Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 294

"What are you talking about?"

Now Ziye Nan was really shocked.

Is there really a protagonist's halo?

Lu Mingfei didn't say much, and sent the information directly to the group.

Lu Mingfei: Protagonist Halo: Limited to this world, used once a year for seven days.In seven days, the world is lucky MAX.

Limru: Ahhhhhhh!my eyes!my eyes!

Penglai Shan Huiye: This, this, this, what is this?Such a shining existence?!Turns out to be the legendary protagonist halo!

Kato Megumi: I want it.

Dudao Tsuiko: I want it.

Emperor Nantian: I want

Nan Xiaoniao: I want it.

Uchiha Madara: I want it.

Monkey King: I want it.

Ji Ru Qiantaki: I want it.

Emperor Nantian: I want


Of the more than forty members of the entire group, most of them expressed their desire for the protagonist's halo.

Even Xiao Feng, who had only been in the group for a few days, was also.

Daozu: You are thinking about peach.Each world will can only send one of this kind of thing, and I didn't expect Lu Mingfei to get it.It seems that the world will of his world should be stuck at a certain point.Eat up the history books and the world, and you will be able to advance in tens of thousands of years.

Daozu: You are really lucky, Lu Mingfei!Starting today, in your own world, as long as you use the protagonist's halo, you will be the real son of the world!If you want money, you can walk to pick up money, stocks have skyrocketed, and wealthy relatives you don’t know have left inheritance; if you want to improve your strength, you can get all kinds of treasures, and you can leave it; if you want to be lucky, all kinds of things , Even women of all races will gather around you and fall for you.The point is that there is no side effect!The backlash caused by this provoking destiny, the world will of the world you are in has helped you carry it!

Lu Mingfei: Slowly, let me slow down, I am a little excited and can't breathe.

He put down his phone, looked at Uesugi Eriri with big eyes blinking behind him, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, with a little excitement, and kissed him timidly.

Chapter 442, the first step in love, hug and hug

Facing Lu Mingfei's'sudden attack', Uesugi Eriya didn't react at all.

She stood there blankly, and Lu Mingfei, a bad boy, didn't dare to play tricks for the first time, but simply touched the point.

When he finished the sneak attack and took a nervous step back, he found that Uesugi Eriya was stunned.

"This is a kiss?"

The little monster stretched out his hand and touched his lips. In the next instant, the thin lips bloomed like cherry blossoms, and a joyful smile came from the heart.

"It feels so warm. Sakura's hug is also warm, but kissing is different."

She recalled the scenes she had seen in the comics, as if she stretched out her hands like a child, pouting her mouth to Lu Mingfei.

"Sakura I want more!"

Lu Mingfei: awsl!

Facing Eliyi's request, Lu Mingfei felt a huge sense of happiness in his heart, and the man's strength was bursting.

Masculinity +10

He accepted Eriyi's request very happily, and wrapped his hands tightly around the waist of the little monster, leaning over like a normal couple.

This time, he stuck his tongue out.

Penglai Mountain Huiye: Hiccup~ So full, so full!I am not a single dog, why do I always feed me dog food?

Nyara Totip: You said you are not a single dog?What about you?

Penglai City Huiye: I am a sister red!Our notebook has a computer!

Bai Yasha: In a sense, it cannot be refuted.

Penglai Mountain Huiye: The opposite sex is only for reproduction!True love is between the same sex!

Penglai Shan Huiye was silenced for thirty minutes.

Nantiandi: Oh roar?

Ji Ru Qianlong: Oh roar?

Xiaojianjian: Oh roar?

Xiao Jianjian was silenced for thirty minutes.

Emperor Nantian: The Rain Girl has no melons!

Ji Ru Qianlong: The Rain Girl has no melons!

CC: Terrible.

Dudao Maizi: Is this the legendary husband and wife?

With this jio going down, Ye Nan didn't just receive one hundred thousand shared value.At the same time, he laughed at the spell exploded from the holy main body.

Although he can make hundreds of these things casually, don't let the monsters fall for nothing!He was not restricted by the backpack.

The Holy Lord and the Dragon Army were destroyed, and the students of Casal Academy gathered towards Lu Mingfei.

Seeing Uesugi Eriri, whose appearance was somewhat similar to Chen Motong, Caesar didn't know what his mood was.

This S-level strike zone looks the same as yourself!If he hadn't already had a girlfriend, then Caesar felt that his girlfriend was in danger!

"meet again."

Looking at the little witch who had a relationship with him, Ye Nan nodded towards her and said hello.

Caesar was stunned, did not expect the other party to know Chen Motong?

"Who is this?"

"This is his friend I met when I went to pick up Lu Mingfei. It's amazing."

Chen Motong mentioned a few words, leaving many people speechless.

One jio kicked the holy lord who was suspected to be the dragon king to death, can it be great!

Being watched by so many people, Lu Mingfei was too embarrassed to kiss again, and blushed and quickly let go.

Uesugi Eriri slapped her mouth a few times, and he planned to crawl behind Lu Mingfei, but he couldn't laugh or cry.

Eriya: ○?Д′?○

The baby is not happy!

"The history books of the years are gone, and the holy lord will be dealt with by me. Then you will take them to counterattack."

Playing with the twelve spells in his hand, Ye Nan said to Lu Mingfei.

"This is your site, I won't say more. This spell is pretty fun, so I will take it away."

"Oh oh oh."

Lu Mingfei nodded quickly, but thought in his heart: If the people in the Alchemy Division knew that such a magical thing had been taken away by others, I'm afraid they would cry.


Sitting next to the rooftop of a building, Deadpool sighed while looking at the phone in his hand.

"Ε=(′ο*))) Alas, the group owner must be jealous of my handsome face, so he often mutters me. As a handsome man who should be extinct, he is not tolerated by the emperor of heaven. I have a really hard life!"

Just as he sighed about it, his hand slipped.

He quickly bent over to rescue the phone, but his butt slipped again.

Deadpool: ╭('▽`)╯Huh?

Here, it seems to be the twenty-third floor?



After more than a minute, countless mosaics converged, finally reuniting the body of Deadpool.

However, his tights had turned into rags, which could only block some key parts.


After finding a new uniform from the trash can next to him, Deadpool coughed fakely and forced it loudly.

"Ahem, do you know? I just did it intentionally just to make you happy. As the most popular superhero in the Marvel world, I have to bear the burden that I should not bear at my age, and sometimes I have to do it Do something to please the audience! At this time, only Vanessa's long legs can comfort me!"

"What, why do you ask me why there is my uniform in the trash can? I tell you that I put it in ahead of time! Absolutely, definitely not because I changed the little spider version of the tights as a gift to mine, and I was caught Lost it!"

He inserted two Edman alloy knives back into his back again, stuffed a pistol around his waist, suddenly raised his head, and smiled.

"Do you think I'm going to hit myself? That's impossible! There is no child in this gun... Bang!"


Deadpool was shot in the thigh, and his eyes fell silently to the ground.

The surrounding air suddenly became quiet.

Smelling the faint smell of gunpowder and the strong smell of blood in the nose, blood dripped from the thighs of Deadpool, and quickly condensed into a bloody creek on the ground.

This amount of bleeding is all three people did.

Deadpool raised his right hand in his glove, took out the phone tremblingly, and dialed the cornet.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hey, my dear little kiss."

Deadpool asked her in the usual humble voice.

"Did you install the bullet in my pistol for me? Thank you so much!"

"Yes, Darling. I saw you hurried out, so I installed it for you."

Vanessa said with a smile on the phone.

"When will you come back for dinner? I made your favorite muffin."

"Baby, I'll be back when I finish this order. Remember to put on my favorite set in it! Muma!"

He gave a hard kiss to the phone, and when he put down the phone, the dog-like smile on Deadpool's face immediately disappeared.

Although we can't see his expression either.

"Well, yes, yes. I admit it."

Deadpool said to the mobile phone camera that was live broadcast in a state of infinite grief.

"I'm Deadpool, Timo is a funny character of %%#%...!"

Emperor Nantian: Sorrow.

Ji Ru Qianlong: Sorrow.

Ilia: Sorrow

Chapter Four and Three

"No no no no!!!"

"Holy Lord, what have you done!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

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