Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 335

But the sharp-eyed Echizen Minamijiro, judging from the glasses, earrings, clothes, shoes, and watches of the Marquis of Vauban, he knew that he was definitely a super rich man!

This surface workmanship with no traces of tailoring, light and breathable top fabrics, but without trademarks, is obviously a private tailor-made boutique!

And, if he is not blind, is this foreigner's shoe inlaid with opals?This outfit alone is enough to buy your own yard!

The middle-aged man lying on the floor quickly stood up, stretched out his right hand to the Marquis of Vauban, and smiled kindly.

"Ah, hello, hello, I am Ryoma's father, Echizen Minojiro."

The Marquis of Vauban lowered his head, silently glanced at Echizen Minojiro's right hand that was still picking his foot, and refused to touch this smelly hand.

A cold light flashed on his glasses, and he said blankly.

"Sasha Dejansdal Vauban. You can call me Marquis Vauban."

Then, turning his head and looking at Longma, the Marquis of Vauban pushed his glasses and said.

"Are you going to be my disciple or student."

In fact, the Marquis of Vauban has been thinking about accepting disciples.

Uchiha Madara, who joined the group at about the same time as him, has three disciples, and Yamamoto Motoyanagisuke Shigekuni also has Toshishima Tsuko as his disciple.Sometimes when the three of them talked, they often talked about their disciples, which made him feel a little bit helpless.

Although he also has genius girls like Erica and Liliana, they are knights, attendants, not disciples.

Moreover, since Yamamoto Motoyanagi has a disciple of the group leader, of course he cannot be compared to the Marquis of Vauban.

Therefore, when Echizen Ryoma entered the group, the Marquis of Vauban had an idea.

In his opinion, what is tennis?When Echizen Ryoma becomes stronger, he can hit the speed of sound with a single shot of the tennis ball. With a light shot, the tennis ball can even float seven or eight twists and turns in the air.

At that time, ordinary people can't even catch a ball in his hand, he will naturally let go of this obsession and just treat tennis as a hobby.

Now, Echizen Ryoma still doesn't know the "malicious intentions" of the Marquis of Vauban.

However, as a Japanese, he still understands the difference between a'student' and a'disciple'.

Recalling the Marquis of Vauban’s “deliberately” swing that was inferior to a beginner, but he issued a “strong tennis” that could even be deformed by an iron railing. After the game, he still looked indifferent as “this is just a small meaning”, Echizen Ryoma snapped Kneeled down with a bang, raised his head, pleading with a pious face.

"Teacher, please accept me as a disciple!"

Although his dad is a world-class professional tennis player, everyone is like that and he doesn't pay much attention to what is easy to get.

Here, Echizen Minamijiro is even more confused.

He doesn't know anything, why is Rongma going to be a teacher?


Seeing Echizen Ryoma's wit, the Marquis of Vauban's handsome face like an ancient Greek statue finally showed a smile.

"From today, you are my disciple of the Marquis of Vauban. I look forward to your growing up as soon as possible and becoming a godslayer like me!"

"God Killer?"

Hearing this, Echizen Minamijiro felt that he finally got a useful message.

He thought to himself: wait for a friend to check it out, this nickname is so arrogant that he dares to take the "God Killer", or a guy who uses Italian to make a mess, where did he jump out of it!


Then in the afternoon, after lunch, he gave up this decision.

Is this guy really human?

Echizen Minamijiro, his wife, and Ryoma's sister felt that their three views had been affected.

They watched the Marquis of Vauban waved, duangduangduang, a few seemingly heavy fitness equipment, just appeared in the courtyard so abruptly, pressing deep marks on the dirt floor.

Is the stack of barbell plates labeled '500KG' serious?Or is it actually 500G?How old is a K word?

However, through his own personal experience, Echizen Minamijiro confirmed that they were indeed barbell plates weighing half a ton, not the wrong number.

"That's it first."

After throwing out a few tons of barbells, a treadmill with a maximum speed of 100 meters per second, and a chest expansion equipment with a maximum weight of one ton, the Marquis of Vauban clapped his hands and stunned Echizen Ryoma, just like his parents. Said.

"As a gift to my disciple, I will exchange a one for all seed for you. Within three months, if you can use these equipment proficiently, you are almost considered qualified. At that time, I will guide you to the next step of practice. "

"……I know."

Echizen Ryoma swallowed hard.

It seems that he was apprentice to learn tennis, right?What the hell are these half-ton barbell plates?

But it is true that if he has so much strength, he can easily defeat his opponent with this strength alone.

This seems to be true... a ghost!

Afterwards, the Marquis of Vauban gave a good demonstration of how to use these things.

After seeing the Marquis of Vauban easily lifted the three-ton multi-barbell, his face was not flushed or breathing, Echizen Minajiro had given up thinking.

My silly son seems to have found an amazing master outside!

With this kind of strength, you can play tennis at a speed of four to five hundred kilometers per hour. Isn't it the same as playing with dozens of world championships?

Ordinary professional players also hit more than 100 kilometers per hour, and those who can hit more than 300 kilometers per hour are already non-human!

He may not be able to catch a tennis ball at 400 kilometers per hour!

Moreover, you have the abilities, then you can play tennis!Give me my underwear and wear it out to maintain world peace!

In short, after exchanging the skills that Ormet had just uploaded while it was hot, and then passing it on to Echizen Ryoma, Echizen Minamijiro kissed his son for three days in the name of a'cold'.

The Marquis of Vauban stayed here for three days, using various methods to make Echizen Ryoma quickly get used to the huge power hidden in his body.

Then, with the kind gaze of the Marquis of Vauban and the prayers of Echizen Nanjiro for the poor children, Echizen Ryoma rode a bicycle and carried a new tennis racket to school.

Today is the beginning of the Youth Tennis Ranking Tournament and preparations for the selection of the members of the Youth Men’s Tennis Club.

Chapter 506 The Marquis of Vauban Plan Passes (Repair)

The Tennis Ranking Tournament of Youth Academy is held on weekends.Except for Minister Tezuka Kunimitsu, everyone has to play four games.The top two in the number of wins advanced and became a member of the Youth Tennis Club.

The first opponent Echizen Ryoma met was very ordinary, he was in the second grade.

Although the opponent looked awkward, as if he were a guarding boss, he spit on the ground, and even let out the cruel words to Echizen Ryoma,'Just pick the ball on the sidelines in the first grade, don't expect to become a member of the election'.

But facts have proved that he has the heart of a boss, but does not have the strength of a boss.

Echizen Ryoma didn't even pant, and he didn't use the power of OFA in his body to easily win the game 6:0.

Off the court, sea urchin head Gan Zhenzhi put down his notebook.Basically nothing was recorded on the open page of the book.

"The opponent is too weak and only collects some very common data."

Looking at Kan Sadaji who was collecting data seriously, the handsome sunshine boy Eiji Kikumaru smiled enthusiastically.

"This year's new students look very energetic!"


After playing this game, Echizen Ryoma, without a drop of sweat on his face, felt very bored and a little disappointed.

"This is the strength of Qingxue?"

Not to mention that he was ten times stronger than before after three days of devil training.The level of this opponent is not as good as when he was in fifth grade!

He loosened the 20-kilogram straps in both hands, lifted the 50-kilogram pants, pulled the 40-kilogram vest, took the tennis racket, and found a wall for basic training.

At lunch, Echizen Ryoma and the two first-year students were very enthusiastic, but they have not yet remembered their names for dinner with his classmates.

"Hey, Echizen, did you make a mistake?"

Horio and Mizuno, who were holding ordinary bento boxes, looked at the three-tiered luxurious bento in front of Echizen Ryoma that was full of weight and enough for four or five people, showing a very exaggerated look.

"Can you eat so many things?"


Echizen Ryoma nodded lightly, and then showed a speed of eating that surprised them, and even frightened them.

His mouth is like lifting a grinder, he puts the food in his mouth unhurriedly, then chews up and down at a constant speed, swallows, and then continues.

In only ten minutes, he finished three full layers of bento, and the two dragon sets next to him looked shocked.

"You can eat so much, no wonder Ryoma is so strong!"


Echizen Ryoma nodded in agreement.

Eat more and digest more, you can turn more energy into your own strength, and of course it will become stronger.

Although they are just two ordinary people, it is not bad to understand this truth.

After lunch, Echizen Ryoma went outside to practice tennis balance training.

That is to hold the racket with one hand, keep the tennis ball upside down, keep the touch, and prepare for the game for a while.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.When you meet a seemingly difficult opponent, you will have to make big moves when meeting-this is what the Marquis of Vauban taught him.

In the afternoon, Echizen Ryoma's opponent was a second-year member named Kaoru Kaido.

In the beginning, Echizen Ryoma easily won the first goal, feeling as weak as his opponent in the morning.

But for the second goal, when Echizen Ryoma returned the ball near the bottom line, Kaoru Kaido who stood in front of the net quickly retreated.

He leaned the center of gravity of his right foot to the left, and at the same time, he swung the racket with his right hand, using centrifugal force to make the ball spin strongly.

The tennis ball played in this way is like a snake winding forward, drawing an elusive curve on the court.

"It's a snake ball!"

Hearing the exclamation of onlookers on the sidelines, Echizen Ryoma pulled off his hat.


It's just a curveball, as for?

Are these people just cloud tennis lovers and never watch professional games?

I really don't know why Dad wants me to play in this place.

Thinking of all the miscellaneous things, Echizen Ryoma kept walking, straddling half of the field, and with a bang, he hit Kaoru Kaido's snake ball.

Five minutes later, he easily won the serve.

"It seems that the freshman has completely fallen into the trap of Haitang."

However, looking at the score of 1:0, Kaoru Kaido temporarily lagging behind, Momogi Takeshi laughed instead.

"Snake Ball is actually just a bait. His real purpose is to make the first graders exhausted. The physical strength of the first grade is not comparable to the second grade."



"What about him?"

While worrying about Ryoma in three first grades, the game continued.

2:0, 3:0, 4:0...

Seeing Ryoma's score getting higher and higher, Taocheng Wu couldn't laugh anymore.

"Is this first-year physical strength a monster?"

Ming Kaidō Kaoru was already panting, but Echizen Ryoma was still the same as before, just wiping the sweat on his forehead lightly, looking calm and relaxed.

Although he is the same as Kaido Kaoru, they are both swinging around on the court.But by comparing the two sides, it is easy to find that Echizen Ryoma played comfortably.

This ease makes Kaoru Kaidou both angry and frustrated: This means that he has no threat to Echizen Ryoma at all.

At the same time, all the other former youth school elections focused their attention.

"Oh, it looks like Haitang is going to lose."

Kikumaru Eiji still had that sunny smile on his face, and smiled at Hideichiro Oishi.

"The first grader has no bottom in physical strength!"

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