Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 286

Does it feel like there are hundreds of chapters missing in the middle?

As if sensing the arrival of the three prime ministers, the gate of the palace opened automatically.

But at this moment, Yue'er was not the only one sitting on the throne.

Ye Nan, Ye Lan, who hadn’t played for a long time, were all with Yue’er. The three of them fell on the couch-like dragon chair and made a fuss. Yue’er’s crown was all worn on Ye Lan’s head, and they were so dumb. A prime minister.

If Yue'er is a male emperor, now the three prime ministers are going to spit blood, shouting Ye Lan's demon girl to harm the country with outrage.

But the problem is that Yue'er is a queen.The fool who didn't have eyesight before, dared to play and ask her to enrich the harem, and gave birth to the prince as soon as possible, has been sent to the frontier.

And they also knew that Yue'er's way of inheriting the Qin Dynasty was very different from every previous king.Therefore, the three big and small Cheng did not see what they were doing. They kept their heads down without squinting and just stood at the door.

However, the emergence of the gate of time and space caused the Qin Dynasty to meet with modern society more than two thousand years later, causing Yue'er, who had regretted becoming the emperor, to have a smashing mind, and now he is too lazy to do superficial skills.

"come in."

She leaned on Ye Nan lazily, and thought to feed him a crystal grape.

With this posture, the three prime ministers raised their heads slightly, and when the corners of their eyes were swept away, they immediately lowered their heads in fright.

Kan Yue'er smiled, but just as tired as he didn't plan to do business, Ye Nan shook his head helplessly.

He rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand to scrape the nose of this little salted fish, and said on his behalf.

"There are three days left, which is the day when Daqin and Yingguo agreed to negotiate. I wonder if the three of you can have a draft at this time?"

As for the original prime minister Li Si of the Qin Dynasty, he was killed a long time ago because he and Zhao Gao participated in the assassination of Yan Dan ten years ago, leading to the arrest of Concubine Yan and Yue'er becoming an orphan.

When he noticed that it was Ye Nan who was talking, not their queen, the three prime ministers were really fucking.

Your Majesty!Although you pushed all the government affairs to us, and even when you were planning to lose the upper court every three days, you finally realized that you were not very reliable after the seven days, but it would not be so unreliable!

Xiao He really has an old blood to spray.

Having attended the wedding of Ye Nan and Yue'er, he replied respectfully, knowing the true relationship between the two.

"Thanks to the Emperor of Heaven. The knowledge I and the three of you acquired the day before was too complicated, and now the brain is still swollen, and there is no clue for negotiation. But it is nothing more than the people's livelihood, military and economic aspects."

"Don't Xiao Xiang be so humble, don't you still have ideas?"

Ye Nan held Ye Lan in his left hand, and Yue'er in his right, sitting on it and giving orders.

If he didn't know it, he would think he was the emperor of Qin.

"Like your Majesty, I believe very much in the ingenuity of the three. If one day fails, then go back and think about it for a few days, and discuss what you think of. After three days, I will directly take you and other officials to the Eagle. Country is."

Zhang Liang: (⊙﹏⊙)

Fan Zeng: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a

Xiao He: (O_O)

The fourth and twentieth chapters of the Qin Kingdom

In the face of Ye Nan,'You still have time, you can go back and think again' this generous decision, the three prime ministers were all stunned.

If you say that these three people really have no plans in their hearts, they simply underestimated their wisdom and Ye Nan's learning device.

These three old coins said that they had no clue. In fact, each of them had a good idea, so they planned to wait for Ye Nan to ask, and then talked about it by themselves, and then pretended to say, "This is just a first draft, I can work hard to improve it." Own wisdom.

But Ye Nan didn't cooperate with their performance at all!

The three of them couldn't even say a word, they were waved by Ye Nan and flew out of the palace gate with a breeze.

Before the three of them landed, the palace gate closed with a bang.

Facing the closed Wusei palace gate, Zhang Liang, Xiao He and Fan Zeng stared at them with big eyes. For a while, they were speechless.

After a long while, Zhang Liang shook his head and sighed.

"It deserves to be under the crown of the emperor. Our careful thinking, I am afraid that the crown can be seen at a glance!"

"With the wisdom and insight under the crown of the emperor, of course we can't hide this little thought."

Fan Zeng squinted the young man, thinking that Zhang Liang was really a little fox.

"I just didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven would be here today. And it seems that your Majesty is less and less want to take care of things now."

"So what's the matter?"

Xiao He stroked his beard confidently.

"Isn't our existence just to share the worries between your majesty and the emperor? The countries under the control of the emperor are as numerous as gravel, and you can't have to deal with everything personally."

"Walk around, I count as a big one today. Both of you will come to my house. They must discuss this cross-world meeting within three days and come up with a charter."

The eldest Fan Zeng smiled and invited Xiao He and Zhang Liang.

Inside the palace, Ye Nan took out his handheld game console, played with Ye Lan and Yue'er with monsters torturing people, and smiled in his heart.

Deliberately slap me at the gate of the palace, thinking I don't know what you want?

With your mind, you deserve to be promoted!


Three days passed in a flash.

With extraordinary force, these three guys just slept for only ten hours in three days together. After formulating more than 20 regulations, they can still maintain their vigor.

Looking at the radiant three, Ye Nan didn't say much, directly using the law of space to lead them to the gate of time and space.

At the same time waiting at the door, there are warriors represented by Gainie, Xiaomeng, and Xunzi; generals represented by Meng Tian, ​​Xiang Shaoyu, and Han Xin.

These nine people, plus Ji Ru Qianlong as the Emperor of Qin, and Ye Lan as the empress, are all members of the'Da Qin Mission to Eagle Country'.

When the gate of time and space made by steel opened, Yue'er and his party were warmly welcomed by Eagle Country.

Don't know how they do it, white, black, Asian, Hispanic.

Children of all skin colors held wreaths in their hands, showing pure and flawless faces, and one by one they sent colorful flowers to the members of the Daqin delegation.

Afterwards, the deputy speaker of the Eagle Country personally appeared near the Gate of Time and Space, welcoming the delegation with a smile on his face.


Next to him stood a female translator who looked obviously Asian, whose body, face and temperament were all in line with the oriental aesthetic standards, and spoke a certain oriental Mandarin very fluently.

"In the words of a great eastern country, the arrival of everyone has really made my eagle country prosper!"

He urgently made up for the ancient etiquette of a certain eastern country. He didn't want to shake hands impolitely, but held his fists away from a distance of one meter.

Then for an instant, he blinked his eyes.

"Thank Eagle Country for willing to host such a grand welcome ceremony for us. I am very happy."

Yue'er didn't use an interpreter or English. Instead, she spoke directly in a certain Oriental Mandarin.

In fact, the serious Qin Dynasty Mandarin is Xianyang dialect, but Qin Shimingyue, where Yueer is located, has a less serious world outlook.

In the Qin Dynasty, there were high heels and stockings all over the floor, which is too exaggerated.

Upon learning that the Qin Kingdom was actually the emperor, the actual ruler of the country was coming, the Eagle Kingdom did not dare to entrust him.

Except for the deputy speaker, the speaker and members all came.At the moment, I am waiting in a five-star hotel.

After they welcomed the Daqin delegation in the hotel lobby with smiles, they blinked one after another.

This is quite normal, because it is impossible for a person to blink without blinking.

But if someone opens the game map, they will find that the speaker and councillors who were just light yellow neutral units are now all green friendly units.

And Yue'er smiled tacitly to Ye Lan.

Say something that the six countries know and have deeply experienced——

Qin, tiger and wolf too!

If you can swallow an entire country, why should there be peace talks?

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps.Natural selection, survival of the fittest!

This is the eternal truth!

In fact, the first sentence of the plan handed over by Zhang Liang, Xiao He and Fan Zeng is--

With the majesty of your majesty, can you order the Eagle Nation Council?

The vernacular means, your majesty, can your spells turn members of the Eagle State Council into your own?

The answer is of course no problem.After all, before the time and space gate appeared, this world was completely an ordinary world of doomsday.

At first, Yue'er was taken aback by looking at the plan.

"Is this plan really okay?"

For the first time, she questioned her three very useful'tool people' prime ministers.

"Even the gate of time and space, our Qin State is only a feudal society, right? Can we swallow Eagle State directly?"

"Without your Majesty, this plan is just a foolish dream."

Xiao He pointed out the key to this plan in one sentence.

"But if your majesty makes a move, the eagle country will be like a search for something."

On the other side, Zhang Liang, who was quite handsome, also made a magnetic voice that matched that face.

"Your Majesty's only shortcoming is that he is too kind."

With a smile on his face that made people feel like a spring breeze, he boldly said no matter before or after, except for Yue'er, as long as he said it, he was likely to be hacked to death directly by the emperor.

"Your Majesty might as well think like this-if the First Emperor is still in power and we meet the Eagle Country, then the situation will be reversed. My Da Qin, will I become the opponent's pocket?"

Finally, Fan Zeng also explained.

"Eagle country, the foreign barbarians! Since the other party sent out an army after getting to know us, it was a provocation to my Daqin! It was a declaration of war! If it is not our race, its hearts must be different. The heart is damnable!"

After the three prime ministers took turns, Yue'er's eyes gradually became blank.

Maybe I am really not suitable for being an emperor?

So Yue'er, thinking about it this way, agreed to the plan of the three prime ministers.

At the same time, she secretly named the visit'Operation Eagle Training'.

Chapter 430, The Son of Fortune-Lance

In the conference room, the door is closed, the related equipment is shielded, and the room is full of people.

One by one, top-secret information about the Eagle Country was revealed from the speaker and members of the assembly, and they were recorded by Zhang Liang, Fan Zeng and Xiao He.

Yue'er and Ye Lan couldn't help much at this time, and silently took out the mobile phone group.

Iori Temple: Lots of aliens!Did my world directly collide with an alien planet?All over the world, dozens of cities have fallen.If it were not for the strong will of the world, I would have asked for foreign aid!

Aleister: For the will of the world, human beings are only a part of the world.Moreover, given the number of human beings and the nature of estrus 24 hours a year, even if it is reduced to just over 100,000, it will take a few hundred years to give birth to a large area again.From a human point of view, whether the standard of world consciousness meets human's emotional cognition and interest needs remains to be discussed.

Zhang Jiao: I have figured it out.Opposite is Germany from World War II.The armored unit of the Lightning Division, who was about to drive to Lucia, was beaten by the icy and snowy society, accidentally found a space door, and came to me through time and space.

Ji Ru Qiantaki: I am also me too!My country of Qin is connected to the country of Eagle, which has reached the level of technological development in the 21st world!However, according to Zhang Liang, Xiao He and Fan Zeng’s plan, I used psychological control to turn the other's leaders into my own. Now they are talking about letting the Eagle State drive Qin State to the maximum without arousing public anger. development of.

Zhang Jiao: Control the opponent's leader?If it's a mustache, it's a very good suggestion!Thank you for your reminder!

Ji Ruqiantaki: Oh, the hostess's wife or something, so shy!(*^▽^*)

Illya: Well, someone will come to help the weak and weak. They are poor and helpless, but they are especially edible. Can I eat more than ten catties of Illya sauce for a ton?

CC: This tone is like Xiao Hei.I also encountered a group of outsiders who were no longer within the scope of the Akashic records.Because of them, a world without lies is doomed to be impossible, Charles and Mariana have to change their plans.It's really interesting!

Illya: Hey, I'm right.A few days ago, Meiyou was taken away while shopping for groceries. Illiya and I chased through the parallel world.Now I am planning to rescue Meiyou and Brother Shilang from this world together.

Nan Xiaoniao: It sounds dangerous. Is it okay for you two?

Iliya: No problem!Because of the'fate of catching jio' with Ilia, the young Gilgamesh promised to help us.And Ilia is now so strong that I can't beat it, so I really envy and hate it!╭╯^╰╮

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