Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 251

Especially the house blue.He was extremely excited when he saw that Wan Beast Tree was sent to Qin Yu's hands, and he was suddenly depressed.

Ye Nan shook his head casually.

"It's just a small toy, I can make it soon if I want it. There are new uses, there is no need to use other second-hand treasures."

Everyone: m (o__) m

Bow your head to the boss!

Listen to this sentence!

What does it mean to have new treasures available for use instead of other second-hand treasures?

If you don't want it, we want it!

We can't realize the happiness of the rich!

A group of scattered immortals and golden immortals, the Demon King and the Demon King watched Qin Yu confessing the master with the drops of blood to the Ten Thousand Beasts, but they dare not say a word.

Especially reckless.

He looked at himself, then at the demon emperor who was also a super divine beast, and then at Qin Yu.

Damn, I just went to immortal, now I can't even compare to other people's men?!

What kind of shit luck did Qin Yu take so that he had a good relationship with the god of the gods?I really want to replace it!

After Qin Yu recognized the master, the scene was very awkward.

Before, the spirit beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts had already said to see their master.Unexpectedly, the owner changed in a blink of an eye.

With their IQs, it’s hard to understand why some people can still abandon them after they get the Ten Thousand Beasts.

Fortunately, this awesome guy Qin Yu knew they were embarrassed, so he put them all in the Ten Thousand Beasts.

After he got it done, Ye Nan turned around and looked at everyone.

"You accompany me all the way, and it's not bad. These things are what Immortal Niyang intends to leave to the challenger, so you can divide it."

With a wave of his hand, countless treasures flew out from the Palace of Nine Heavens.

Among them, there are the best immortal armors, various treasures for cultivation, and other rare treasures.

As the messengers of the upper realm, Mangan, Huayan, Du Zhongjun, and Ao Feng all received a set of armors of the highest quality immortal weapon level.And several pieces of the best immortal artifacts, I'm quite satisfied.

Others who thought that San Xian San Mo San Yao had taken a trip for nothing this time also had some gains, and their faces were full of joy.

This trip to Central Realm, from the beginning of arrival to the end, they were all arranged by Ye Nan clearly.The life-saving ones above and the hole cards used to compete for treasures were actually useless.

But fortunately, this time it wasn't totally unproductive, and I got a familiar face with an unknown God.After going back, this feat is enough to make a difference, maybe you can get other rewards!


After obtaining the treasure, these people were thrown out of the Central Realm by Ye Nan.

He glanced at Qin Yu and said.

"There are things Jiang Lan left for you. You can go in and get them yourself. Except for the exercises, I don't really care about the other second-hand goods left by Emperor Niyang. You can take them all."

Qin Yu: (o_, o)


Obviously received a gift from an immortal emperor, he should be ecstatic.But now, why is it so uncomfortable in my heart?!


In the Palace of Nine Heavens, Qin Yu saw Jiang Lan's clone and obtained Jiang Lan Realm.

Although it didn't take long to separate, he still couldn't help asking Jiang Lan.

"Uncle Lan, how is Li'er?"

"not too good."

Jiang Lan shook his head slightly, making Qin Yu's heart tense.

"Her father forced her to marry, but Lier swears to his death. In addition, let me deal with it, and this matter will pass. So, Xiaoyu, you have to cheer."

"Uncle Lan, I will!"

Qin Yu clenched his fists, his eyes firm.

"I know that if you want to marry Li'er, you must be at least as strong as the upper god! You also need to establish a big power in the gods! Please tell Li'er, I will not let you down with her!"

Chapter 37 Soaring, together?

"you know?"

Jiang Lan felt a little strange at first, but then suddenly nodded.

"Could it be that the senior told you?"

Qin Yu nodded.

"Yes, the predecessors told me everything. Including Li'er being the daughter of the holy emperor of the Arctic, there are many other things in the gods."

"That's it."

At this moment, Jiang Lan looked at Qin Yu with a slightly different expression.

He didn't tell Qin Yu everything before, because he was afraid that he would be frightened by this situation and give birth to a decadent heart.

But since Qin Yu knew this situation, not only did he not shrink back, but instead he was brave and diligent, which made him quite gratified.

Moreover, if the senior was really optimistic about Qin Yu, and could even accept him as a disciple, then Qin Yu and Zhou Xian could immediately stand on the same level!

It's just that this kind of thing can't be too deliberate, otherwise it's easy to be discovered by the other party.So Jiang Lan just thought about it, but didn't say anything.

But now that I know that Senior is here, Jiang Lan's clone is not easy to leave directly.

Together with Qin Yu, he walked out of Jiuzhongtian and paid homage to Bai Yacha.

"Jiang Lan, meet senior."

Facing Jiang Lan's salute, Bai Yacha waved lazily, and nodded perfunctorily.

"Uh, uh."

She looked at the Adversity Realm, thinking that she could try to build a similar secret realm in the community, and reached out to Ye Nan.

"I want to look around here. Tell my boss what you have to do."

Jiang Lan was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Naiyazi who was the second strongest in the field.

As a result, Naiyazi also stepped back to Ye Nan, highlighting him.

Jiang Lan was very surprised when he saw Ye Nan's main group.

An upper god, can actually lead the god king and the god?

This world is so crazy!

But in that case, the upper deity who can be the god king and boss is definitely not an ordinary upper deity.The attitude of treatment also requires respect.

So, even though he felt surprised, Jiang Lan still held a fist against Ye Nan.

"Jiang Lan, I have met fellow Daoist."

"The king of space is famous."

Ye Nan clasped his fists in return with a smile on his face.

Not to mention that Jiang Lan is now a little bit stronger than him by a finger, just say that this is Qin Yu's Uncle Lan.If you don't want to become a big boss, you should welcome the social beating of big boss Qin Yu, and it's better to stay calm.

But right after that, Ye Nan thought of the effect of Jiang Lanjie's time acceleration, which was a great help to his 4/10000, and asked Bai Yacha back.

"Similar to Jiang Lanjie, can you do a magic weapon with different time flow inside and outside?"

"It can be done."

Bai Yacha thought for a while, calculated.

"But for the group owner, it is at most a thousand times the flow rate, no more."

"A thousand times is enough! It's better to say a thousand times!"

A surprise color appeared on Ye Nan's face.

The time flow rate is a thousand times, enough for him to complete the transformation in this copy.

Moreover, it is easier to comprehend the law of time in this dungeon gift, which can provide him with a shortcut to promote the Lord of the universe!

With joy, he enthusiastically took Jiang Lan's arm and said to him.

"I will give my full support to Qin Yu and your niece. You go back and try to deal with it. After tens of thousands of years, I will bring Qin Yu to the door to propose marriage! I have a lot of money here, do you drink?"

Jiang Lan: (_)

Who is your brother Jiang?Who is your brother Jiang?Don't tugging, give me your hand!

I, Jiang Lan, have never seen someone like you!

He couldn't stand Ye Nan's enthusiasm a little, let alone understand where this enthusiasm came from.

But hospitality is hard to come by.He took the Bing Kuo Luo that Ye Nan took out, and pulled the pull ring away without a teacher, and swept away his consciousness.

Is this some kind of brown sugar water?

He opened his mouth and pursed, frowning slightly.

It feels weird.

Seeing his expression, Ye Nan was a little disappointed.

What a pity! What a pity!Not everyone can accept it, and loves the Happy Water of Fat House!

Jiang Lan, you are not really happy!

After doing this, Jiang Lan looked at the novel blue aluminum alloy can, thoughtfully.

Could it be that he used this method to show off the tea?The other party is not willing to talk too much with yourself?

Jiang Lan, who felt that he got Ye Nan's intention, sighed in his heart.

(Ye Nan: What did you get with Timo? I will give you a bottle of Happy Water for sharing, why do you have so many scenes?!)

The other party was optimistic about Qin Yu and was willing to help, but he didn't plan to pay attention to his direct line of the'Eight Great Sage Emperor'.There should be a gap with one or several of the eight holy cities.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the eldest brother, I really want to marry Li'er to Zhou Xian. This is forcing Qin Yu to stand opposite the Eight Great Sages!

Xiaoyao Tianzun + Unknown Tianzun VS Lei Ping Tianzun, maybe, when Qin Yu becomes the upper god, the entire God Realm will usher in a big reshuffle!

As a direct line of the Jiang family of the Eight Sacred Emperors, at this moment, Jiang Lan's heart is not fluctuating, and he even wants to laugh a little.

Who told you Jiang Fan Timo to kill my wife!

There have been people who have heard of murdering their wives to prove the truth, those who kill their husbands, and those who kill the heart-hearted man, but from ancient times to the present, who has heard of murdering their younger sister-in-law to prove the truth?!

Jiang Fan can do this for you!

Therefore, if one day, the eight great holy emperors all rush to the street, although Jiang Lan will not step on their graves, but if you want to say how sad, then surely there will be no.

Holding the cold wide bottle in his hand, Jiang Lan didn't say anything. He fisted again at Ye Nan, broke the space, and left the Adversity Realm directly.

"Why is he leaving now? Is it because I disliked my lavishness and tasted bad?"

Looking at Jiang Lan who was leaving, Ye Nan couldn't understand what he was doing.

Is it really just to say hello to them?

"Hiccup~ I don't know."

Waiting spit out half of the bottle of ice and spit out a large mouthful of carbon dioxide.

"Senior, your syrup is so sweet! Are there any more?"


As a member of the "Fei Zhai Happy Cult", Ye Nan immediately saw Fei pleasingly.

He directly took out a ton of boxes of ice from the kingdom of God and threw it to the waiting fee.

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