Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 297

"What a cute kid!"

Her eyes lit up, but she didn't think Limru was a monster.

It is impossible for a monster to be invited to the house by his father.

At the same time, Limulu was also observing the expressions of Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

Is it just so simple?It seems that the force value of this world is really not high.

But this night is good.In this case, no matter what the last instance of this dungeon was played into, he can rely on his strength to survive... right?


Guo Jing immediately asked Hong Qigong to tell him that the long-lost twenty-eight palm of Jianglong reappeared, and he was now in Guo's mansion.

Then, he enthusiastically pulled Xiao Feng to the yard where his family usually practiced, and wanted to learn from him.

Guo Jing's expression was very sincere, and he grasped Xiao Feng's hand and said earnestly.

"Xiao Daxia, please forgive Guo's relentless plea. It is indeed the long-cherished wish of the former beggar gang leader and Qi Gong. Guo wants to prove one or two with the eighteen palms of Jianglong."

"Guo Daxia is serious."

Xiao Feng smiled boldly, saying that it was okay.

"Xiao also wants to see what is going on with the eighteen palms of Jianglong created by the old gang leader Hong."

The two stood still two feet apart.Limulu, Huang Rong, Guo Fu, Yang Guo, Dawu Xiaowu and others stood by as the audience.


In the martial arts field, Guo Jing and Xiao Feng gave up at the same time.The next moment, the two moved forward at very similar paces, and then they shook their right palms with almost the same movements.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

"Kang Long has regrets!"


The two thick palms intersected, making a dull sound.

The surrounding air exploded between two deep internal forces.

Kang Long has regrets, but the point is regret.The strength is only seven points, and it is absolutely impossible to use full power.

After a tentative fight, Xiao Feng and Guo Jing touched a bit.Guo Jing used a very unconventional sweep, but Xiao Feng understood what he meant, stepped on his right foot and jumped high.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out two palms and once again collided with the two palms extended by Guo Jing below.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

"Ssangyong goes to sea!"

With this obvious method of feeding tricks, Xiao Feng and Guo Jing fought for more than 30 rounds and tried both Jianglong 28 Palms and Jianglong Eighteen Palms.

When the two people found out that everyone had a great rapport and a brave martial arts, the bigger the happier.The whole yard was full of thumping fists and feet.

The two of them fought like this, even if they turned into a piece of iron, they were beaten into twists, which shocked Yang Guo's juniors.


After facing their palms again, the two of them stepped back three steps together, and at the same time regained their energy.

Guo Jing raised his trembling right hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sighed.

"It's a pity that Xiao Daxia hasn't enjoyed it yet, right? Xiao Daxia's inner strength is extremely deep, and the breath is long and continuous. Guo Mou sighed for himself."

"Guo Daxia is too modest!"

Compared to Guo Jing, Xiao Feng is in a much better state.He didn't shake his hands, didn't sweat much on his head, and smiled.

"In this fight, Xiao took advantage of Jianglong's twenty-eight palms. What's more, we just came here to confirm each other, regardless of the outcome."

Although Xiao Feng said so, Huang Rong could tell that he was giving Guo Jing face to the junior.

So she quickly stood up.

"Brother Jing, Daxia Xiao, you can rest for a while. Fu'er, Dawu Xiaowu, later, you come to Daxia Xiao and see Young Master Limulu."


At this time, Limlu suddenly coughed a few times, and treated Huang Rong humanely.

"Don't look at me, although I am young, in fact, I am about the same age as Guo Daxia and Xiao Daxia."

Guo Jing, Huang Rong: (△;)

Guo Fu, Yang Guo, Dawu Xiaowu: (°△°---)

real or fake?!

Looking at Limru's appearance of a short, thin, and cute boy, who believes that he is in his thirties!

Guo Fu looked dull.

Seeing Xiao Feng's appearance similar to his father's, it's okay to call Uncle Xiao.But Uncle Limru?

She couldn't scream at this face that looked two years younger than her!

But Guo Jing, who respects his teachers and pays attention to seniority, doesn't care so much.

After Xiao Feng nodded and said that Limru was indeed very old, he sighed with emotion, "It's really a place where people are raised by water and soil", and then he said to Guo Fu, Yang Guo and Dawu Xiaowudao.

"It's rude, how do I usually teach you? Why not call someone!"

Guo Fu: o (╥﹏╥) o

"Uncle Limru!"

On this day, Miss Guo remembered the humiliation and the fear of being ruled by Luo Tai's face.

Limru: (?′ω`?)


Because of the hero meeting, more and more martial artists gathered in the city of Xiangyang.

After lunch, in a bamboo forest outside the city of Xiangyang, the Beggars are preparing for a ceremony of changing the old and the new gang.

Originally, Huang Rong was able to hold the position of the leader of the Beggar Gang, which was promoted by Hong Qigong.Before, the beggar gang leader had never set a precedent for women.

After Huang Rong announced according to the gang rules, he gave Lu Youjiao the dog-playing stick that had been passed down by the gang masters of the past generations.

Holding the dog club, Lu You stood in the bamboo forest with his feet up, and the beggar helped the disciples walk by round after round, spitting at him.

If it's just saliva, it's okay, some people still vomit yellow old phlegm, leaving Lu You's feet all over, scared Limlu hurriedly left Xiao Feng two steps, and asked him with a frightened expression.

"Won't you be like this back then?"

Xiao Feng: ()!!

Chapter 4, Forty-seven

he-tui, he-tui!

Seeing Limlu's disgusting look, Xiao Feng thought that he had been unjustly wronged, and that he still had a taste.

When a group of beggars helped the disciples spit, he hurriedly used internal force to transmit the sound.

"At that time, I did not have this rule for the Beggars to help the Lord succeed. Probably it was after me."

Xiao Feng probably understood that this was to let the gang leader who took office know that even if he became a gang leader, he was still a beggar. It was no different from other beggars, let alone higher or lower.

But he believes that this can be done in other ways to make the gang master not forgetting his roots. Why should such a radical method be used?

Is it an honor for the beggars to let the group of heroes spit on the leader of the beggars, and spit it out?

Xiao Feng couldn't understand the brain circuits of these people at all!


After the succession ceremony of the beggar gang leader, which was so flavorful that it made many people who had just eaten nauseated, Lu Youjiao went back and changed his clothes.

He collected the very special clothes as a testament to the succession ceremony of the gang leader.

With the smell of this body, even if he can feel calm, the people next to him can't stand it!

The next part of the hero meeting is to choose a martial arts leader who can lead everyone against the Mongolian Tartar.

In the Five Jues, Zhongshen Power has been belching, Dali Prince Duan is an outsider of Dali, Dongxie Huang Pharmacist is far away on Peach Blossom Island, Xidu Ouyang Feng wants to be, but others are not allowed!

At this time, Hong Qigong had actually died with Ouyang Feng, but only Yang Guo knew the news.Therefore, under such a situation, the heroes uniformly elected Hong Qigong, who is no longer alive, as the leader of the martial arts.

However, everyone has become accustomed to seeing the head but not the end of the Hong Qi Gong Shenlong, running around, seeing uneven roads.Therefore, they have to choose a deputy leader who can really stay in Xiangyang and lead everyone to fight bloody battles with the Mongolian army.

Some people choose Guo Jing, some people choose Qiu Chuji, some people choose Lu Youjiao, who has just become the leader of the beggar gang, and some people even choose Huang Rong, who is already pregnant.

For a time, the scene was so lively that Limulu's eyes glowed.

"Wow, is this the river and lake? It's so lively and interesting!"

When everyone was fighting, a long drink containing internal power suddenly sounded from outside the bamboo forest.

"Such an interesting thing, let us take part in it too!"

Under the gaze of a group of heroes, three people came from outside the bamboo forest.

The one on the left is Mongolian prince Huo Du, holding a folding fan, dressed as a nobleman.

The tall and thin Tibetan monk on the right, who looks like a bamboo pole, carries a golden rod, about four feet long, with a thick head and a bowl, and a shiny golden body. It is Huodu's senior brother Dalba.

And between the two, stood a middle-aged monk wearing a red robe, extremely tall and thin, with a slightly sunken head, like a plate.

Seeing the monk, Xiao Feng narrowed his eyes and spoke to Limlu.

"The breath is strong, there is no mark under your feet, and your eyes are clear. This is a master!"

Seeing Xiao Feng's appearance, Limlu also became serious.

"How tall? Is the Hulk like that? If so, then I'm going to get serious."

Xiao Feng: (;?_?)

What are you talking about?The Hulk in Marvel's memory illusion that can't be killed no matter how you fight it, and will get angry more and more angry, the more angry the stronger the Hulk?

Can humans compare with that kind of monster?Just three of them are not enough for others to play!

In an instant, the speechless Xiao Feng noticed his language error, and conveyed the voice again with some helplessness.

"A master at my level."

Although I am a little sorry for Xiao Daxia, Limlu immediately felt relieved when he said that.

Little scene, I hold it!


Huo Du also introduced the middle-aged monk between the two.

He opened the folding fan, revealing a delicate peony on the fan, and said triumphantly.

"This is the next master, a holy monk in Tibet, everyone is honored as the King of the Golden Wheel, and the Queen of the Great Mongolia is now the first master of the country."

As soon as he finished the introduction, Limru chuckled and immediately attracted the attention of others.

Looking at this small and mysterious man with a hat on his head, Fa King Jinlun spoke in a rather weird Central Plains tone.

"Why are you laughing?"

Limru hesitated: If he tells the truth, he might offend people, right?

However, this is a copy world!So it’s okay to offend!

Thinking of this, Limlu's face under the hat showed a smile that was not too big of a lively smile, and said.

"I just want to know, why was the king of the Golden Wheel Fa King appointed by your Mongolian Queen?"


After listening to Rimru's words, many heroes in the room took a breath.

This man's mouth is so poisonous!

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