Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 242


Wait a minute?

Yaoshou!It was the first time that he saw Lu Mingze in the pedigree test, and now he had no idea what to say!

Lu Mingze frowned slightly, the good-looking appearance made some big sisters want to hold him in their arms and gently smooth the folded brows for him.

"what happened?"

He asked.

An illusion?Although according to his speculation, it is normal for Lu Mingfei to start a daze suddenly, but what is wrong?

At this moment, Lu Mingfei's mobile phone in his pants, the black N96 suddenly rang.


He quickly took out his cell phone and asked.


"Lu Mingfei?"

Chen Motong, the voice of Nono, came out of the phone.

"it's me."

Lu Mingfeidao.

"One thing I forgot to tell you, there is one person on the admissions list besides you, but we only have one place in China each year. Professor Guderian will fly to Beijing tomorrow, so let me call you. Let you make a decision tonight."

Nono's tone was light, and he couldn't hear emotions.

But Lu Mingfei knew that the other party could not give up his own.

Whether it is because of his parents, his blood, or Lu Mingze in front of him.


Lu Mingfei tried his best to make his tone appear relaxed.

"Anyway, because of my grades, I can't even pass the exam, but Kassel College is a member of the American Ivy League. I am very happy to go to study."


Lu Mingfei agreed, but Chen Motong felt very strange.

"Don't you have a graduation party tomorrow?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

Yes, there will be a graduation party tomorrow.Moreover, maybe a lot of trouble is coming!

He suddenly felt tired and sighed.

"Do we need to leave right away?"

"That's not necessary."

Seeing Professor Guderian on the side ecstatic, Chen Motong said after repeatedly expressing that he could follow the path.

"Well, I'll pick you up tomorrow night, and the early morning flight is also fine."

"Okay, thank you Senior Sister."

Lu Mingfei hung up.

From the "troublesome spirits", he learned that this senior sister, whom he liked very much, had a fiance.The reason why she would lend a helping hand is that she simply can't stand the tragedy of her life.

One of the three illusions in life, she likes me but there is no such thing.The relationship between her and her fiance is very good.

"It's the same as before."

After Lu Mingfei put down his phone, Lu Mingze said unhappy.

"Every time it’s like this, calling me just aside, but talking with others,


Lu Mingfei asked in amazement.

Is this some kind of placement play?His past life, or a certain past life actually liked to play such games?

"I don't want to see you now."

Lu Mingze curled his lips, fell backward, and fell back.


Lu Mingfei was taken aback, and quickly reached out to hold him, but failed.

"This is the seventh floor!"

After a cold sweat broke out, he remembered that Lu Mingze must be fine.

Regarding the other party's last'prank', he wiped the cold sweat from his head and muttered.

"Even if you didn't hit anyone, it wouldn't be good to hit flowers!"


At noon the next day, Lu Mingfei received the message.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Are you ready?Hurry up and agree when you're ready, we're here!

Lu Mingfei: No, you guys are really playing it?

Penglai Shan Huiye: Is this still fake?As a member of the group, you are being played with by others, we can't assume that we haven't seen it!Hurry up, there are many people here to help you.

Lu Mingfei: This is unnecessary, right?

With a certain bad feeling, he racked his brains and replied.

Lu Mingfei: Don’t I have a dragon and a dragon king here?You may be alarmed by those terrible beings, which is not good.

Penglai Shan Huiye: What is the Dragon King?You don’t know if you are a newcomer. Here we have the great evil gods who carry through the dimensional universe, the star spirits of the sun, the Qitian Demon Emperor, the undead, the godslayers, and the most terrifying authority dog-the lord.If they dare to come, they will all be hammered into small cakes!

Is the Dimensional Sharing Group so terrible?

That being the case, Lu Mingfei really couldn't think of an excuse.

Looking at several prompts requesting to enter his world, Lu Mingfei sighed again and clicked to agree one by one.

I hope that today's graduation party can go smoothly!

However, at this moment, on Lu Mingfei's face, there was a warm smile that was cared for, but it never went away.

Chapter 364: People don’t pretend to be in vain

In the bathroom, Lu Mingfei changed into a Korean suit with a black jacket and a white shirt sent by Zhao Menghua.

Originally he liked this style of suit, but when he got it, he suddenly felt that it was actually that way.

But he did not refuse.

"never mind."

Looking into the mirror, Lu Mingfei reluctantly made the smile on his face look more ordinary.

"At least, Chen Wenwen likes Zhao Menghua too, right?"

However, he tried several times, and the way he laughed was worse than crying.

"This is, lick the dog, lick the dog, and lick it until the end is nothing."

I'm really a bad boy, and someone has come to help, and I'm still so popular in the future, so strong that even the Dragon King can smash it, why not reject Zhao Menghua?

Lu Mingfei sighed, shook his head and walked out of the bathroom.

After getting dressed, he found Chen Motong in the audience.

Looking at the suit on him and then at the others, Chen Motong frowned and said.

"I have something to do, so I will leave first."


Lu Mingfei was taken aback, but he quickly reacted and took Chen Motong's hand.

"no need."

Seeing the little witch a little surprised, with contempt and sympathy, Lu Mingfei didn't know what she was trying to make up, and said with black lines.

"My friend...or the newly recognized boss, will come to help."

"Newly recognized boss?"

Chen Motong glanced at Lu Mingfei suspiciously, not knowing who the'newly recognized boss' was in his mouth.

But seeing that he did seem to be prepared, he shrugged and stopped with his arms around his chest.

"Then I will wait and see."


In Chen Motong's eyes that couldn't bear to look straight, Lu Mingfei stood on the stage.

Then he looked at Zhao Menghua, who looked like a dog, holding a handful of crimson roses, surrounded by his attendants, and confessed to the goddess in his dream.

"Today was supposed to be our literary society gathering, but I just took this opportunity," Zhao Menghua said loudly, "We are going to be separated soon, I don't want to regret it, I want to tell Chen Wenwen that there are all on the screen. Come on! Or I will be separated in the future, and I will not see each other. I like to be alone for three years, and no one knows. Will that endure home?"

In this way, Zhao Menghua confessed the confession he and Lu Mingfei had searched online for a long time before racking his brains.

Under the illumination of large lights, Lu Mingfei's eyes flashed with unknown light, and he whispered in a voice that only he could hear clearly.

"From this look, Zhao Menghua is a standard villain at all. As the protagonist, I must pretend to be a slap in the face soon?"

So, as if responding to his request, the saviors appeared.



As if a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, the door of the theater was pushed open.

Ye Nan, wearing a neo-style retro black jacket and windbreaker, wearing sunglasses at night, dangling an unlit cigar, holding a large gold ring in his hand and a large gold chain on his neck, holding Penglai Mountain in his left hand in a twelve-single suit Kaguya, with her right hand wrapped around Nayako in a sailor suit, surrounded by the friendly black-clothed people who starred in the Marquis of Vauban, Madara Uchiha, Xiao Bian, Huang Shifu and other friendly people, walked in at the pace of a big brother who did not recognize her. Projection hall.

"Is this where you held your high school graduation celebration, Ricardo?"

He let go of the Penglai Shan Huiye on his left hand and snapped his fingers.


Xiao Jianjian came over immediately and helped him light the cigar in his mouth.


The green smoke of the cigar lingered in the projection hall.Ye Nan looked around and shook his head disdainfully.

"This small place is not worthy of you, Brother."

He snapped his fingers again.


From behind him, walked in more than a dozen beautiful young ladies with good looks, including body and temperament, all no less than Chen Wenwen, and about twenty-five years old.

Among them, there are yellow, white and black, with a smile on their faces that treats God, surrounding Lu Mingfei in the middle, blocking everyone's sight.

Then, in Lu Mingfei's somewhat horrified expression, they forcibly stripped off his clothes, pants and shoes, and put on a new set of equipment.

Soon, wearing a purple suit, white leather shoes, and waxing his head, Lu Mingfei, who is almost like an idol star, is fresh out.

"It's pretty much the same."

Seeing Lu Mingfei's new image, Ye Nan nodded in satisfaction.

"Time is running out, let's go!"

Everyone went out with ignorant Lu Mingfei.


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