Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 290

Huang Feihong: Save, save, save, save!!!!

Emperor Nantian: (д)

Ye Nan raised his head and found that Huang Feihong's expression remained unchanged, comforting Lin Shirong and all the officials who had come after hearing the news.

The basic skills of sand sculpture group members-the actor possession!

I didn't expect you to be such a master Huang!

Emperor Nantian: @.What would happen if I helped other members of the group to complete another world invasion mission?

Daozu: If a group member unfortunately crashes into a different world beyond his ability, this situation will also happen.In fact, each group member’s world is connected to a different number of different worlds.It's just that the universe is so big that most of them are not in line with the planet where the group members are located, and some, such as the world where the group leader is located, are my will, so I just got it right.Correspondingly, of course, there is no world mission reward.I will help you find that world will to ask.

Daozu: Okay, I asked for you.The World Will over there said that although the chances are small, Huang Feihong still has a little hope that he can defeat the world called'Abyss' on his own.So it doesn't want you to help.

Emperor Nantian: Looking at the sky.ok, I get it.

Ye Nan turned his head and said to Huang Feihong.

"Master Huang, the administrator said, the world will of this world does not intend to let me intervene."

"That's it."

Huang Feihong's face was obviously disappointed.

"If this is the case, then Huang can't force it. Just after this catastrophe, I won't fall into the hands of the magic way."

Ye Nan was silent.

He is not easy to talk about such things.After all, this is the decision of the will of the world.

Kato Megumi: So, my world will become what it is now, also because the world will not want others to help, right?Except for internationally famous countries, many small countries have already declared annihilation.Especially Africa.Countless beasts on the African savannah have mutated. Under the tide of beasts, not many cities in Africa have survived.

Nan Xiaoniao: Compared with many members of the group, the Earth Lord I am in is also considered lucky.

Shiroyasha: Emmmmm, when we talked, Hakata didn't know how many parallel worlds were included.Even if other worlds merge into the box garden, as long as it doesn't look like the prehistoric, the terrifying world of the primitive universe, the box garden center will not react at all.

Daozu: Since the world will make this decision, it must have its own considerations.In fact, the protagonist of this era is human.No matter what the will of the world thinks, it needs to be human.The pain now is for future happiness.

Daozu: And we generally have a dimensional shared group in everything that is different from others. The fighting power ranks among the forty-nine dimensional shared groups, so I can also reveal some things.Compared to the real dimensional battlefield, what you have experienced is just a piece of cake.In a truly high-end dimensional battlefield, like a big man with the surname Chen, Tiantian Dao is the basic operation.

Monkey King: But as far as our current strength is concerned, the total is not enough for you to fight with one hand.

Taoist ancestor: No one is born strong and invincible, and even the Tao of Heaven is slowly growing up.There is still time, so don't worry.

There are not many fools in the group.Daozu just mentioned it, and it took root in many people's hearts.

For example, there has been no movement, but Aleister is developing the academy city into a tourist city.

"Is it all right?"

Putting the phone down, Aleister used his very special, like the voice of an old man, a child, a man and a woman, and asked Ivers.

Ives, with the aperture on his head, tapped Feng Zhan Binghua, who was also against the aperture but with a black face on his face, and shook his head.

"No. The power and rituals are correct, but the resonance of the soul is still missing. If you manufacture them in batches now, you can only make artificial angels of this degree at best."

"I know."

Aleister flipped the phone and placed his finger on the copy of "The Fall of the Son of Dawn".

If the angels are not good, then the fallen angels can also try.


After reading the Pacific Rim, Yue'er and Ye Lan found many logical problems.

For example, to deal with big monsters of this level, you have to build super expensive but super useless walls, and also make the same tall mechas with fatal weaknesses. This is a foolish operation. .

In the eyes of the two, this is simply a popcorn blockbuster relying on special effects, and it has no reference point.

The emotional drama is also a mess, there is no washing.

Finally, the divine operation that invaded the monster's brain was even more mentally retarded.Feel free to communicate with other people's mental power, you are not afraid of being controlled by the other person and becoming a traitor?

Her novice is not so stupid!

Moreover, until the end or even the second part, I didn't figure out what the opposite of the other world was.So Yue'er planned to send a clone to explore the way ahead.

Yue'er tore off a piece of her own hair, blew it in front of her, and at the same time compared a magic trick, and shouted.


In an instant, as a white light flashed, this hair became the appearance of Yue'er itself.

Yue'er sent this avatar to explore the way, while she was eating potato chips and drinking Kuoluo, watching with Ye Lan, how her newly-acquired little brother had beaten the army of another world.


It is different from many unscrupulous clones and shadow clones.Yue'er's transformed clone still listened to the deity's words very much.

She first added a water avoidance tactic to herself, and then teleported to the gate of time and space where Kaiju Beast appeared.

Unlike steel gates on land, this gate of time and space is surrounded by a layer of light blue halo, and it looks like it has been subjected to rough secondary processing.

But when the other party processed it halfway, he should find that there was no way to do anything with this time-space gate, so he simply gave up.

Passing through the gate of time and space, Yue'er's clone came to a deadly continent.

The sky is unclear or dark gray, countless smoke and dust obscures the sky, and the sunlight is also covered with a gray color.

The air is full of radiation, and even breathing may inhale smoke and dust.

This is not adding a little haze to the air, but like adding a little air to the haze.

It feels like a wasteland world after the nuclear explosion.

The fourth and third chapters of Daqin's territory are expanding

"whispering sound."

Although only a clone, Yue'er still looked around with disgust.

If you don't wear a mask or respirator in this environment, you will be full after a few breaths, and it will be disgusting when you think about it!

But in this harsh environment, oxygen accounts for more than 35%, which is quite suitable for large-scale, but not very demanding on the environment, or in other words, the survival of rough-skinned creatures.

For example, Kaijumon.

Although Yue'er came as a clone, it was also a very powerful clone.Although it is not as good as Ye Nan's mind to scan, he can understand the situation of the entire planet, and his brain is comparable to a super super electronic computer, but after a few teleports, he will probably grasp the situation.

Apart from Kaijumon in this world, there are other intelligent creatures.But these intelligent creatures live in the underground hundreds of meters deep.

The ground is a paradise for chrysanthemum beasts, or a breeding ground.This biological weapon, which contains a lot of nuclear radiation, grows in the open air in a high-radiation environment like a fish in water.

For the safety of the place of residence, just in case, the Kaijumon is designed to be amphibious, but it is not suitable for local work.Even if the Kaiju Beast is out of control, it will not endanger the safety of the creator.

This is much more reliable than the Eagle Sauce military who always creates monsters that he can't handle.

Although the intelligent creatures here are also humanoids, their skin has become grayish white because they live underground all year round.

Their eyes are also degraded to a certain degree, unable to adapt to too bright environments, and their brightness is about 30% more sensitive than humans.

In addition, their hair has become sparse, and their stature is slightly rickety.In terms of appearance, it is simply a monster in the eyes of humans.

"Do you really want to make these guys my subordinates?"

Yueer hesitated.

"This is simply pulling down the appearance of our camp!"

The little girl on the outside, Yue'er, who is already a mature lady in her heart, struggled for a while, but she still made up her mind.

Forget it, the ugly one is ugly.Regardless of black and white cats, the ones that can be used are good cats.

Besides, these guys are also scientific researchers anyway, just squat underground and don't have to come out to meet people.

Thinking about this, Yue'er's figure continued to appear in the nests of intelligent creatures in this world with the teleportation, enslaving their spirits piece by piece with secret methods.

In just a short period of time, the entire group named'Crypt People' by her became Yue'er's subordinates.

This is the horror that Weili attributed to the individual.There is no gunpowder smoke, no bloodshed, but an entire ethnic group has changed its doors.


After coming to another world, Xiao He watched a massacre of the cold weapon army by the modern army, but Xiao He did not ask Yue'er to make these kings of other worlds his own.

Da Qin's face against Yingjiang would be an absolute disadvantage if not counted as Yue'er.With the speed and strategic deployment of modern warfare, I am afraid that the entire Daqin can be eaten in one year.If Yueer didn't do anything, Daqin would become a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society until they were swallowed by Yingjiang.

This time the strategy for another world is similar.However, Ying Jiang was already on the same front with Da Qin secretly.

Xiao He needs such a war to enrich the case library, and also prepare for what to do if this happens again in the future.

It is better to compose this chapter with the blood of another world than with the soldiers and people of Daqin.


Lu Mingfei: Unlucky, unlucky!Uncle Long, don't think you can hide yourself!Your distinctive big nose and the ability to use anything as a weapon have already betrayed you!

Lu Mingfei: @.Is there any work that tells the story of Uncle Long and the giant dragon?I collided with that other world that I didn't know, and many big green fire dragons came out!Now the whole world knows that there are dragons!I asked the group owner to fix the dragons in this world, how come the dragons from another world came to join in the fun!

Emperor Nantian: No picture, no truth!

Lu Mingfei: Oh, oh.Giant Dragon.jpg, and Uncle Dragon.jpg, and the child next to Uncle Dragon, who claims to be the Queen of Darkness.jpg

Nantiandi: Well, I seem to already know what it is.

Emperor Nantian uploaded a file-the super-large memory illusion "The Adventures of Uncle Long", downloading requires 1 share value.

Nan Tiandi: This is an American version of a Chinese myth. The specific content is nonsense, nonsense plus nonsense, and the combat effectiveness cannot be evaluated at all.The strong can kill you, and the weak may kill you.I wish you a good time (sorrow).

Lu Mingfei: _(:q∠)_awsl!

Lu Mingfei: You can't do this, group owner!Lord save me!It's not two days since the little monster and I started to live happily and happily, so how come we have suffered another disaster!I don't want to talk about this kind of fate!

Penglai Shan Huiye: But the will of the world is not allowed to help, please be sad (indifferent push glasses)

Lu Mingfei: Cry!

Lu Mingfei: Okay, let's not talk about it, I'm going to kill the dragon.

Lu Mingfei opened the live broadcast room.

Inside the camera, a close-up view of Lu Mingfei appeared.

With a cold expression on his face, he wore a very sloppy silver cloak outside the black tights.

On the shiny black and gold belt, there is still a big sword buckled.

He was standing on the edge of a high-rise building's rooftop, and the roaring wind around him blew Lu Mingfei's clothes, showing the vigorous muscles under the tights, in full swing.

This picture lasted for several seconds, and then came a cold voice from behind the camera because it was so cute and lacking in emotion.

"Sakura, is this okay?"


Lu Mingfei threw off the lonely wolf-like cold domineering expression on his face, and immediately turned into a Siberian Husky, and took the phone with a smirk.

For his appearance, we generally call it academically-licking a dog.

Immediately after that, he and Eriya wearing a witch costume appeared in the screen at the same time.

Emperor Nantian: I ate a bite of dog food as soon as I came in, it's so fragrant!

CC: The ultimate goal of every dog ​​licking is to lick each other!(Thumbs) Congratulations!

Hela: I smelled death.The little girl's voice is similar to the power I have.

Emperor Nantian: Eat the meal that Huiliyi bought you with your brother-in-law's money, and use the knife that Huiliyi snatched you from your brother-in-law.Lu Mingfei, I would like to call you the strongest licking dog!The so-called lick to the end has everything!

Uchiha Madara:...

Aleister: With the super-electromagnetic cannon and the power of one party, plus Lu Mingfei's original voice, defeating the eight demons who have been sealed for a long time, the strength has gone to seven or eight should be no problem.I still have experiments to do, let's go first.

"Oh, goodbye, chairman."

Seeing this barrage, Lu Mingfei nodded quickly.

Then, he put the phone away and pinned the button camera to his chest.

From this perspective, many small black spots gradually appeared in the sky.

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