Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 308

Ilia: 2!

Tosaka Rin; 3!

Kinomoto Sakura: 4!

Cona Kamui: 5!

Takamachi Naha: The rise of elementary school students!Down with the dictatorship of the group leader!

Takamachi Naha was banned for thirty minutes.

Nyara Totip: Puff!

Penglai Shan Huiye: In fact, we are trained, and generally don't laugh when encountering such things.

CC: Unless it's funny!

Limru: Hahahaha!

Yi Liya: _(:з∠)_ lie on the ground and dare not speak.

Kinomoto Sakura: _(:з∠)_ lie on the ground and dare not speak.

Kangna Kamui: _(:з∠)_ lie on the ground and dare not speak.

Ais Wallenstein: If I am not mistaken, the one gasification and three cleansing needs a shared value of 100 million, right?Loki God led me to find many male gods and goddesses, and together they made up more than 8 million shared values.

Nine Dragons Bayi: I felt an arrow in my knee.Are there any rich women in the group?The rich women, please jump out now, don't worry about it again later.

Penglai Mountain Huiye; Gensokyo harem group rich lady is here!

Bai Yacha: The rich wife of the Great Demon King Hakata is here!

Nyarlatotepu: Here is the rich woman of Crusoe!

Hela: The Asgard goddess Wang Fupo is here!

Kangna Kamui: Mr. Kobayashi helped me find the rich lady with the ability to upload dragons here!

The trembling tornado: I'm not a rich woman, but the abilities of S-class heroes and weirdos, especially after uploading Saitama's "Break the Limiter", are still worth a bit of money.

Nine Dragons Bayi: Very good, a total of 6 rich women.In this icy society full of material desires, only Aichan, Tianyichan, and Charlotte sauce can bring me a touch of warmth.

Sato Kazuma: Oh, Megumin will do too!

Emperor Nantian: Monarch pervert, do you really give Huihui too?

Sato Kazuma: Ah, why don't you stop eating the meat on your lips?(▽*) Compared to those three wives and four concubines, I only have Akua, Huihui, Dakness, and Wiz. They are already very conscious, OK!

Penglai Mountain Huiye: You can't even let the Lich, Weitz!

The trembling tornado: Pervert!

Iliya: Scumbag!

Sato Kazuma: (ugly face) Don't just talk about me.If Ilia develops over there, Shirou Eiya might end up in the harem!(o′)

Tosaka Rin: Is it possible that I in another world will be brutally murdered?!OO! At least, at least Sakura is safe!

Ilya: She closed her knees.jpg

Kurosada: Sakura is safe.Unexpectedly, after uploading Dr. Roman's abilities, he could get so many shared values.Now, even if I singled out Gaetia, I have the confidence to beat him!

Hei Zhen: Also, FGO's full heroic ability uploads the rich woman, join!

Kurosada: Also, if Illiya doesn't want Shiro Wimiya to become a bulldozer, cut him off.

Ilia: Cut?!!

Sato Kazuma: Cut??

Limru: Cut??

Nine Dragons Bayi: Cut?(;-﹏-.)

Hermione Granger: Can you stop driving in the group?Now I have become old Si Ji!And after seeing Harry, I can no longer look directly at Harry x Malfoy, Harry x Ron, and Harry x Snape!

Penglai Shan Huiye: Hehe, congratulations, step into the door of the new world.

Looking down at the phone, Xiao Feng pressed it for a long time, without typing a word.

Xiao Daxia feels that his style of painting is not right with these people!

And these goddesses, godslayers, heavenly emperors, and demon kings get together, why are they talking about this all day long?Bring back the touch when I first joined the group!!!(‵□′)


If only the cultivation method is counted, it does not cost 100 million to transform the three cleansings into one gas, but it is much cheaper.

But Ye Nan had a hunch-time is more important to him than shared value.

Therefore, he still chose the One-Qi Hua San-Qing (one step in place) version.

After clicking to download, he suddenly appeared in a gray space.

In front of him, stood an old man wearing a white sun-moon robe, looking like an old man, holding a crutches in his hand and walking on auspicious clouds.

He glanced at Ye Nan and said with a smile.

"It turns out that it was Emperor Nantian in person."

Ye Nan's name, it can be said that few people among the big brothers know.

They all hold a point of view: if one day their dark history spreads, it must be him!

"Unexpectedly, it was the Taiqing saint who would come here!"

Ye Nan hurriedly bowed.

He really didn't expect that the 100 million shared value was actually taught by the saint himself.

But speaking of it, Daozu sometimes chatted with them and fart.

Didn't talk to Ye Nan much.The sage of Taiqing entered the state directly.

A purple canopy was released from the top of his head, and a chakra of enlightenment was born behind his head.

"The original husband of Taoism starts from the beginning, starts from no first, and follows the path to respond. It is born from the Miaoyi, from the Miaoyi, divided into three elements, and from the three elements to the three Qi..."

All sorts of magic methods and important changes in dexterity have all fallen into Ye Nan's ears following his narration.And it drives Ye Nan's body to circulate Sanqing Qi, nurturing an incarnation.

This feeling is much better than when Ye Nan saw the Universe Chaos Monument.

Following the sage's narration, the Three Thousand Mile Purple Qi slowly floated out of his body and turned into a cloud of great magic power, gathering around Ye Nan.

After not knowing how long it took, the three avatars that looked similar to Ye Nan but showed the state of celestial bodies gradually condensed.

The three of them slowly opened their eyes and turned the surrounding clouds into robes. You look at me and I look at you. It feels very novel.

Although they are clones, they don't need Ye Nan to control them personally, they have the same intelligence as Ye Nan.

Seeing that Ye Nan successfully transformed into three clones, the Taiqing Saint stopped talking.

The three million miles of purple cloud cover on his head fell into his body, and he nodded slightly to Ye Nan.

"One qi into three cleansing is not a pure fighting method, but a truth that I realized during my practice. Therefore, the three clones that I have separated are half a step weaker than myself when they reach their limit."

"The Nantian emperor is weaker in incarnation now, and needs to use innate spirit treasures or equivalent types of treasures to suppress the air transport, condense the mana, and transform the real self."

After that, the old man nodded to him again, his figure slowly faded.

Later, Ye Nan also withdrew from that space.

Chapter 463: Emperor Nantian (repair)

Goblin Slayer: Very strange, according to the map of the kingdom, there should be no Goblin Forest here.Has anyone heard of the name Arad continent?

Penglai Shan Huiye: You actually met the thirteenth apostle Celia?Sorry, now Kings Canyon needs me, I have no money to protect the Arad continent!

Goblin Slayer:?

Emperor Nantian: That is a character from another world. It seems that I also encountered the world where I killed you.

Goblin Slayer: That's it.Are there many goblins in another world?

Nantiandi: There are indeed many.And among them there are powerful goblins with various magic skills.

Goblin Slayer: I see, thanks for letting me know.

Emperor Nantian: In society, my brother kills, but people don't talk harshly!

Goblin Slayer:...

Putting down the phone, Ye Nan looked at his three avatars.

At the same time, the avatars also looked at the body.

With the help of the Purple Qi of the Saint Taiqing, the strength of these clones has been elevated to the level of the world master.But without Xiantian Lingbao to suppress Qi Luck, there is no way to break through immortality.

According to Ye Nan's current realm of Universe Venerable, the three clones should be able to reach the invincible king.

"Innate Lingbao level treasures, how can they be so easy to obtain!"

The only thing Ye Nan had in his hands was a black light armor.

But this thing was used by him to save his life, it was impossible to use it for the clone.

There are a lot of innate spirit treasures in Journey to the West, but Ye Nan can't get it, and Ye Nan can't get it.

"So, we can only look for opportunities in the copy."

Ye Nan warned the clones.

"Remember, the power of one person is small, but the power of four people is great! Our goal is to be three feet tall and pluck the geese!"

This purpose is to strengthen the clone itself, the three clones naturally focus on their heads.


Seeing that Junxin was available, Ye Nan picked up the phone.

Emperor Nantian: No money, no money!Which local tyrant wants to bring me a copy!

Penglai Shan Huiye: Haven't you just achieved a small goal, group owner?Why is there no money?

Nantiandi: Because a small goal is too expensive, so there is no money!

Penglai Shan Huiye: It is reasonable and convincing.Goodbye!

Emperor Nantian: (^)

Sato Kazuma: I am the host!I also want to play in a copy, but I am afraid of death!If there is a group leader with me, then I can rest assured!

Emperor Nantian: Are you sure_, I enter the dungeon but I want to make trouble.

Sato Kazuma: It doesn't matter!Even if the group owner is in trouble, the safety factor is higher than that of me alone!

Limru: So, which copy are you going to go to?

Sato Kazuma: The Golden Zodiac!From this look, you know that it is a Saint Seiya!I want to learn the little universe!It would be even better if the group owner could help make another set of golden saint clothes!

Nantian Emperor: Saint Seiya?The highest combat power is Pluto, Athena and Poseidon, maybe their god clothes are not bad, it is worth a visit.Yes, ok.

Limru: I want to go too, I want to go too!Sato-kun, let's pay half of the cost of the copy, take me one!I want to learn Lightning Speed ​​Fist!

Penglai Shan Huiye: I don't understand you Saint Seiya very much.

Sato Kazuma: Is there anyone else?The copy will start soon!There are the last two positions!

Yuki Lidou: Me!And I!I also want a set of golden saints!This is a man's romance!

Iori: Plus me!Compared to the golden saint clothing, the Ming clothing is more suitable for me.

Sato Kazuma: Σ⊙▽⊙”a

Rimuru: Wow, Iori actually watch Saint Seiya?

Iori: What's wrong, the martial arts school is not allowed to read comics!I remember that many martial arts masters' moves were inspired by comics.

Sato Kazuma: Okay, it's full, it's full, start off!


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