a regional specialty.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Actually so?Learned learned.So tonight, Ling Xian's food is dog food.

Emperor Nantian: Huiye, don't always bully Lingxian!Let go of that Ling Xian and let me come!

Ji Ru Chitaki: Huh?

Emperor Nantian: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a

Bai Yacha: (˙ω˙)

Penglai Mountain Huiye: (?ˉ?ˉ?)

The Emperor Nantian withdrew a message.

Little bird swims Liuhua: Puff, I can't hold it anymore!Hahahahaha!

Little Bird Tour Liuhua was banned for 30 minutes.

Nyarlatotepu: ε=(′ο*))) Alas.How come it's been so long, Liuhua, don't you have a long memory?At this time, even Deadpool can't learn to speak. You jumped out. Isn't this hitting the eye of the gun?

Lu Mingfei: Well, good guys, I'm a newcomer, shivering.I'm an ordinary high school third-year dog, why did you choose me?

Emperor Nantian: Lu Mingfei?Which Lu Mingfei are you?

Lu Mingfei: Which Lu Mingfei?This, the boss of the group, if you ask, I don’t know how to answer!

Emperor Nantian: Then report the family situation and school situation.

Lu Mingfei: Oh.My name is Lu Mingfei. My parents always run around because of work, so I am currently staying at my uncle and aunt's house.18 years old this year, studying at Shilan Middle School.

Emperor Nantian: Do you have a cousin named Lu Mingze?And also have a crush on Chen Wenwen, the president of the Literature Club?There was an outstanding senior named Chu Zihang before?

Lu Mingfei: How did you know this group owner?!Did you investigate me?

Emperor Nantian: In a sense, it can be considered.In fact, every time you look at Chen Wenwen, your eyes are wrong, the whole class knows that you have a crush on her, and you are the only one who thinks you are not known.

The past two minutes.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Why doesn't the newcomer speak anymore?

Emperor Nantian: It's probably because of shame that he lost his ability to express himself. It is common in various black histories.It is very common in "Looking in Love with the Second Sickness", which is also very common in the memory illusion of Liuhua, or the "primary school student is the best" in Loli Controlling the Dragon King.

Nine Dragons Bayi: Aha!I have said it a hundred times and a thousand times, don't mention that stalk again, okay!!!

Chapter 362 A big wave of compassion is on the way

Seeing that there were people in the group who were'sick to each other', Lu Mingfei came to the spirit.

People are like that.If you are the worst in the group, then you will not speak hard, and when others ask, it is good, good in all kinds, and good in everything.

But if someone is as miserable as you, then quickly find the organization and vomit.

Lu Mingfei: Lolita controls the Dragon King?

Nantiandi: I recommend you to see Memoir Dreamland · "The Work of the Dragon King", you will understand.The famous quotation of Nine Dragons Bayi:'The pupils are the best!','I like elementary school students the most!','The pupil is the highest!'.And so on.

Lu Mingfei: Excuse me, Lolicon is abnormal Dragon King.Uncle Police, this is the man!

Nine Dragons Bayi:...

Penglai Shan Huiye: Group owner, what is the origin of the newcomer?

Emperor Nantian: Lu Mingfei, miserable is just one word.What I have to say is probably a story of a quiet, sleeping man alone, constantly awakened by tragedies and nightmares.

Lu Mingfei: Wait a minute!I'm just an ordinary high school student, not so miserable as the leader of the group!Although I didn't live with my parents, my parents were just busy.My uncle and aunt treated me very well, unlike Harry Potter, who fell into the sleeping cupboard and was always bullied.Not to mention that I even opened a trumpet, pretending to be a female molesting Lu Mingze!

Nan Xiaoniao:...

Dudao Tsuiko: Newcomers also have a hand.

Xiaoqianqian: Newcomers like to pretend to be women and cheat people online?When I really can't help it, I will do this too, and then lie to the fat sheep to meet offline, and finally put a sack to beat them up and earn some pocket money.

Lu Mingfei: No, no, Lu Mingze is also my cousin anyway, there is no need to do that!

Emperor Nantian: That's just now.Are you about to graduate?

Lu Mingfei: Ah, coming soon, the graduation party will be in a few days.

Nantiandi: So, you have received the admission notice from Kassel College, met Nono, and plan to confess to Chen Wenwen at the graduation party?

Lu Mingfei: Damn!Group owner, please leave me some privacy!You are a crime, a crime!

Emperor Nantian: No, this is not a crime, but apocalypse!In the year of Sao, your tragic life full of charms and cups is just getting ready to begin.

Lu Mingfei: Don't be like this, the boss!You are so generous!

Marquis of Vauban: Don't say so much, go directly to the illusion!Anyway, it's a boy who will protect himself, it doesn't matter!

The Emperor Nantian uploaded the super-large memory illusion "Dragon Race", and downloading requires a little share value.

Kangna Kamui: Dragons?

Nantiandi: Although they are all dragons, they are different from Kangnachan's!

Cona Kamui: Oh.

Lu Mingfei: Wait a minute!what is this?Virtual panorama with me as the subject?How boring the people who made this thing!And this shouldn't be "Future Diary"?

Emperor Nantian: Don't panic in Sao Nian, this is certainly not a future diary.And even if it is Zeus in the diary of the future, if he dared to jump out, he said that he would kill him.

Lu Mingfei: Is it such a bunker?

Nantiandi: Look well, Lu Mingfei, if you don't want to reenact the cups in the illusion.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Lu Mingfei is really miserable!Obviously so strong, did not expect that as the end of his high school life, he would be played like this at the graduation ceremony?I kind of understand why that Nono did this. Lu Mingfei, a dead child, really easily arouses the motherhood in this young lady's heart!

Lu Mingfei:???what happened?Why was I fooled at the graduation ceremony?

Winnett: Wow, that's too much!The man named Chen Wenwen knew that Lu Mingfei liked him, so he did so on purpose!

Lu Mingfei: Wow!Don't be spoiled, let me see for myself!What did Chen Wenwen do to me!

Seeing the members of the group dictate their lives, especially the future, Lu Mingfei couldn't help it anymore and plunged into the virtual illusion.

In the group, the chat of group members continued.

Bai Yacha: No, it's worse behind this?The second elder sister who has a crush on is someone else’s fiancée?And just for a happy birthday, you lost a quarter of your soul?

Monkey King: The third girl I liked was drained of dragon blood and died?Gee, this is toxic!Even me, a monkey with no emotions, can see that as long as he doesn't die, he will abuse Lu Mingfei to death!Give a little sweet jujube a big stick, what kind of hatred or grievance!

Uchiha Madara: This feeling of being played with life is really bad.Moreover, the newcomer was so miserable before, and it is hard to imagine what a terrible future he will usher in after'to be continued'.

Lu Mingfei: Wait a minute, why do you think so fast?I just saw Fingel at the American train station. Why do you seem to be looking far behind?Is there still fast forward?

Winnett: Use the shared value to fast forward.But you don’t share much value right now, so it's best to watch it slowly.If you have any questions, we will help you!

Bai Yacha: That's right!As a group member who loves each other, we should help each other!Rest assured, Lu Mingfei!Your high school graduation party is on us!

Lu Mingfei: No, no, I think Sister Nono is doing very well!I appreciate your kindness, but there is really no need to trouble!

Bai Yacha: It doesn't matter, it's not troublesome at all!Besides, this is our full love for new members!

Lu Mingfei: I can't afford this love!What do you want to do!!

Uchiha Madara: As expected, it is the reincarnation of the suspected Niederhogg. I discovered something wrong so quickly.

Lu Mingfei: What does this have to do with Niederhogg's reincarnation? It's simply a normal way of observing words and feelings!And how did I become the reincarnation of Niederhogg?Niederhogg is not the dragon that destroys the world in Northern Europe, but I live under the red flag, an ordinary 18-year-old high school student!

Emperor Nantian: Ha ha.

Marquis of Vauban: Ha ha.

Bai Yacha: Ha ha.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Ha ha.

Kinomoto Sakura: Huh?

Illia: Wow, Sakura has also failed to learn.

Kinomoto Sakura: No, no!It's just that everyone is always like this, and I find it very interesting.

Ilya: I think it's interesting, it's the first step to learn badly!(Serious face)

Kinomoto Sakura: I'm sorry.

Emperor Nantian: Don't bully Sakura, how are you and Shirou, Ilia?First base, second base or third base?Don't go to the end, Shi Lang was snatched away by Xiao Hei who took the initiative!

Iliya: Wow wow wow!What first base, second base, third base, I'm just a primary school student, I don't know or not!I'm going to do my homework!

Emperor Nantian: Illiya is so funny (laugh).

Penglai Shan Huiye: You are really bad, lord (——) next time there is such a thing, you must remember to call me!

Looking at these demons dancing around, Lu Mingfei thought.

Oops, it seems to be on a thief ship!

Chapter 363: Saving Private Lu Mingfei (repair)

In the starlight, Lu Mingfei took a deep breath.

"Well Lu Mingfei, be happy. What if Chen Wenwen tricked you? She may not know about this, but Zhao Menghua and his attendants did it. Besides... at least it won't be worse."

From the look of his face, Lu Mingfei's self-talk that he wanted to comfort him had failed.

Everyone should see that he has a crush on Chen Wenwen, but they are all happy to read his jokes.Seeing him as a supporting role, watching Zhao Menghua as the protagonist confess to the heroine Chen Wenwen.

And he is just a black and white i.

Shaking his head, throwing these sad things aside.

Lu Mingfei carefully cleared a position on the sofa with a missing corner, and sat down and continued to look at the memory illusion.

"Ye Sheng and Jiu De Mai are dead, Tu Long is really dangerous for such a good person."

"Isn't it, I was so powerful? Such a big dragon was hacked to death by me with a big sword? But Old Tang turned out to be the King of Bronze and Fire, as well as Constantine, which looks a bit pitiful."

"Also, this little boy with golden eyes actually wants my soul? Is it still called Lu Mingze?"

When these three words were exported, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt something wrong.

He got out of the memory illusion, raised his head, and looked at the outside of the roof. There was a grader around eight years old. He was wearing white square shoes on his feet, a small black suit, a white silk scarf, and a pair of pale colors. Boy with beautiful golden pupil.

He just sat here, his legs dangling leisurely, and turned his head to face Lu Mingfei.

His beautiful and round face, like a little prince, showed a faint smile like an angel, slightly curious to Lu Mingfei.

"You don't seem surprised when you see me?"

"No, no, I'm surprised, I'm so surprised, OK?"

Lu Mingfei was a little surprised when he saw the other party suddenly appear, but it was not as exaggerated as he said.

He said nonsensely.

"It's just that my face is like this, there are few other expressions."

"Crappy lie."

The little boy rebuked softly.But there was still a faint smile on his face, and he didn't seem to be angry.

"Although it is a little in advance, but introduce yourself. My name is Lu Mingze."

"Lu Mingze?"

Recalling the content in the illusion of memory, Lu Mingfei's teachings were written according to the script.

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