Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 292

But they were all blocked by Lu Mingfei with vector control.

But what was a bit embarrassing was that the plasma cannon that Lu Mingfei threw out by himself did not achieve the results he imagined.

Because of the magic shield on Yalong's body, the plasma cannon is stronger, but after breaking the magic shield, there is not much remaining strength and lightning strength.

Although the current made Yalong feel very numb, at the same time the plasma cannon was very painful.With the resilience of this huge creature, it will be fine soon.

This embarrassed Lu Mingfei, who felt that'one bullet can destroy an enemy'.

"This is what you forced me."

He uttered this sentence with no compelling attitude. Lu Mingfei simply did not use the 100% visual effect, but the super-electromagnetic gun that is not very practical. Instead, he used his right hand to directly aim the cannonball at one end. Yalong flicked.


Under the acceleration of a moderate amount of manipulation, the streamlined shell with a red warhead instantly hit a Yalong.

With absolute violence, what magic barrier, scales and bones will blow to you together.Na Yalong seemed to have eaten a bomb, and the flesh and blood exploded directly in the air, and the smaller half of his body disappeared.

What kind of technology flow is better than just a wave!

Bang bang bang bang bang

"Sakura is great!"

Seeing Yalong after Yalong pounced on the street under Lu Mingfei's attack, Eriya clapped very happily.

On the premise that it would not affect Lu Mingfei's movements, she happily swooped forward from behind, hugged Lu Mingfei's waist, and used her clothes to look thin, actually fleshy figure close to it. .

Lu Mingfei: (//▽//)

Looking at Eli Yi holding Lu Mingfei, Chen Motong frowned very inconspicuously.

She has a kind of anger and upset that the little brother she just recognized was snatched away by another family.

Chapter 439, the Holy Lord arrives

With Lu Mingfei as the main force, Kassel Academy assisted, and the soldiers contained it.A total of 24 Yalongs are being eliminated one by one in seconds.

These Yalong are intelligent creatures.Although they are loyal to the Holy Lord, it does not mean that they will die stupidly.

When the number of dead Yalong reached half, they finally couldn't help turning around and fleeing-if that figure hadn't appeared.

In the sky, a mysterious green flame gate suddenly appeared.

From the door, there seemed to be countless screams and howls of resentful souls.

"help me!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Please let me go!"

"It hurts, it hurts!!"

"My head! Where is my head?!"

This voice is conveyed not through the ears, but through the spirit, which makes people involuntarily listened to, and creates a sense of fear from the heart.

Fortunately, the mixed races of Kassel, the American soldiers heard the auditory hallucinations, their fighting spirit and will were shocked to a certain extent.

"Humans in this world, it looks like I underestimated you!"

With this angry and tyrannical voice, a huge dragon foot stepped out from behind the door.

This is a standard, stout, anti-joint demon foot.Then, his whole body was covered with yellow-green scales, his height was more than four meters, his body was full of explosive muscles, and the half-dragon and half-human dragon demon jumped out of the door.

His nose was sprayed with scarlet sparks, and his eyes were blood-red.

The holy lord is wearing a long tail behind his back, and his head is a standard Chinese dragon head without wings on his back.

Monkey King: Is this a mixed-blood dragon whose transformation failed?This appearance can be said to be a standard Demon King form!

Emperor Nantian: No, no, the prototype of the Holy Lord is still a normal Chinese dragon.This is the battle form he independently researched after mixing Eastern and Western magic, taking into account both spells and power.

Ji Ruqianlong: But I just forgot to take care of my appearance.

The cruel and ferocious gaze of the Holy Lord swept across the students of Kassel College, especially Lu Mingfei.

These people seem to have weapons specifically designed to deal with dragon bloodlines?

He glanced at some of the Yalong corpses on the ground that had been beaten to pieces and some had no heads, and stretched out his right hand.

"Get up and fight for me!"

Blue aura flew out of his palm and shot into the twelve Yalong corpses.

In the shock and disbelief of the students of the military and the Kassel Academy, and even a little horrified expression, the missing body of Yalong was supplemented, and the blood and meat returned to the body like time and space, and came back to life.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

These Yalong roared low, flapped their wings, and flew into the sky again.

Looking at the remains of the dead soldiers around, the general from the military slammed a fist on the tank.

"damn it!"

"What kind of spirit is this?"

On the building, Caesar's eyes were fixed on the Holy Lord, which contained indescribable anger and a little bit of envy.

Resurrection!This is the ability that so many people dream of!

Lu Mingfei pouted: This is the power of the spell, and it has nothing to do with Yanling's dime.

But then, the gaze of the holy lord shifted to him.

"I didn't expect that there is a strong man like you in this world! Report your name!"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

"My name is Lu Mingfei."

"Lu Mingfei? It really is the blood of the East!"

There was a clear look on the terrifying dragon face of the Holy Lord.

But in the next instant, two golden lightning like sharp swords appeared in his eyes, and they hit Lu Mingfei in an instant.


This electric light exploded in Lu Mingfei's astonished expression, causing a violent explosion and countless sparks of fire.

Seeing the success of his sneak attack, the holy lord's face showed a sly and sly smile.

"I know your name, warrior. So, please go and die!"

Others didn't expect that, as the big BOSS who just played, the Holy Lord would be so shameless.

But the person who thinks of it is not here.

Chu Zihang, Caesar, Chen Motong-many people looked at the location of Lu Mingfei and Uesugi Eryi with worried eyes.

Lu Mingfei did not disappoint others.Therefore, the smile on the Lord’s face did not last long.

"This is your meeting ceremony?"

In the smoke, Lu Mingfei spread out his right hand.

There is a small patch of dark color on it, which is obviously caused by a sneak attack by the Holy Master.

However, Uesugi Eriya grabbed Lu Mingfei's hand and rubbed it vigorously with her small white hand, and then rubbed the pitch black out—this proved that Lu Mingfei was not injured by the attack.

The Lord's face turned dark, and the next moment his eyes turned dark.


A metal shell from the Alchemy Division of the Kassel College hit him in the face severely, and the muscular dragon flew out sideways. After several laps in the sky, he slammed into a building. Among the office buildings that have been evacuated.

Similarly, Lu Mingfei said slowly after taking the shot.

"Come and not be indecent! It's shit, hit the street boy!"


But soon, the Holy Lord, who only wore a purple apron around his waist, walked out of the building where he was knocked out of a big hole.

He was the same as Lu Mingfei just now, except for some dust, he looked unscathed.

In fact, although he was interrupted by Lu Mingfei's sudden attack with two teeth, he was quickly restored by the power of the horse spell.

Firmly holding the two dragon teeth in his hand, the Holy Lord breathed fire.

He spit out a series of huge fireballs from his mouth, instead of shooting at Lu Mingfei, he aimed at other students of Kassel College.

Judging from the clothes, Lu Mingfei and these young humans belong together?Unlike the ruthless demon, then I will let you experience the anger and pain of the death of friends and subordinates!

The speed of the fireball is very fast.Fortunately, the distance is far enough, leaving the students in Kassel with room for dodge.

However, when these fireballs exploded on the building, the flames they set off were unexpectedly small, but they roared with huge waves.

The intention of the Holy Lord is not to kill them at all, but to push them down from the high buildings!

Since each shot of the "Monster" heavy sniper must be controlled by two or three people, many people were hit by the attack and were pushed down from the edge of the building.

In an instant, Lu Mingfei shot.

He used electromagnetic force to pull out a lot of iron sand from the building under his feet, condensing it into a long stick shape.

Then, Lu Mingfei flew into the air, with the long stick in his hand, with incredible precision and strength, avoiding the bodies of the seniors, and using the long stick to pass through their clothes to fix everyone on the outside of the building. Or break the glass and send it into the building.

Looking down at the evil dragon into the air, Lu Mingfei's expression became serious.

It's different from Marquis Vauban, Uchiha Madara, who is a big villain but has his own charm.The character of this holy lord is very despicable, belonging to the scum of scum!

Lu Mingfei is ready to kill the dragon.

Chapter Fourty and Forty Little Red Hand-painted Li Yi

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi: This dragon is so despicable!

Marquis of Vauban: Didn't you watch the illusion on August 1?This holy master is a pure evil demon, unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal.Not only him, but also his brothers and sisters.

Nantian Emperor: To deal with the Holy Lord, you must either kill him with a single move, so that he doesn't even have time to use the spell, or take out the spell from his body and turn him into a sculpture again.In the battle of attrition, the ghost knows how much mana is hidden in the twelve spells.

Aleister: For sale in the front row, special spell magic for the Holy Lord, no 1888, no 1388, only 998.As long as 998, take home the magic spell for the Holy Lord!

Bai Yacha: Even if you say that, Lu Mingfei can't see it

Bai Yacha: Damn it!

As soon as she finished typing, she saw Aleister's figure suddenly appear on the screen.

Wearing a medical gown, he hangs upside down in front of Lu Mingfei, holding gold and silver in his hands, and speaking in a plain, watery tone of ordinary three scrolls.

"Sao Nian, did you drop this gold magic scroll worth 1888, this silver magic scroll worth 1388, or this ordinary magic scroll worth 998?"

Lu Mingfei: (△;)

He looked at Aleister, who was often peddling in the group, and pointed decisively at the ordinary scroll.

"What I dropped was this ordinary magic scroll for only 998."

"Thank you for your patronage!"

Aleister threw the scroll into Lu Mingfei's hand, brushed it, and disappeared in the same way as it was used.

Just like a koala, Uesugi Eriya, who has been lying on Lu Mingfei's back since the very beginning, with her legs clamped tightly around his waist, clicked on the scroll very curiously.

"what is this?"

However, at the moment Uesugi Eriri stretched out his hand, a burst of golden-green magic light suddenly radiated from the scroll.

A faint layer of magic film appeared on Eriyi's right hand, like a glove, and immediately after that, the scroll in Lu Mingfei's hand disappeared.

Uesugi Riri: (*?▽?*)

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