Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 305

Emperor Nantian: Then, why can Xiaojianjian travel through the Dimensional Wall, but is not targeted by OAA?

Daozu: So he was selected as a member of the group.

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi: Soga, Sodas pinch.

Nantiandi: Then why is it that Saitama was chosen by Tornado instead of Saitama?

Daozu: This is probably because she is arrogant.

Emperor Nantian: Oh, arrogant.

Bai Yacha: What about Tsundere.

Penglai Shan Huiye: Tsundere dies

Nyarlatotepu: Tsundere squeezed to death.

The trembling tornado: Don't think my old lady, if I didn't speak, just pretend I don't exist!!!___*\()/#____

"Really, these guys."

Angrily put away the phone, and the shivering Tornado looked at the silver-haired hungry wolf in front of him with cold eyes.

"Now when I meet, I can only say that your life is bad! Don't worry, I will hand over your whole body to Banggu!"

When Tornado spoke, the hungry wolf wanted to attack first, launching a surprise attack on the second hero of the S rank.

But at this time, he found that his body had completely disobeyed.

Bound the hungry wolf with super powers, tornado gripped with his right hand.

Click, click, click!

From the hungry wolf's body, there was a series of crackling sounds.With extremely precise operations, Tornado smashed the hungry wolf's cervical spine, spine, and heart.

This so-called "hero killer" has recently defeated two S-level heroes fighting with weirdos, double-digit A-level heroes, and indirectly killed hundreds of people.


Holding the'Graduation Intent Form', Takaban Honoka put a fountain pen on her nose, and asked Nanqin Li and Sonoda Kai to the side.

"Xiaoniaojiang, Haiweijiang, are you ready to do anything after graduation?"

"I intend to go to university."

Having said that, Sonoda Hai did not look at Takaita Honoka with a bitter look.

"But after being pulled into the Muse by you, my grades are no longer enough to be admitted to Waseda or Dongda. Now my family plans to use the recommended places to let me enter Ewha Womans University."

Takaban Honoka smirked first, avoiding the unresolved gaze, and then exclaimed.

"Oh, Ewha Womans University, isn't that the best girls' school in China?!"

But then, she looked sad again.

"My mother wants me to learn dim sum making and inherit the family dim sum shop. After graduation, we can't be together every day like this?"

"Honey Jam..."

Seeing Emperor Guo's expression dimmed, Sonoda Kaimi was uncomfortable.

At this time, Nan Qinli quickly said.

"Even if we can't be together, we can still video. And Honoka's shop and Ewha Womans University are both in Tokyo, so we can often go out and play together!"

"That's right, hehe."

The dark clouds on Guo Huang's face came and went quickly, and he scratched his head embarrassedly.

They are now in the first semester of high school, and there is more than one semester before graduation!

"What about Xiaoniaojiang? What do you plan to do after graduation?"

Suinaiguo's brain opened wide, and her face changed.

"Couldn't you become the president of the school after graduation?! The future president!"

"How can it be so fast, idiot Hui Naiguo!"

Sonoda Hai did not roll his eyes.

"Let's not talk about Xiaoniaojiang's own wishes, even if she really wants to be the chairman of the board, it will be many years later!"


Looking at the interaction of the friends, Nan Qinli showed a happy smile on her face.

She thought about the sand sculpture group members with their own strengths, and felt that with her own ability, she was already enough to deal with some dark sides of society.

"I intend to continue singing and make my debut and become a true idol."


Nan Qinli's speech shocked her two little friends without surprise.

"Little bird sauce, are you serious? Real idols are not the same as school idols like us. It takes a lot of hard work!"

Honoka sighed, and accidentally exposed something.

"Actually, I also had this plan. I pulled Xiaoniaojiang and Younianjiang to debut together, but then gave up after learning about it. Being an idol feels more tiring than learning to make snacks!"

"No, this is definitely not possible!"

Hearing that the Emperor Guo was about to pit himself again, Sonoda Kai did not actually shook his head, and once again turned into a strange'Yan Yi'.

"Wearing those flamboyant clothes, dancing and singing to classmates, it's absolutely impossible to show to those adults and strange uncles! Becoming an idol is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Nanqin Li: "True fragrance (Chinese)?"

"Well, what are you talking about, Xiaoniaojiang?"

Hearing that, both Hui Naiguo and Hai Wei turned their heads a little strangely.

"It's nothing."

Nan Qinli slapped haha, and smiled in her heart: If it were Haiwei, it wouldn't be really fragrant... right?

After all, the essence of human beings is cou cou and true fragrance!


The raging flames burned in the camp.

The crimson fire engulfed the goblin's corpse and exuded a nasty smell of flesh.

"This is already the fourth large goblin tribe we have destroyed, right?"

The female elf archer wiped the goblin blood from the arrow.

Together with Gesha, they eliminated a Goblin Kingdom, four large goblin tribes, and countless small goblin tribes, caves, and ruins within one year.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many goblins in the world!"

The dwarf warlock took a sip of wine and sighed.

Dwarves and Lizardmen are all soldiers, even women and children can easily kill ordinary goblins.Therefore, it is rarely harmed by goblins.

Humans are the hardest hit areas for goblins.

"Still a long way to go."

Brother Sha gently stroked the Zanpaku Knife that he had been able to smash.

His strength has surpassed the brave in this world, and he can definitely live a prosperous life by destroying large monsters, but his goal is still to kill all the goblins in the world.

Perhaps, he will not be able to achieve this goal in his life, but if one goblin tribe is destroyed, there will be one less goblin tribe in the world.

Coupled with the help of the Dimensional Sharing Group, he feels that when he has enough strength, he can modify the laws of this world and completely erase the goblins from this world conceptually!

Chapter Four and Five

In the Maple Village, the tall Mikami is still standing next to the Bone Eating Well, and can continue to stand for at least five hundred years.

Sanjiu sticks the last spell on the wooden well rail of the Bone Eating Well, and with a flash of white light, the technique officially takes effect.

"All right."

She clapped her hands, removed the dust and grass clippings on her hands, turned her head and smiled at Inuyasha and Kagome.

"I have fixed the state of the Bone Eating Well through time and space, and now you can use it to travel between the modern and the Warring States era at any time. But be careful not to let other monsters run in."

"Thank you so much, Senior Sanjiu!"

Kagome Higurashi bowed to Sanjiu gratefully.

"I have a barrier given by Kikyo, and I will set it next to the Bone Eating Well to prevent other monsters from entering."

As she said, she turned her head to look at Inuyasha, who had iron teeth hanging from her waist, and her hands in Fire Rat Qiu's wide sleeves.

"Inuyasha, I have an exam tomorrow, and I need to go back quickly today. Are you going back with me or staying in Maple Village?"

"Of course I am going back with you. Why stay here?"

Inuyasha looked at the surroundings and the scenery had changed a lot compared to fifty years ago.

Staying here will only add to the sadness and damage the relationship with the current girlfriend because of the ex-girlfriend.


Kagome nodded in satisfaction with his dog's answer, and then invited Sanjiu again.

"Senior Sanjiu, is there anything going on? Come to my house if it's okay. Today my mother said that I want to eat Shouxi pot. Shouxi pot is interesting because there are many people."

"This is not so good."

Sanjiu hesitated a little.This seems to be someone else’s family dinner!

"what is the relationship!"

Seeing Sanjiu's hesitation, Kagome smiled and jumped into the well.

"Then Sanjiu-senior, I will go there first, I will wait for you over there!"

With a pink halo, Kagome's figure disappeared into the well.

A minute later, it was estimated that Kagome should have crawled out of the well over there, and Sanjiu also jumped down.

Inuyasha is the last.

However, after Inuyasha arrived in this world, Sanjiu was not found.

"Huh, where's Senior Sanjiu?"

Kagome was standing at the mouth of the well down a lot, a little strange.

"Inuyasha, didn't Senpai come?"

"I do not know."

Inuyasha frowned, leaving a sentence and then returned to the Warring States Period.

"She jumped down before me, I'll go back and look for it!"


It's a pity that no matter how hard Inuyasha and Ari work, they can't find Sanjiu.

At this time, Sanjiu was standing in the crowded street, staring blankly at the surrounding scenery that was very familiar in memory but made her feel a little strange.

"This is... a shopping street?!"

Could it be that I am back!!!

An excitement and joy rushed from the soles of her feet to her heart like a volcanic eruption, making Sanjiu's face flushed instantly.

If it hadn't been for her to control her, the energy in her body hadn't burst out according to her mood, and several people would definitely die around.

With a trembling right hand, he took out his mobile phone, Sanjiu found his father's phone and dialed out decisively.

Just as she thought.Although it should have been'missing' for a year, her phone did not stop.

In the company, Mr. Nakano, who was in a meeting, frowned slightly.

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