Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 291

It was a group of green Yalong under the Lord's hand.

The fourth thirty-seventh chapter dragon and fighter

Nine-headed dragon Bayi: Wait, wait, the question is not dragons, right?Uesugi Eri has spoken!

Cona Kamui: It's incredible, it's incredible.

Kato Megumi: What's so strange about this?If Lu Mingfei had the help of the group and awakened from his previous life, it would be strange that Eriyi could not even speak.

Drug Island Kick: No, no.

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi: Well, I made a fuss.

Emperor Nantian: Huh?Sister, have you awakened some strange mouth addiction?

Poison Island: O (∩_∩) O haha~ no.I'm just playing FXO recently, and I think the mouth addiction of a certain Roman emperor seems to be very interesting, so imitate it!

Hei Zhen: Is Nero's mouth addiction interesting?I think so.But she sings very nicely.

Emperor Nantian: Hahaha, the singing of His Majesty Nero, who really listens to it.

Nan Xiaoniao: Huh, isn't it?Then next time, can you ask the emperor to sing a theme song for us?If it is a beautiful singing voice, it will definitely add a lot to our dance!

Emperor Nantian: This can be!

Dudao Kiezi: Well, this is really possible!

Penglai Shan Huiye: That's right!As long as you like to hear His Majesty Nero sing, we are good friends!

Regardless of the topics in the group that have been skewed to nowhere, when Lu Mingfei's live broadcast view was zoomed out, everyone discovered that Lu Mingfei and Uesugi Eriya were not the only two here.

Chu Zihang with black hair, Caesar with blond hair, and Chen Motong with red hair... On the top of several buildings beside Lu Mingfei, many familiar faces stood.

Except for Lu Mingfei and Uesugi Eriyi, everyone else was without exception. All they were holding were sniper rifles, which were filled with armor-piercing bullets.

At the same time, a total of nine fighters from the three formations flew across the sky, and countless bullets shot at Yalong in the sky like scattered light spots.

However, the Yalong raised by the Holy Master is not the kind of flying lizard in another world.

Although these Yalongs were green and always felt endowed with a certain special symbol, they were all blessed by the Holy Master with magic, and they might even be descendants of his evil dragon.

So, the same as the dragons in this world.The machine gun bullets from the fighter jets hit these Yalongs without breaking the defense at all. Instead, the pain aroused the fierceness of these Yalongs.


Although fighters know how to use tactics, these Yalongs are not covered!

They seem to be very familiar with how to fight in the air, and they even set up a formation in the air, opening their mouths together.

Crimson flames condensed in their mouths, and then, the light became more and more dazzling.

In the next moment, fireballs flew out from the mouths of the Yalongs like bullets, loose and tight, turning into a big net, and rushing towards the fighters.

Looking at this situation, even though it was the first time to fight the Dragon, the American fighter pilots showed their excellent tactical qualities.


The nine fighters made their judgments almost at the same time, using a vertical 360-span maneuver, and with the long-range agility of the fighters far surpassing the Yalongs, they escaped the fireball net dangerously and dangerously.

These fireballs rushed hundreds of meters along the flight trajectory, and then exploded in midair, instantly turning the originally flat fireball net into a cube full of flames.

If the fighter formation does not escape unfortunately, it will definitely be an end.

Then, the surviving fighter formation launched a second wave of offensive.

"Missile ready-launch!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The engine of the steel missile suspended under the wings was immediately ignited.

A tail flame sprayed from behind their buttocks, dragging a long wave, and rushing towards the Yalong Flying Group in front of them at supersonic speed.

Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo!

In the same way, the Yalongs once again spewed a fireball net.

Nearly 80% of the missiles hit the fireball, causing a series of detonations.In the end, no missile can escape the interception.

Two consecutive setbacks forced the captain of this temporary squadron to make changes.

"Disperse as a team! Carry out plan B and cover for the Dragon Warrior!"

The dragon warriors here refer to the students of Kassel College.

In the beginning, the military did not believe that any dragon could ignore bullets or even missiles.

Although the Kassel Academy took out dragon scales as an experiment, many generals still refused to accept it.

But they are not stupid, and they did not just reject the plan of'their main attack, the military restrains' proposed by Cassell Academy.

The military made two-handed preparations.

First, of course, it's on your own.Use machine guns and rocket launchers to tell those damn dragons that this is the kingdom of mankind, not to be presumptuous!

But in case, if what the people at Kassel College said is true, just follow their plan honestly.

This is a war between mankind and different species. If you are not careful, you will be scolded and raped!

I'm saying that after a few dragons come down and study how these guys should be killed, it's time for the military to show off again.

In addition to the fighter jets in the sky, a large number of already prepared tanks and anti-aircraft artillery vehicles were also dispatched on the streets.

This time, the Holy Lord, who had already laid down several cities, did not seem to intend to cover up.He wants to shred the human army from the front, disintegrate the fighting spirit of human beings, so that human beings can accept their rule at ease, and provide him with extravagant pleasure and joy.

Although it doesn't know why it would encounter another world.But he who ruled the earth with the history books of time, he is not afraid of another earth at all!

Do you want to wash the floor with mushroom bombs?When I don’t have it!

Although it is S-level and still very strong, Lu Mingfei does not know the game of the upper level, nor does he know that under the premise of mutual verification, both parties have agreed not to use mushroom bombs.

Of course, when things really get to a certain point, it's not clear.After all, the agreement exists to be torn from the beginning.

After Yalong was attracted by fighter jets and anti-aircraft guns, the students in Kassel immediately set up their sniper rifles-those with extremely high tripods as support, and the bullets had the thickness of a baby's forearm and weighed two. A hundred kilograms of terrible monster.

With the creaking sound, the alchemy bullet that can easily crush the four generations of scales was pressed into the magazine by the machine.

This terrible weapon can even crush four generations of skulls and teeth frontally, but the recoil it brings is equally terrifying.

Therefore, with the exception of a few people such as Chu Zihang and Caesar, the other students were two or even three people.

At this time, Lu Mingfei silently took out a piece of metal from his pocket.

As the saying goes, no need for nothing.This is a cannonball specially made for him by the Alchemy Department after he showed the "Super Electromagnetic Cannon".

At three times the speed of sound, this metal will quickly dissolve and become a metal liquid.At that time, what Lu Mingfei fired was not a metal bullet, but a plasma gun with metal characteristics and some energy characteristics at the same time!

Chapter 438: One Shot A Child

Wind speed, distance, angle, Yalong's speed——


At a distance of 1,500 meters away from a Yalong, the Caesar fruit, which looked like a golden lion, had broken its spear.

The terrible kinetic energy was shot from the barrel of this monster, and the charged gunpowder roared in the barrel, wrapped in the blue warhead, and hit a Yalong in the next second.

Originally, Caesar's target was the eyes of the Yalong, but the opponent's body floated slightly in the sky, so that the bullet was slightly deflected and shot in from the Tianling Gai of the Yalong.

But it doesn't hurt.

Before the bullet touched the scales, a dark green magic shield suddenly appeared on the scales of this dragon.

The huge bullet seemed to sense something. Before hitting the actual shield, the pale blue warhead on top of it exploded and turned into countless fine powders.

The sky blue powder touches the magic shield, and a certain medium is triggered.Yalong's outer magic shield flickered, and the circulation of the magical energy circuit was affected, and its head appeared stagnant.

Then, an irregular shape is exposed, but the area is about a tenth of a square meter gap.

Immediately afterwards, the flower bullet that lost the warhead slammed on the Yalong's skull.


This huge bullet didn't pass through Yalong's skull, but directly exploded it.The scales and bones were torn apart, so that a large piece of Yalong's head was suddenly missing, and the entire sky spirit cover was lifted.

Although it is a dragon, injuries of this level are equally fatal.The deadly injured Yalong didn't even whine, and the wings were still flapping subconsciously, but it no longer had the power to keep its body floating, and fell directly from the sky.

Looking at the dead Yalong, Caesar's mouth showed a smile.

But he noticed that at the same time, another Yalong was also falling, and even the wounds were very similar to the Yalong he had killed.

Caesar pursed his lips and looked to his right side——

That is Chu Zihang.Just as Caesar shot, Chu Zihang also shot.

This direction immediately reduced Caesar's good mood a lot.

He shook his hand to relieve the numb and even aching shoulders that had just been shaken by the huge recoil of this monster, and started aiming at the next Yalong with a cold face.

By the way, although this monster has been reinforced in various ways, because of the terrible damage and impact caused by the special bullet, it only needs to pull the trigger ten times, and this murder weapon costing up to 1.2 million US dollars will be lost. Own role.

No matter what, the eleventh round will definitely blow up.

One after another, except for Chu Zihang and Caesar, other students from Kassel, but more of the executive department commissioners also shot.

They may not be as sharp as Caesar and Chu Zihang's headshots, but they have done their homework before coming—they were told that if they were not sure that one blow would kill them, they would fight their wings.Ground forces are always better than air forces.

Boom boom boom!



With the continuous roar of machinery, one dragon after another fell from the sky.

Because of the attack on the city, their flying height is only about two hundred meters, which is considered to be a low altitude above the city.

At this height, the Yalong might break bones and tendons due to an air crash, and even fainted if they were unlucky, but they could not die these large flying lizards.

Seeing that Yalong was shot down, a general sitting in the tank blushed and shouted in anger and excitement.

"The tank battalion rushed up for me! Put the gun barrel into its mouth and fire it! I don't believe that the throats of these large lizards will be as hard as the scales outside!"

Rumble, rumble!

Under his order, the tank battalion opened in a tragic atmosphere.

Sitting in tanks and armored vehicles, many soldiers crossed their chests, praying for the blessings of the Father, the Mother and the Son.

If Lu Mingfei could hear their voices, he would complain at this time: Here, the only one who can bless you is me!

In front of him, a circle appeared light blue, enough to show a solid electric current layer in the air.

This current layer is divided into five segments from the inside to the outside. The size of the electric circle formed is from the palm of the hand to the huge electric current circle with a diameter of one meter at the end.

At the same time, the calculation power in Lu Mingfei's mind was also rapidly calculating.

Magnetic field setting-complete.

Orbital deployment-complete.

Loading is complete.

Gently tossed the'professional' shell made by the Alchemy Division, when it fell to the center of the smallest aperture along the acceleration of gravity, Lu Mingfei flicked his thumb.

"This is mine-super electromagnetic gun!"

call out!

The cannonball sent into the magnetic field with an initial force instantly gained a terrifying acceleration in the six-layer high-strength electromagnetic circle.

The special shell of the bullet body will automatically melt as soon as it encounters an electric current, forming a circle of non-Newtonian metal fluid, tightly wrapped in the outer layer of the solid bullet core.

At the same time, the Alchemy Division didn't know what was added. The non-Newtonian metal fluid absorbed a large amount of current in the electromagnetic circle, and finally disappeared in front of Lu Mingfei with a scream.

After the plasma cannon left, huge sound waves and skyburst clouds appeared.

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