Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 306

He looked down at the vibrating mobile phone, and his eyes suddenly widened after the word'Sanjiu'.

The excited Mr. Nakano kicked off the stool and almost did not fall. He was shocked by the subordinate who was giving the report. He thought that the big boss was dissatisfied with his report and his heart would stop.

In the astonished expressions of the subordinates, Mr. Nakano grabbed the phone with the fastest hand in his life, prayed that the phone would never hang up, and pressed the answer button.



"It's really Sanjiu!"

Hearing this voice that I haven't heard in a year, Mr. Nakano, who is in his forties, is old... middle-aged in tears.

He choked.

"Sanjiu, where are you now? Dad will pick you up right away!"

"I'm in the commercial street."

There were also tears on Sanjiu's face.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes swept away.

"Dad wait, I saw Yotsuba and May! Yotsuba, May!"

Sanjiu waved the mobile phone in his hand and called out to Yotsuba and May who were shopping.

The two of them who heard her shout were taken aback, and their four eyes turned to Sanjiu's position at the same time.

"It's Sanjiu's voice!"


Immediately afterwards, Yotsuba and Wuyue's eye sockets were also red, and they ran towards Sanjiu in strides.

Accompanied by the crying of the two girls, there was also a series of worries and questions.

"Sanjiu, where have you been this year! We are all worried about you!"

"The police can't find you, satellite positioning can't find your cell phone, and surveillance video is useless. We thought we would never see you in this lifetime!"

"It's fine if you're fine, just fine."

Hearing the voices of the other two daughters, Mr. Nakano, who knew that Sanjiu was okay, let out a sigh of relief and quickly shouted loudly.

"You go back now, dad and I will go home soon!"

He grabbed his suit and nodded to his subordinates.

"Sorry, I have to leave beforehand. Your opinion is very good, I will report next time."

Because the daughter who had been missing for a year suddenly returned, Mr. Nakano was the clerk who remembered this report.

Find a chance to promote him, this may be a lucky general!


Waiting for Sanjiu and Yotsuba to return home in May, Yihua and Nino (I've always wanted to vomit, is this name serious?) are equally excited.

The quintuplets cried, crying and laughing together.If it weren't for the soundproofing of the high-end apartment, the neighbor would have thought it was a major criminal case!

Soon, Dad Nakano also arrived home, along with a hot high-end Japanese takeaway.

The six people sat down, Nakano Maruo, that is, Mr. Nakano and the other four girls motionless, just watching Mikaku eat.It was as if she was a phantom and would suddenly disappear when eating.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? I can't run."

Sanjiu, with a little red eye socket, joked a little.

"Everyone, eat quickly, or it will be cold in a while."

"It feels like Sanjiu has changed a lot. It turns out you wouldn't be joking like that."

Yotsuba sighed, but the other sisters blamed her for her indiscretion.

Although Yotsuba Yikou also felt bad.


But Sanjiu smiled slightly, not paying attention.

Instead, she felt that it was great that Yotsuba was still so frank.

Not like her.It took months to determine what I wanted.Finally, he made up his mind, intending to compete with others, and when he turned around, he found that the opponent had reached the end.

Since then, Sanjiu has told herself that we must be decisive in doing things in the future!Some things can't be returned if they are lost!

Chapter 46 The Quintuplets Practice Plan (Repair)

After eating, the Nakano family gathered together and began the "family memorabilia".

"Sanjiu, where have you been this year?"

As the eldest sister, Yihua hugged Sanjiu and asked her.

Originally, their father had strict requirements on the grades of the five, and even quarreled more than once.

But after Sanjiu's disappearance, their stepfather Nakano Maruo talked with the remaining four sisters, and no longer forced them to study hard.

Naturally, a certain actor also lost the opportunity to become a tutor for the quintuplets.

"I went to a very magical place and met a lot of amazing people. After a year of practice, I also learned a lot of techniques just like anime."

Sanjiu thought for a while, but didn't directly say anything about the Dimensional Sharing Group.Otherwise, the first reaction of my sisters was not to believe, but to rush her to the hospital, suspecting that she had encountered something indescribable this year, and the whole person was stupid.


The other four sisters all exclaimed.Except for Yotsuba stupidly believing, everyone else is worried that Sanjiu will not be kidnapped by a cult, and will he put it back after the brainwashing is complete?

Yotsuba doesn't care about that much.She saw Taitou placed by Sanjiu, and curiously wanted to pick her up.

"Is this a real sword? Let me see..."

As a result, Yotsuba used one force, another force, and then another force, but the knife remained motionless in place, seeming to mock her for not being able to hold herself.


Yotsuba felt very unhappy.She is the athletic girl among the five sisters.How could she not be able to take things that Sanjiu could pick up at will?

Seeing Yotsuba competing with the saber she usually uses casually, Sanjiu smiled.

"Yoshiba, this knife weighs two hundred kilograms, but it's not so easy to pick up."


"Two hundred kilograms?!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone turned their attention to Sanjiu.

"Really two hundred kilograms?"

Mr. Nakano was very surprised.

He just saw his three daughters and easily pulled the knife from the button of his belt and placed it firmly on the ground.If there are really two hundred kilograms, how could it be so easy!

"I'll try."

Mr. Nakano pinched the handle and scabbard with both hands and lifted it up.

As a result, the knife only moved slightly.

After trying several times, Mr. Nakano gave up.

"Really heavy!"

He looked at this ordinary sword in awe:

With this volume and this weight, what exactly is this knife made of?

What surprised him even more was, what exactly did Sanjiu do, so that he could easily pick up such a heavy knife?

And what is it that needs to be dealt with with such a heavy knife?


The four sisters tried one after another and found that they really couldn't handle the knife.Even if the four sisters work together, they can only move a little bit.


Wuyue gave up when she was sweating and couldn't help asking Sanjiu.

"Sanjiu, did you go to a deep mountain and old forest to practice this year?"

"You can say the same."

Sanjiu nodded gently.During the Warring States Period 500 years ago, most places were deep mountains and old forests.


"It sounds amazing!"

"Then Sanjiu, what have you learned? Show it to us!"

Unlike the other four sisters who were happily booing, Mr. Nakano felt that the three views he had already formed as an adult were challenged.

Practicing in deep mountains and old forests to gain powerful strength?Is this really the case in modern society?

But thinking about the news that came from somewhere recently, he couldn't deny it completely, but his heart sank.

Sanjiu, won't she also become that kind of thing?

But on another thought, Sanjiu was very happy to eat Japanese food tomorrow, obviously different from that kind of thing.

Mr. Nakano was relieved now.


Sanjiu smiled slightly and slowly lifted into the air in a cross-sit position.

"Do you mean this?"


"Sanjiu, you can fly!"

Yotsuba and Mayuki's eyes were shining, and Kazuhwa and Nino were also very envious.

Mr. Nakano told himself according to his beating heart: Calm, calm!

When Sanjiu landed, the four sisters swarmed up, and all the problems flew out.

The faint estrangement that had not been seen in a year was broken by this.

"OK OK!"

Sanjiu raised his hands and said, getting upset by the noise.

"Want to learn, I will teach you!"

"Is this ok?"

May's eyes gleamed, but she soon worried again.

"This kind of thing should be a secret method? Will it be cleaned up if you steal it, like in anime!"

Sanjiu shook his head and smiled.

"This is my friend's thing, so it doesn't matter if you want to learn it."

"But cultivation mainly depends on aptitude. If the aptitude is not good, you can only use resources. Like mine, the aptitude is very ordinary, relying on the help of others to have the current ability."

"Hey, you are not good at Sanjiu."

Nino suddenly became depressed.

"Then we are quintuplets, and we certainly can't."

That's right, Sanjiu thinks so too.

"It doesn't matter, there is a big gap between no good and no good."

San Jiu, who was piled up by Ye Nan's resources into a domain master, clapped his hands.

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