Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 298

But since I am a Mongolian, I like it!

Numerous heroes and heroes showed joking smiles that all men knew, and looked at the Golden Wheel Fa King with peculiar eyes like'remarkable','So you are such a national teacher, does the Mongolian emperor know?' and so on.

In an instant, King Jinlun Fawang's face flushed with anger, and his internal strength almost went wrong.Huo Du even exclaimed with round eyes.

"Those who hide their heads and show their tails, dare to bark and speak wildly?! Dare to fight with me!"

"War is war, who is afraid of whom?"

Limru took off his hat and put it aside, revealing a face that was very different from ordinary people, causing a commotion.



Seeing this look of him, Huo Du was a little bit overwhelmed.

Go up and fight with a kid?If you beat him to death, it will arouse excitement in the community, and if everyone is shoulder to shoulder, even the master will fall in the crowd.

Can't it?Just now the other party scolded the master and insulted the Mongolian queen.As a Mongolian prince, he must be cleaned up if he doesn't go back.

Limru saw Huo Du's hesitation, touched his white and tender face, and smiled.

"I have passed the year, but I am young. The Mongolian prince opposite, if it is a man, he will fight me!"

Speaking of this, Huo Du had no intention of shrinking.

He stepped forward quickly, and the surrounding heroes voluntarily made room for Huo Du and Limru.



The two clasped their fists, and the next moment Limlu's figure disappeared from Huo Du's vision.

"What, so fast?!"

Huo Du was surprised.

Although he is not a first-rate master, he is also a second-rate pinnacle.As soon as Limru's speed came out, he secretly said something was wrong.

The next moment, Huo Du felt that his legs were kicked, his body turned upside down, and the whole body rotated one hundred and eighty degrees in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, holding Huo Du's waist, Limlu had a funny smile on her face, as if she was holding an iron rod, and slammed it down.


Texas Tombstone Nails!

In the dusty, Huo Du's head was forced into the earth by Limlu, leaving only his body limp, and the person passed out in a coma instantly.

Limru put Huo Du's lower body to the ground and patted his hands lightly.

The audience was silent.

Chapter 448: Golden Wheel: I seem to have found something (repair)

On the day Xiaolongnv became an adult, Huo Du once took a group of people to Quanzhen Sect to do things.

On the surface, he wanted to get the little dragon girl, but in fact, he was trying to find out the reality of the Chongyang Palace, the world's number one master.

That day, Hao Datong followed his way, was defeated by the opponent's trick, and was seen by many people.

But today, Huo Du was overthrown by Limru just a short time ago, and it can be said that he has no resistance.

Not to mention the Golden Wheel Fa King, Hao Datong and others, even Guo Jing and Huang Rong did not expect that Limru, who looks thin and small, is actually a hidden master!

Looking at Huo Du, who was planted upside down, an anger flashed across his face.

He said a word in Tibetan and asked Dalba to pull Huo Du out of the soil, then slowly came to Limrou and continued to challenge.

Darba does not speak the Central Plains dialect.But the heavy pestle in his hand slammed into the ground and sank more than a foot into the ground, punching a hole bigger than Huo Du's head, with amazing strength.

After that, he held the heavy pestle, swung the wind into the air, and slammed Limlu down.

"Wow, it's dangerous!"

Limu exclaimed in exclamation, but only took a step back and swung his head back. It seemed so thrilling to others, but he avoided the pestle with confidence.

The heavy golden pestle brought a strong wind to his face, blowing Limru's long sky blue hair.With that beautiful and unparalleled face, it is very beautiful like posing for a photo, which makes many female heroes feel a touch and ripples.

"The first thing I aimed at was my cute face, which is too much!"

After becoming a slime, Limlu, who had abandoned her morals, pouted.

Facing the sweeping Jin Chu, he stretched out his thin arm and stood in front of Jin Chu.

Seeing Limlu being so big, Dalba took a little bit of strength-one was to bully the child, and he felt a little troubled in his heart; the other was that Limlu was so confident that he was afraid that he would have something to do.

King Golden Wheel, and even Guo Jing Huang Rong thought so.

But in fact, when the heavy golden pestle hit Limru's hand, it seemed white and tender, without even a tiny bit of calluses, it easily blocked the blow.

"When I look thin, do you think I'm not good at strength? It's not right to judge people by appearance!"

Limlu grabbed the golden pestle with his backhand and gently lifted it up.

"Eh eh eh!!!"

In the exclamation of Dalba, Limru grasped the golden pestle on one side, and he just lifted this valuable weapon together with Dalba, who was holding on to the weapon on the other side.

With a warm smile on his face, Limru's body began to rotate, and Jin Pestle followed Dalba like a propeller, following Limru's rotation.

Dalba is also a deadhead, just refuses to let go.After Limru turned three times, he loosened his right hand and threw it in the direction of no one.

"Throw you Rem!"


The next moment, I saw Dalba being thrown away with a pestle and flying out more than ten meters in mid-air with an unesthetized movement. Duang hit the ground with a single blow and couldn't get up for a long time.

Limru killed two consecutively, and a series of cheers rang out from among the heroes.

"it is good!!"


On the other hand, King Golden Wheel Fa King's face was completely gloomy, and at the same time the secret path was not good.

Where did this guy who doesn't seem to be from the Central Plains come from?

It is not difficult for him to defeat Huo Du and Dalba at his own expense, but it seems that the other party defeated the two in a row, but did not even breathe for breath... Wait!

Breathe?This person has not breathed since the beginning!

At first, King Jinlun thought that it was because the other party had practiced some martial arts similar to turtle breath art, which made the breathing province become extremely weak and long, so that one breath could live in the abdomen for a long time.

But later, he used Zangmen ears to hear and found that Limlu wasn't just breathing.There is no sound of heartbeat or blood flow.

Is this still a person?

Coupled with Limru's blue-haired golden pupil, and that thin body that is not martial arts, but exploded with surprising speed and strength, the Golden Wheel Fa King became more and more shocked as he watched, and his brain opened up.

As soon as the monster said, it is not only here in Central Plains.

This hero meeting was organized by Song martial artists to fight against the Mongolian army.Are you surprised here?Could it be said that those Song people actually went with the monsters?

Song people would rather be ruled by monsters than my Mongolian possession?

Can my Mongolian army win against the monsters?

For a time, countless thoughts flowed through the King of the Golden Wheel, and drums in his heart.

If Limru is a master of martial arts, then with the pride of King Jinlun Fa, apart from Zhongyuan Wujue, he can stand against him. The rest are all chickens and dogs, and they must fight him.

It's a pity that although King Jinlun is a Tibetan monk, he doesn't know how to deal with monsters!

Do you want to go back and ask Master Uncle and the seniors in other temples if there is a way to kill demons and exterminate demons?

When he learns, come and compete with this Central Plains monster!

King Jinlunfa shouted a Tibetan word, and asked the entourage to take Huodu and Dalba, and leave without saying a word.

Behind them, countless heroes made mocking sounds, which made King Golden Wheel Fa King look like a bereaved dog.


After the two games, Limru, who felt quite interesting, retreated to Xiao Feng's side.

Practicing martial arts can strengthen one's strength, speed and flexibility.But as a special slime with a great sage, Limru's attributes were already so high that ordinary people were amazed, not to mention having cultivated the cosmic force.

I must sigh at this time.As far as adaptability is concerned, the cosmic force that can be cultivated by any thing is better than the practice of some worlds with comparable combat strength.

For example, Limru is a slime, he is a mass of liquid.

You want him to absorb the Force.If he wants him to run his internal force in the meridians according to a certain law, where does he get you to get the meridians out of it!

Isn't this embarrassing other people's slimes!

When King Golden Wheel left, another girl in white came from outside the bamboo forest.

Her face was pale and slightly ill, but she was as beautiful as a xizi holding her heart.

When she passed by, people around her, no matter how old they were, held their breath for fear of disturbing the beautiful woman.


Seeing the figure that thought day and night, like a chime echoing in Yang Guo's ear.

He was overjoyed, jumped up from the stool, rushed to the woman's side a few steps, and hugged her.


In the ancient tomb, Xiaolongnu and Yang Guo have been together for several years, and they have long been accustomed to each other's existence.

Now, having not seen each other for a few months, lovesickness surged in their hearts at the same time, and they went away to talk.

This episode did not affect the continuation of the conference.

Originally, if Limulu was replaced by Guo Jing, Qiu Chuji or Zhou Botong, the martial arts leader had already decided.

But Limulu was not a native of the Central Plains, and the second did not seem to be a nominal deputy leader of the martial arts, but the actual leader of the martial arts (Limuru: I am the leader of the Kura Great Forest!).

In the end, after repeated discussions, Guo Jing, who can be stationed in Xiangyang, served as the deputy leader, commanded the heroes, and jointly opposed the Mongolian army.

The fourth and forty-ninth chapters of the two heroes of the gods (repair)

The leader decided on the matter, and the heroes went back to their homes and settled their affairs.

In ancient times, there was no moving train, and you could travel thousands of miles in a few days.Most of these people who came to participate in the Heroes' Conference had prepared for almost half a year, and even half of them would take a month or two to hurry, and never go back and delay things.

On the third day of staying at Guo's house, Limru was in the martial arts field, learning martial arts from Xiao Feng.

Although I can't practice internal power, learning some martial arts moves is still no problem for Rimuru.In addition, there were great sages who assisted (worked) and assisted (harmed), and soon Limru learned Taizu Changquan and Luohanquan from Xiao Feng.

At that time, Guo Jing's angry scream came from the mansion.

"you dare!!"


Limlu and Xiao Feng were taken aback and hurried away.But he saw Guo Jing grabbing Yang Guo's chest with one hand and holding it high with the other, like a strict father teaching his naughty son.

But compared to the bear child who would be half-dead by slap in the face, Yang Guo didn't fear at all, staring at Guo Jing's eyes.

"My aunt loves me wholeheartedly, and I treat her the same way. Uncle Guo, if you want to kill me, start with it. My idea will never change forever!"

Limru: (=?ω?)

Something seems wrong?

At this time, Guo Jing and Huang Rong also saw Xiao Feng and Limru.

At the moment when Guo Jing was distracted, Huang Rong decisively entered and took Yang Guo from him.

The little dragon girl on the side hurried over and stood with Yang Guo.

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