Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 285

By the way, Ye Nan sensed the presence of numerous mines and explosives from under his feet.In such a closed environment, the lethality of these weapons can be increased several times.

Facing the tightly closed door, Ye Nan didn't do anything under the camera's shooting. The triple-coded door opened automatically as if welcoming the owner.

After that, Yue'er waved his hand again, and the tanks, armored vehicles and soldiers on the side were all thrown out of the steel case.

With her move, the general in charge of the Eagle Nation almost ordered the fire.


"my God"


Ping pong pong!

In a series of exclamation and pain, the soldiers snapped to the ground in an indecent posture.

At the same time, Ye Nan ordered La Lana in his mind.

"Lallana, take over the network of this world and report strange places to me."

"Yes, master!"

Lallana nodded grinningly, and countless green data streams passed through her inorganic silver eyes.

Within a few seconds, she hugged Ye Nan's ear and whispered softly.

"Master, get it done! I think the master is most interested in this planet named Blue Star. In addition to this gate of time and space, there are two gates of time and space. One of them is in neon and the other is in the Pacific Ocean. Place."

"The door of time and space in Neon was opened from the opposite side some time ago, and many troops from different worlds rushed out, causing a huge riot in the capital of Neon, and many people died. Now, Neon has announced that it has entered a war period and dispatched troops. A counterattack was launched against the other world opposite that time-space gate."

"The Gate of Time and Space in the depths of the Pacific Ocean is not easy to detect because of its geographical location. However, several countries have sent warships and even aircraft carriers to warn them."

Chapter 427

In the meeting room, the Speaker of the Eagle Country, the Deputy Speaker and six members of Parliament sat on a round marble table.

Through the monitor, they clearly saw how the steel gate was opened strangely, and how the yellow girl used green power to instantly wipe out their entire elite camp.

Although there was an order that they were not allowed to fire, the weird superpower was enough to make the lawmakers vigilant.

"The bombs buried in the ground have lost their signal, and my people cannot detonate them remotely."

The congressman on the military side looked bad.The bombs buried in the steel shells, which they had pinned their hopes on before the nuclear bomb, had lost their effect before they were used.

"Things haven't reached this point yet!"

Some Members made their own suggestions.

"Although the elite battalion we had high hopes for was defeated, fortunately, the soldiers were not injured. Moreover, the other party just spoke English, which is obviously able to communicate! The opposite is not what we thought, it is a pure Chinese country. Ancient society!"

Several members were preparing to discuss this, but suddenly the space in the conference room was distorted.

The next moment, Ye Nan, holding Yue'er's hand, appeared in the conference room with Yue'er.

"You are the leaders of this country? You sent troops into the country without notice? This is already an undeclared war!"

Ye Nan didn't even dare to use the coercion on his body, for fear of destroying the city directly, but simply stared at these people.

But this is already a species-level suppression.It's like fighting a tiger and a small milk cat, who are both cats.

The Speaker and Members of the Eagle Country felt that the air in the conference room, which was supposed to be extremely fresh under the action of the air cleaner at this moment, had become as heavy as a block of lead and could not breathe at all.

After more than ten seconds, Ye Nan looked back.A group of speakers and congressmen blushed with thick necks, desperately breathing air.

There are also several MPs who are trying to press the emergency call button under the table.

"Don't bother."

Seeing this, Yue'er covered her mouth with a chuckle.

"The meeting room and the outside space have been isolated. No matter what you do, it is impossible to know from outside."

In an instant, Ye Nan read the memory of the Speaker and the members and transmitted Yue'er.

The effect is that after they discovered the space door, they blocked it immediately, then sent scientific researchers into the exploration, and used a drone to shoot a video in a nearby town.

According to the research on the video and samples, although it is a bit weird, they found that the opposite is a illusion that is very backward in technology but very suitable for human life.So, in only one night, the Eagle Nation Council decided to send a modern army to attack and colonize another world!

But I didn't expect that as soon as I came in, I ran into Ye Nan and Yue'er and played GG.

"Okay, Yue'er. Things are clear. What should I do now?"

Ye Nan asked Yue'er, who had digested these memories.

"If you don't count as a group mission, this is just an ordinary life planet that is experiencing misfortune. In line with the mission's first principle, I can handle it now; but if you want to develop the Qin country, it's better to go to Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Fan Zeng have instilled modern technology and thinking in their minds and talked with Eagle Country seriously. After all, even with the power of the Canglong Qi Su, a mushroom will be cold when it bounces off, not to mention the productivity, combat effectiveness and power of the two worlds. Comprehensive suppression at the economic level."

After all, Yue'er is different from the reincarnated Ye Nan.

It was not a few years since Ye Nan was reincarnated and reborn, and his parents died in the second year. He needed to provoke the burden of the family to support his and his sister.Under the pressure of life, he has no affection for Xia Guo, who is not his native country although he is similar.

What's more, it didn't take long for him to experience hundreds of thousands of years of life devouring the starry sky, becoming a passing superpower who temporarily lived in Xia Country instead of being a native of Xia Country.

But Yue'er, or Ji Ru Qianlong, the true royal descendant of the Zhou Dynasty, loves the former Yan State and the present Qin State deeply.

Therefore, she hardly thought about it and nodded.

"Then let Zhang Liang on the left, Xiao He on the right, and Fan Zeng on the right to talk about it. Rome was not built in a day, and the development of the country has to come step by step."

"Then it's settled."

Still talking gently to Yue'er, Ye Nan turned around and spoke indifferently to the Speaker and Members of the Eagle Country.

"A week later, I will let us send negotiators here to talk with you. At that time, I hope that they will be greeted by flowers and applause, not guns and flames."

After speaking, he teleported back to Qin Chao with Yue'er.

Until then, a congressman continued to press the emergency call button hard.

In just an instant, more than a dozen fully armed guards rushed in from the door.

They used their bodies as a fence for the first time to protect the Speaker and Members of Parliament, while using weapons to target any presence in the conference room that might become a threat.

But to their astonishment, nothing changed in the conference room and nothing happened.

"It's all waste! Get out of me!"

One of the members flushed and slapped the table severely.

The guards looked inexplicable.

Under the reassurance of the speaker, they closed the door of the conference room again.

In the seat of the meeting again, Eagle Country Speaker, the most powerful person in this country knocked on the table.

"Let’s talk about it, everyone. About what happened just now. Obviously, the other party knows us very well, and the force value is far beyond our expectations. The previous plan can already be thrown into the garbage dump as waste paper."

"I said before that the colonization of another world was too hasty!"

Some members who raised objections before, stepped forward at this time.

Under the current circumstances, what he said is particularly convincing.

"I admit that the idea and plan of colonizing a different world is very tempting, and it even allows each of us to stay in history while making a lot of money! But the greater the temptation before you, everyone The more we should stay sensible! We are the minds of Eagle Nation! We are the captain and navigator of this big ship! No matter when it is, a clear brain is the most important thing!"

He sprayed it very well, but immediately he felt something wrong.

Because before him, including the speaker and the deputy speaker, the entire council members agreed to colonize another world and seize land by force.And he raised an objection because of his interest.

But it's okay if he doesn't say it. Doesn't he offend everyone in the council?

You are the only one smart co-author, we are all fools?

Especially the Speaker, staring at him with a rather ugly face right now.

What do you mean?Does it mean that as the brain of the Eagle Country, I have lost my mind in the face of huge interests, so it is useless?

Since you are so far-sighted, how about I, the speaker, let you do it?

The fourth and the eighth chapters are stunned on the tree, stunned for fruit, stunned for you and me

But fortunately, this congressman is not really stupid, but wants to use this to gain more political capital, seek greater benefits, and have the right to speak for the big pie of affairs in other worlds.

It's impossible to be an idiot who can sit in this position.

So immediately, after discovering that there was a problem with his own speech, he might have encountered collective targeting by other people, he changed the mood, and immediately continued.

"Therefore, under the command of the Speaker, we need to reformulate our judgments and plans for another world, especially the two unknown superpowers just now. This country is now experiencing an unprecedented storm, but at the same time this is also an opportunity! I believe that under the leadership of the Speaker, Eagle Country will surely ride the wind and waves and have a better tomorrow!"


At the end of his speech, the remaining members and the deputy speaker immediately applauded.The speaker's black face, which was originally black, became full of smiles at some point.

Others looked at the congressman with different eyes: I didn't expect you to be such a person!

This wit and quick wit is really worth learning!

After the applause, some congressmen began to talk business.

"What is known now is that the opponent has a very strong individual strength, and can even appear in front of us directly from the'door'. In this way, are the samples, videos and other information obtained before effective?"

The worst part is that since the opponent can suddenly appear, it is not difficult to kill yourself and others.In other words, their safety is not guaranteed.

"I think it's still effective."

The deputy speaker said.

"You can find that although these two people have supernatural powers, their costumes are still the ancient style of a certain oriental country. Perhaps their existence is like a fantasy novel, in a magical world with underdeveloped technology but supernatural powers."

"Furthermore, judging from the other party's use of English to communicate with us, he knows us quite well, but we don't know anything about them. It is very difficult to conduct so-called'negotiations'."

"So, there is still too little information."

The speaker stretched out his hands.

"Now what we say is useless. The best thing to do is to gather all the negotiation experts in the country and wait for the'negotiation' to start. Only when the other party makes a move first can we see the trick."


At this moment, I felt that I didn't know what to do, and there was a mess in my mind, not just the legislators of Yingjiang.

After Ye Nan used a super learning machine to instill a large piece of modern information in three days, Zhang Liang, Xiao He and Fan Zeng all walked.

A Guangsha over 100 meters high?What kind of "gasoline" carriage?An airplane that can travel thousands of miles a day, heading towards Cangwu and going to Beiming at night?

A mushroom bomb that can destroy a city?A hot weapon that can shoot faster, farther and more accurate than crossbow arrows?

Socialist society?capitalist society?Are they in the primary form of feudal society?

"Your Majesty, please allow me to postpone one day, and then report."

Zhang Liang rubbed his head, which was so troubled by too much information, almost racking his brains and thinking.

Xiao He and Fan Zeng are the same.

Even Zhang Liang is better than the two of them because of his martial arts.

One day later, they came to the palace again.

The three of them looked at each other, looking at each other, the expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

Zhang Liang sighed and gave Xiao He a salute to Fan Zeng?

"Xiao Xiang, Fan Xiang, do you have a clue when you two ponder for a day?"


Xiao He also sighed and shook his head slowly.

"The information that your Majesty has sent to me is so great that it is even difficult to digest in a day. Today's discussion, we must rely on two people a lot."

Fan Zeng nodded and said nothing.

From a survivor of Chu State, he turned to become Qin State Yaxiang. He has been cautious for more than half a year, walking on thin ice, lest he be attacked and wiped out in court.

At the same time, he was still a little strange in his heart-he clearly shouted out that although Chu had three households, Qin must be killed, but why did he turn around and take refuge in Da Qin?Shaoyu also transformed into a general of Qin State?

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