Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 295

The Holy Lord died, and the historical books of the years were lost.The changed history of the world on the side of the Holy Lord quickly restored.

The other seven demons sealed by the Eight Immortals wailed and screamed back to the barren land that sealed them.Except for Long Shu and Xiaoyu, no one knows what happened.

Until the dragon-slaying preparation students of Kassel College entered this world brazenly for the sake of dragon-slaying.


"On this trip to the dungeon, Xiao X thanked your Excellency Limlu very much."

In an unknown barren mountain, Xiao Feng held his fist at Limlu, a little ashamed.

"A penny stumps heroes. Xiao Mou first joined the group, he was ashamed and ashamed."

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone is friends. Besides, it's just a little money."

As a local tyrant slime, it's a pity that Limlu, who doesn't have jio, waved his hand repeatedly and said to Xiao Feng.

"And I am also very curious about this type of world, but the copies that are too powerful are very expensive, and I don't dare to go with this strength, so I can only enter these copies to see."

Looking in front of him, I heard that he was actually about the same age as him, but he looked like a 13 or 14-year-old child. I heard that Limru, who had no gender, felt very strange.

However, as a martial arts person, I have practiced all the messy methods, and I have all kinds of growth.He is used to it.

Xiao Feng said sincerely.

"In fact, Xiao just wants to see what a martial arts without gluttonous looks like. Also, if the Liao country where Xiao was in was not destroyed by gluttonous, then what would it look like."

"Emmmm, then you might be disappointed."

Limlou suddenly showed a strange look.

"The Liao Kingdom in this world has been destroyed by the Jin Kingdom."

Xiao Feng: (╯▽╰)?

Xiao Feng, who didn't know the history, was stunned, feeling very embarrassed.

As a slime who is good at observing words and colors, Limlu quickly changed the subject when he saw this, set up a shed over his eyes with his hands, and watched left and right.

"Ah, where is this place? Is there anyone nearby? For the purpose of the dungeon experience, I specifically did not go to the group owner to ask about the specific situation of this dungeon named'The Legend of Condor Heroes'. I only knew that it should be in the early 1200 AD. That's how it looked like one hundred and fifty years have passed since the Eight Dragons."

As he said, a pair of bat wings grew out of Limru's back, and just lightly flapping, a strong wind rose and took him into the air.

Although Limru could transform into the form of a creature he had eaten, it was actually a slime. Ninety-nine percent of his body was water, which was very light.You can fly into the sky without much effort.

"Oh, see, there is a city there. I will fly you over."

Limlou just wanted to go down and take Xiao Feng to fly, when he turned around, he saw a fat and ugly big eagle.

It is huge in size, extremely ugly, with sparse feathers.

Not only did it have a curved fishing mouth, its feathers were yellow and black, it also had a large blood-red sarcoma on its head, and its legs were unusually thick.

Its wings are comparable to other eagles, or even long, but compared to its stature, it appears very short.It is really hard to imagine how such a short wing could drive such a big fat eagle into the air.

Ugly eagle: (°◇°)

When he saw Rimuru, it was also taken aback.With a mouth open, the Boss snake that was just caught in the mouth fell to the ground.

What is this?Can humans grow wings?

The dead master is here, this monster scared me to have dinner!

"Tweet? (What kind of monster are you?)"

"It's really rude."

Because of the magic element, Limru, who can understand most biological languages, frowned.

"My name is Limru, I am a slime, not a monster!"

He just finished speaking, his expression suddenly collapsed.

"But in many worlds, slimes are indeed monsters."

Ugly eagle: (Θ◇Θ.)

"Tweet! (Fuck, you can understand me!)"

"What is all the fuss about?"

As a high-level monster, Limru despised the ugly eagle as a low-level monster, and a sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.

"As a high-level monster, mastering the way of talking with magic elements is just a basic operation."

A certain slime seems to have forgotten that this basic operation was taught to him by Storm Dragon.

Upon hearing this, Ugly Eagle was suddenly excited.

Its flapping wings kept spinning around Limru.

"Tweet, twee! (Can I learn? Can I become a human like you?)"

"Well, yes."

Limru, the very talkative slime Tempest nodded.

"Do you have a name? If so, I can just give you magic power; if not, then I will get one for you."

"Tweet! (No)"

The big eagle shook his head, and then a violent tiger stood on a thick branch and bowed to Limlu.

"Tweet! (The new owner is here, I'll be worshipped by my little brother!)"

"New master? So you were raised by someone!"

Limlou's eyes widened in surprise.

Someone keeps such an ugly eagle?What a huge world, there are no surprises!

He carefully observed the appearance of the ugly sculpture and decided to give it a nice name to neutralize its appearance.

Moreover, after being named by him, this ugly eagle will evolve.Maybe it will look good at that time.

"Then call you Ajun. This fits your name quite well."

Ugly eagle: ⊙△⊙

When Limru named the ugly eagle, some magic elements flowed into the ugly eagle from his body.


The ugly eagle raised his hair with a crisp scream, causing countless wolves, tigers and leopards in the surrounding mountains to tremble. What happened to this master?

With the influx of magic elements, the sarcoma on the forehead of the ugly sculpture, which grew out of long-term consumption of the poisonous Boss viper, is receding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Its fat body shrank in a circle, and a lot of feathers continued to grow to fill the gap, and even its head became slender.

The next moment, it spread its slender wings, soaring into the sky, spitting eyes.

"I'm Ajun!!"

Below, I watched Limru accept Xiao Feng, who was originally an ugly eagle, and now a god eagle as a younger brother, and felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

Slime is a monster.He didn't know what a monster was, but Master Huang in the group said that he could just treat it as some kind of monster.

So, Rimuru is actually a very powerful monster, right?Did he just turn this ugly eagle into a monster?

Think about the emperor, the evil god, the god-killer, the immortal witch, the emperor, the dragon, the true eye of the evil king, and the Naruto in the group.Xiao Feng felt more and more that he really joined an amazing group!

Although I feel that these people are not very reliable everyday.

Chapter ④④④ Zhang Xia's great man is for the country and the people

Although the god sculpture A Jun lost a circle, but the figure was placed there, sitting on his back is more than enough.

Sitting on Jun's back, while letting it fly to the nearest city, Limru asked the head eagle about the neighborhood.

But the head eagle said it was just a eagle.You have to ask what is in the forest and the mountain, it basically knows it.But when asked about the human side, it can be numb.

"Master, I only know that this is Xiangyang City. It seems that there is a war during this time. Sometimes I fly through the sky and can see many people surrounding the city, but they all retreat in the end."

"So, we can only know that this city is called Xiangyang City, and is there a recent war?"

Limru showed a slightly distressed expression.

Asking a social animal to inquire about the news is a bit difficult for a strong man, right?This is not an RPG, it also brings a task prompt.

When finally talking about what he was good at, Xiao Feng's bold face showed a confident smile.

"When it comes to inquiring about the news, the beggar gang dare not say that it is number one in the world, but it is also among the top three. Although it is the leader of the beggar gang, but he also knows this way when he was young. When he is in the city, he can inquire about one or two. "

"Oh, please!"

Limru laughed suddenly.

He thought for a while, his right hand turned into a pool of water stains, and then some gold and silver nuggets were slowly precipitated from it, which he passed back to Xiao Feng.

"It should be money to inquire about the news? Because I don't know what world it is, so I brought some gold and silver that are basically common in all worlds. Big Brother Xiao can use it."

Brother Xiao...

Listening to Limlu calling herself that, Xiao Feng showed a subtle expression on his face.

Being called a big brother by a big monster might be the pinnacle of one's life!


Xiao Feng hesitated.Limru calls herself Big Brother Xiao, what should she call him?

Should he be called King Rimuru?

Seeing Xiao Feng's hesitation, Limlu knew what was going on after a little thought.

His beautiful face from Miss Jing showed a pure smile, as if he was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, very deceptive.

"Just call me Limru. I'm not a bad slime!"


If A Jun appeared in the city, it would be too conspicuous, so a few miles outside Xiangyang City, Limlu and Xiao Feng would sculpt down and walk there.

However, they overlooked a problem-blue-haired golden eyes, wearing weird costumes, looking very beautiful, there is a weird and beautiful Rimuru, a proper monster in this world!

Along the way, everyone who saw Limru trembles.

It's not bad to run back without saying a word.Some people even softened their legs and threw something on their hands. Duang knelt on the ground.

"Grandpa Monster, don't eat me!"

Xiao Feng:...

Limru: (@ω@)

All in all, Rimru-kun was a little sad because of the turmoil all the way.

At the gate of the city, all the people who had to line up to enter the city disappeared.

The soldiers at the door rushed away cleverly and reported back to the bosses in the city. The remaining soldiers fought in two battles and hurriedly hid from the side, not even daring to charge the entrance fee for the two of them.

This situation did not get better until Xiao Feng entered the city and bought a big black hat for Limru to cover his face.

Wearing a hat, Limru sighed and asked Xiao Feng.

"Brother Xiao, go by yourself, I'll be waiting for you here."

"no need."

Xiao Feng shook his head.

"Just as we just entered the city, someone will find it soon, and there is no need for us to find others."

Limru: (,??.??,)

really.Before long, a middle-aged man with a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a generous and calm face, appeared in front of them with a group of soldiers.

The man felt wrong when he saw Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng has a heroic atmosphere.As a knight, he knew when he saw him, he must be an upright person who would draw his sword to help when the road was uneven.

But youkai, no one can tell.With some caution, he clasped his fist.

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