Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 309

The Greek Sanctuary, also known as the Sanctuary, is the headquarters of the Saints, located a few kilometers away from downtown Athens.

There are twenty enchantments around the sanctuary to prevent ordinary people, people with ulterior motives or enemies from entering.

When Ye Nan entered the dungeon, he found that there were no Sato and Ma around.At the same time, a memory was introduced into the mind.

In memory, he is a candidate for the golden saint in the sanctuary.Originally after Aiolos betrayed, he should inherit the Sagittarius golden saint, but he himself refused.

According to the memory, Ye Nan believed that even if he did not rely on the saint clothing, he could defeat the Golden Saint Seiya wearing the saint clothing with his own strength, and has been working hard for this.

But as a powerful combat force, after Ye Nan refused to inherit the saint clothing, he was appointed as the chief instructor of the sanctuary responsible for teaching the apprentices of saints.Sanctuary hopes that he will use his experience to train more qualified saints, and contribute to Athena's cause of "saving the world".

"According to this memory, tomorrow will be the final of the Battle of the Pegasus Saint Cloth. The contestant is Seiya, and...Ridou?"

Ye Nan looked weird.

"Don't say it's the current Seiya, even if he wears the Sagittarius golden saint, he might not have beaten Li Dou? Li Dou is fully open, maybe even Athena can overturn."

While he was thinking, a priest dressed in white came over and said respectfully.

"Master Ye Nan, Yucheng Lidou brought a new Saint Seiya candidate to see you below."


Ye Nan nodded gently.

"Let them come up."


Baiyi sacrifices to retreat.Ye Nan stood on the top of the mountain and looked down.

This is a steep mountain top, the cliff is nearly ninety degrees, it is the place in his memory where he practiced and felt the constellation.

Waiting for Lidou and Sato Kazuma to arrive, Ye Nan waved back the white clothes to sacrifice and said to them.

"Have you seen Rimru and Iori?"


Li Dou shook his head.

"When I came over, I only saw Hezhen, and then as I remembered, I went to the Chief Instructor Ye Nan, and I brought him with him."

"That's it."

Ye Nan thought for a while, his expression a little weird.

"Since they didn't join us in the first place, they are probably not in the sanctuary. Shouldn't they become sea fighters and underworld fighters according to their respective attributes?"

Limru is a slime, just a lump of liquid.The Cangyan of Iori Temple also had some underworld attributes.

I have to say that Ye Nan was right.

In the temple of Poseidon located in the deep sea, Limlu spit bubbles and looked up at Garon, who was sitting boldly on the seat of Poseidon, who was actually the leader of the Neptune Army.

"What a perfect physique! It's perfect for this Terry suit!"

Kanon looked at Limuru, whose body was 99% of water attributes, and was pleasantly surprised.

"You will be my secret weapon, give Athena a surprise!"


At the same time, the underworld.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Amidst the purple flames, a figure wailed sadly.

Opposite the figure, Iori, with long scarlet hair, raised his head and looked directly into the eyes of one of the three giants of the underworld, Radamandis.


Radamandis admired the indifference and pride of the Iori Temple very much.

"From today, you are the Heavenly Slaughter Star Warrior!"

Chapter 464 He is really thinking about peaches (Xiu)

Now Rimuru and Iori are not there, and the discussion is useless.

"Then what about tomorrow's game?"

Yuki Rido expressed depression.

"Although I haven't awakened the small universe, even if I don't need to be angry, my combat effectiveness will definitely be much higher than Seiya. It seems normal to lose to him and can't do it!"

"Why lose to him?"

Ye Nan felt inexplicable.

"Don't you need to lose to him?"

Yuki Rido was also at a loss.

"What if you don't lose to him the Bronze Saint Garment of Pegasus? Isn't the story behind it all messed up?"

"You win tomorrow, and of course the Saint Garment of Pegasus belongs to you!"

Ye Nan patted Yucheng Lidou on the shoulder: Although he is the next King of the Galaxy, he is still too young!

He spoke earnestly.

"Don't worry about the general trend of the plot. In this world, we are the general trend!"

"In fact, if it gets darker, we can grab the sanctuary first, and then the ocean and the underworld. But if Athena, Hades and Poseidon join forces to engage us in the end, there may be a possibility of overturning. After all. This is the opponent's home court, who knows if there is anything weird or strange."

At this point, Ye Nan thought about it again.

"Could it be that you are afraid that the Pegasus bronze saint clothing will not be in line with you? After all, you are not the reincarnation of Pegasus this time, but it is possible."

"No, no, it doesn't matter. If there is a Pegasus, what kind of golden saint clothing is needed!"

Li Dou shook his head quickly.

"Anyway, after I enter the realm king's fist state, all the saint clothes are a punch, so handsome! Pegasus bronze saint clothes are much more famous than gold saint clothes!"

Formation·The King of the Galaxy·Super Rich·There is an exclusive armor produced by the Deb Luke Royal Family·Ridou said that fighting power does not matter, but appearance is the most important thing!

Ye Nan nodded, broadly understood.

After all, (pretend) handsome (force) is the first productive force of mankind!

"Then what about you?"

Sato Kazuma touched his head, feeling a little embarrassed in front of the two big men.

"I'm here for the powerful saint clothing. After all, my personal strength is very average, and I rely entirely on props. This time, I want to exercise my body. At the very least, I have to awaken the small universe, if I can understand the seventh sense. It's even better."

"This is a bit difficult."

It's not that Ye Nan looked down on Sato Kazuma.It's that Pervert and Zhen have wiped out their adventurer squad, drunk and dreaming every day, their willpower has been too low.

"Kazuma, you also know that the exercise of the small universe is very difficult. Can you hold it?"


Sato Kazuma decisively shook his head and smiled with a big face.

"So I hope that after the big guy learns, upload it to the group file and let me learn it."

Ye Nan was strange.

"Then you might as well download the power of the Marquis of Vauban, or the domineering uploaded by Luffy. There are so many choices in the group, why do you want a small universe?"

"Because the upper limit of the small universe is the highest."

Sato Kazuto's face looked after careful study.

"If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Power is easy to be targeted. If you want to be a real strong, you need to practice hard. Anyway, I can't do it."

"But the Saint Seiya is different. The small universe is an ideal thing. It is quite easy to explode, and once it breaks out, it will jump to the next level. Although I am not a protagonist like Seiya, and I do not have the blessing of Athena's small universe, I am still very lucky. confident!"

Ye Nan and Yucheng Lidou: (Д)

They can't understand Sato Kazuma's brain circuit at all!

Does it mean that when he encounters an enemy in the future, will he rely on luck to defeat the opponent?

However, neither of them knew that Sato Kazuma actually had an idea about this.

Athena is a goddess, but I also have a goddess here!

Doesn’t the eighth sense mean that human beings can only be understood when they die?Anyway, Akuya has the ability to resurrect, so just die a few more times!When you understand the eighth sense, you can save a lot of shared value!

When the time comes, just throw a small garbage universe to Akua, isn't he also a kidney fighter blessed by the goddess?

He Sato, a great businessman, and Kazuma will not be in a loss-making business!


One day passed quickly.

Here, Ye Nan wants to complain about Sanctuary’s food: you say we can endure eating potatoes and cabbage stewed pork, after all, it is a famous dish in Northeast China.

But eating this for three meals a day is a bit too much?Could it be said that the chefs of Sanctuary have no other cooking methods besides throwing these things together for cooking?

Saint Seiya is too miserable!

It seems that the blackening and betrayal of many golden saints are justified!


"Pegasus Saint Seiya Trial Finals, now begins!"

In the duel arena, with Ye Nan's order, Seiya immediately tensed his nerves.

He said silently in his heart: Master Moling, the effect of yesterday's special training, let you take a closer look today!

Seiya poses for battle, but in Yuki Risa's eyes, it appears flawed.

There is a gap between the legs, which can be used to defeat the enemy with one move.

His hands just protected his chest and heart, his abdomen was wide open, hitting three inches below the umbilicus, with one move to defeat the enemy.

The action is slow, and the heart is spare but the strength is insufficient. After going around, he uses a thousand-year kill to control the enemy with one move.

This is too much to be broken!

Yuki Rido was already a little unbearable to look directly at his childhood idol.

Forget it, give the idol some face and settle the battle early.

"Yeah yah yah drink!!!"

With his fighting spirit and passion, Seiya, who is only thirteen years old this year, took the lead in attacking.

The action intention is too obvious!I know where you are going to fight with my eyes closed!

Facing this naive attack, Yuki Rido easily swayed to the left, avoiding Seiya's fist.

He missed a right fist, Seiya hit a left fist, made a hook, and rammed Yuuki Rido's abdomen.

With this simple way of fist, Yuki Risa raised and pulled her right hand, and then Seiya's own power area, with a flick, threw him more than two meters away, threw him more than two meters, and threw him into a shit.

This funny appearance made the alternate saints onlookers laugh loudly.

"Hahaha, you see this Seiya looks like a dog!"

"At this level, he has reached the finals? His previous opponents shouldn't be the result of his young age!"

The ridicule from others did not shake the heart of Seiya who fell to the ground.

He climbed up from the ground, didn't even shoot the dust on his body, turned around to face Yuuki Ridou, devoted himself to the battle, and assumed a defensive posture.

So strong!This opponent is so strong!

Unlike Cassios who relies on strength, his skills are far above mine!

If you want to win, there is only one chance!

Since Seiya couldn't come, Yuuki Rido would pass.

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