Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 250

Since everyone didn't want it, Ye Nan was not polite.

With a big wave of his hand, he grabbed the entire Sanbao Rock and, using the method of space, stuffed it into a glass ball and gave it to Yue'er.

"Yue'er, I will give you all of these things. I will be rewarded if I meet someone who blinks or has done a good job in the future."

"it is good."

Yue'er smiled and put away the glass ball, putting it in her space equipment, seeing some scattered immortals around her with eyes hot.

After Sanbao Rock, a bluestone road appeared on the ground.

The group headed by Ye Nan flew and flew, passing through forests, swamps, and lakes, but the road continued throughout, just like road signs.

Finally, along this road, everyone came to a palace gate building.

On both sides of the building are written two lines of words-one enters Qingyun Road, alone on the nine heavens.

In front of the palace gate, there is a white jade square.On both sides of the square, a message from Emperor Niyang is written.

Probably this is the Qingyun Road, which can only be walked by one person, and if two people walk, they will definitely die.

Then, he warned the envoy of the fairy world, he was basically dead when he entered, not to say that it was unexpected!

"It's so mysterious."

Ye Nan took Yue'er's hand,

"Let's go, Yue'er. The scenery inside is better than the outside."


Yue'er stuffed her little hand into Ye Nan's big hand.The two were about to walk on Qingyun Road, but they listened to Naiyazi and Bai Yacha behind.

"Let's go, Bai Ye. The scenery inside is better than the outside."


Ye Nan turned his head and stared at the two problem girls on the left waist, but found that they used teleport to leave in an instant, one ran to the east and the other to the west, and deliberately turned their heads in different directions.

Naiyazi: (_)

Bai Yacha:? ('Д?)

Ye Nan: (д′)

Yueer: (>ω<)

other people:……

What magical operation is this?Can't understand, can't understand.

Maybe this is the boss!

Glancing at the two skin monkeys, Ye Nan took Yue'er onto Qingyun Road.

Qingyun Road is a jade bridge made of a whole piece of white jade, which can't be seen at a glance.When Ye Nan and Yue'er stepped on it, they could feel the gravity on the bridge being strengthened.

But Ye Nan just swept away his mental power and blocked it.

But soon, Qingyun Road's mechanism was triggered.A demon emperor wearing a sky blue coat with his hands behind his back, who looked like an elegant youth, appeared in front of them.

The Demon Emperor showed a surprised look at how he would be selected.

"You two are actually..."

But as soon as he came out, he didn't even finish his words, and Ye Nan, who was very upset, pressed down with mental power.


The demon emperor named Wulan looked sluggish for a moment, and then became angry.


He supported his hands and planned to stand up from the ground, and then—


This time with preparations, Wu Lan, who was still caught off guard and overwhelmed, appeared astonished and shocked this time.




After being pressed into the ground three times in a row, Wu Lan finally learned to behave.

Not only did he not raise his head, he also pressed his head into the pit that he had smashed into, saying,'You treat me as if I don't exist'.

But what made Wulan a little broken was that after Ye Nan shot him three times in a row, he stopped walking on Qingyun Road like this.

Moreover, he shouted to the outside.

"All come in!"

Although the eyes are buried in the pit and can't be seen, the blue house still has ears.

His sensitive ears flickered and heard the footsteps of fried chicken.

One, two, three, four...

He counted silently in his heart.

As the number increases, for every two more people, another gatekeeper will appear on Qingyun Road.


In the beginning, these monster emperors who were suppressed violently would want to resist.

However, I just saw Lan, who is the strongest among them, from the legendary house, all honestly squatting on the ground, these monster emperors who have not trained their muscles in their brains, have died. , Follow the house blue approach.

Seeing a group of big monster emperors lying on the ground, some people fought twice, for fear that they would be stunned by accident.

But there are also people with hot eyes and greed from time to time.

With so many demon emperors, that thing must be correct!

Man Gan and Ao Feng looked at each other, but after noticing Ye Nan, they were silent.

They are a little depressed.

What about that thing?Didn't you see that in front of this senior in the God Realm, whether it was a strong Demon Emperor or a weak Demon Emperor, one counted as one, and they all lie here honestly?

At the same time, these demon emperors were also very angry.

Although they had been included in the Ten Thousand Beasts by Niyang Immortal Emperor, at any rate they only obeyed Niyang Immortal Emperor's personal orders.In front of outsiders, he is still the dominant overlord!

But now, these overlords of them are actually going to give a five-body salute to a group of immortals and demon, and even things that don't know the gods and horses during the catastrophe period?

If it weren't for a terrifying strong man, these people would not add up to the demon emperor's punch!

However, these people do not have the dignity of the so-called'rather than surrender'.

Otherwise, why would you be enslaved by Immortal Emperor Niyang?If you don't want to, you can blow yourself up!

Therefore, despite the humiliating situation they are facing, they are still very committed.

It wasn't until Ye Nan took everyone along Qingyun Road as if they were sightseeing that they all breathed a sigh of relief and stood up from the pit one by one.

As they got up, the pit smashed by the demon emperor's face quickly recovered.

These people, look at me, I look at you, and after they have cleaned up the dust on their bodies, they are treated as okay.

As the demon emperor, whose face is not as thick as the wall!

"Big Brother, where did this big guy come from? They are all so strong, and they still look good at the things of Emperor Niyang?"

Ye Qu, a sturdy and powerful Tyrannosaurus rex, asked Wu Lan, who looked thin and elegant and easy-going.

But Wu Lan shook his head.

"Don't tell, don't tell"

Looking at the other six monster emperors, Wu Lan's eyes contained a trace of heat.

"That's a great man! Compared to him, Immortal Emperor Niyang is not as good as an ant! If that person or someone close to him gets the Ten Thousand Beasts, it might be everyone's blessing to save!"

Chapter 376 is clearly arranged

Cross Qingyun Road and arrive at Jiuzhongtian.

The Nine Layers of Heaven is the core of the Central Realm, a nine-story palace suspended in the sky.

Outside the palace, there are countless white clouds floating as a defensive formation.At first glance, auspicious clouds are blooming, guarding Jiuzhongtian.

Below the palace, there are countless beautiful views.

Jiuzhongtian is the place where Immortal Niyang entertains other immortal emperors and demon emperors. Of course, you can't be stingy, lest you be laughed at.

In front of the palace, a golden scroll hung.

It just suspended there quietly, with a little golden light spilling beside it.

On the wall next to the nine-story sky, there is written an introduction to this scroll, which is also the book of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Yes-Ten Thousand Beasts!"

The moment they saw this, the envoys of the Upper Realm reddened their eyes, and a fiery impulse appeared in their hearts.

Get it, get it!After getting it, as long as you hide in a certain place and cultivate to the immortal emperor, that aspect of the heavenly demon and demon world is nothing to say!

But looking at Ye Nan, the impulse in the hearts of a few people was like a flame of a lighter encountering a ton of ice.


If you hit it like this, let alone sparks, there is no lighter!

Before they hadn't seen how the big figures in the Ten Thousand Beasts Tree were rubbed against the ground by Ye Nan.

Do it this time?Don't talk about whether you can grab it or not. Even if you grab it, what can you do?

Seeing Ye Nan beckoned, the ten thousand beasts book spinning slowly and flew in front of him.

Then, Ye Nan's heart moved, and the ten thousand beasts were recognized as their masters, and all the spirit beasts of the Celestial Immortal, Golden Immortal, and Immortal Emperor level were released.

Thousands of incarnations, at least the god beasts and spirit beasts, all worshipped Ye Nan.

"Meet the master!"

Because it was suppressed by Ye Nan before, even if he looked the most kind, in fact, the most unruly Wu Lan also respectfully bowed down to him.

But Ye Nan didn't respond much to this, instead he looked at the Ten Thousand Beast Book in his hand and nodded.

"Tyrannosaurus, blood dragon, lion, tiger, rabbit, little ant? This is a portable zoo? It's pretty good as a toy. It's similar to Li Doujia Mengmeng's mobile phone."

Go, go to the zoo?

The messengers from the upper realm who understood what Wan Beast Pu was.

In the world of fairy, demon, demon, so many demon emperors, immortal emperor and demon emperor coveted the ten thousand beasts, in this view, is the evaluation of a portable zoo?

And the dream of Li Doujia?Is it someone the senior knew in the gods?

Could it be that the other party's treasure named'mobile phone' has the same utility as Ten Thousand Beasts?

As the crowd turned from comical to stunned expressions, Ye Nan took the Ten Thousand Beasts and took the initiative to unbind it before throwing it in front of Qin Yu.

"Send you off."

Qin Yu took the golden scroll subconsciously, then waved his hand again and again.

"Don't dare! Senior, this treasure is an inferior artifact! It also hosts many powerful people, I..."

Having said this, Qin Yu's face gradually became weird.

Inferior artifact?

The pots seniors used to eat are all top-grade artifacts, which is not unusual at all.

The strong?Are you talking about those strong men who kneeled on the ground without even moving their hands?

Not only him, but even other people, including the Demon Emperor in the Ten Thousand Beasts, were quite helpless.

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