Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 336

Looking at Ryoma's relaxed look, Coach Ryugasaki's old face smiled like Chrysanthemum.

"As expected of Nanjiro's son. This time the ranking is interesting!"


"6:0, the game is over!"

When the referee announced the score, Kaoru Kaido, who failed to score a single ball in the game, left the court with a sullen face.

In physical strength and skill, he was completely defeated by Ryoma.


Echizen Ryoma, who felt the strength of the last youth school election, shook his head, packed his things and went home.


In the evening, Echizen Minajiro did not ask about the result of the Ryoma game.

Fighting with this kid now, I feel a little bit going to roll over without doing my best.Especially the'smash hit back' at a speed of up to 600 kilometers per hour is not a ball that humans can catch.

Now, want him to play against a group of junior high school students?There is no suspense at all!

The next morning, Echizen Ryoma played against Sadaji, and it was another 6:0.

Echizen Ryoma didn't feel the pressure the whole time, just an ordinary counterattack, and then Gan Sadaji still scored nothing.

Shaving the last Youth Academy to be bald twice in a row has fully demonstrated the strength of Ryoma, and even Tezuka Kunimitsu has a bit of aroused intention to fight.

But considering his injured left hand, he temporarily held down this idea.

In the afternoon, Ryoma's opponent was a second-year unknown pawn, still 6:0.

In the evening, after dinner, Echizen Ryoma suddenly said to Minajiro.

"Dad, I want to play professional tennis."

Chapter Five and Seven

Finally came.

Echizen Minajiro's heart sank.

From the first day that the Marquis of Vauban taught Ryoma, when Ryoma played tennis for the first time at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, he had already expected this.

Yueqian Ryoma's physical fitness has surpassed most professional players.When the OFA's power is activated, it becomes a superman and can play supersonic tennis.

Supersonic tennis, iron is broken for you, let alone people?

But it is precisely because of this that Echizen Minajiro could not make Echizen Ryoma a professional tennis player.

"No way."

The original'tennis warrior', the current monk of Serqing grabbed his head and said helplessly.

"Boy, do you really know your current strength? If a twelve-year-old kid shows the strength of a professional player, it will attract the attention of the world's tennis industry?"

"In case your physical fitness, which is more than three times that of ordinary people, is exposed, you are not facing tennis, but scientists from Japan and the world! You will become a guinea pig on the test bench, do you know if you are sliced? ?"

Echizen Ryoma:!!!Σ°Д°;

Seeing Echizen Ryoma who was a bit slow and natural for everything except tennis because of his own teaching, but now showing a horrified expression of Echizen Ryoma, Minamijiro sighed deeply.

"So, before you can perfectly grasp the power of OFA, you should give up. It is good to abuse the same grade, even the upper grade middle school students."

Echizen Ryoma:???

Echizen Minajiro still has nothing to say.

If you want to become a professional player, you must undergo a sophisticated physical examination.Yuqian Ryoma's explosive physical fitness is probably impossible in this life.


The next day, when the members of the Qingxue Zhengxuan gathered for the first training, everyone found that Echizen Ryoma was obviously not interested.

After the assembly, under the gaze of everyone, Echizen Ryoma raised his hand high and came to coach Ryuzaki.

"Coach Longqi, rather than group training, I want to apply to practice alone at home."

"Do you want to practice alone?"

For Echizen Ryoma's request, coach Ryugasaki didn't feel surprised.

Last night, she received a call from Echizen Minamijiro.On the phone, the monk expressed his desire to train more dragon horses and reduce the number of group trainings.

But the bad is bad, Ryoma's next words.

"I feel that training with everyone will not help me improve my strength, so I might as well practice at home."

Pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong!

In an instant, the expressions of the eight other young scholars, including Minister Kunimitsu Tezuka, changed.

If in the animation, at this moment, the unhappy eyes of the eight people have been gathered on the same screen.


"Hello, Echizen?"

At this moment, because of the sudden atmosphere on the tennis court, Ryugasaki Sakurano, Tomoka Kosaka, and three dragon suits who do not deserve to be named shivered.

"You really dare to say it."

Coach Ryuzaki was also irritated by Echizen Ryoma's uprightness.

Although she was not a good professional player when she was young, she used to be the coach of his father Echizen Minajiro anyway.

Although she admits that Echizen Minojiro's individual training can improve his strength more than group training.But this kid said in public that his training has no effect on him?

It really doesn't save her any face!

Obviously he has such a face that can seduce a little girl, but his character is too uncute!

Therefore, because of the face of Echizen Minamijiro, Ryugasaki, who planned to agree to come down, immediately changed his mind.

Oh, woman.

"Want to train alone? Okay, yes."

A sneer appeared on Coach Ryugasaki's face.

"As long as you can beat all the players currently selected for the Youth Tennis Club, I promise you to train alone!"


Long Ma nodded indifferently and turned to look at the Qingxue Zhengxuan.

"Which one of you will go first?"

"Boy, don't be too arrogant!"


"Ha, is the vitality of the rookie a bit too much?"

"It's too much! Look down on us!"

Among the crowd, Tao Cheng Wu was the first to stand up.

"I come!"

With a broom head that seemed to be chopped off in the middle, Momogi Takeshi, who had always been passionate in character, strode towards Echizen Ryoma.

"First grade, I lost to you last time because my injury was not healed, but it doesn't mean you really won me!"

With his height of 170, he looked down at 155, the Echizen Ryoma who was comparable to a military commander, suddenly revealed a puzzled look.

"Did you grow taller?"


Taocheng Takeshi is a standard strength player.He has more explosive power, grip and back strength than ordinary junior high school students, and is good at using powerful tennis to defeat opponents.

However, for the current Ryoma, the most feared is an opponent like him.




On the tennis court, the little yellow-green sphere is like a fast-moving yellow-skinned mouse, jumping back and forth on both sides of the court, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Since Momogi wanted to play hard tennis, Echizen Ryoma accompanied him.

The little yellow-green ball received more and more force.With the increase in the number of shots made by the two players, it is not a small load on the arms and wrists.

At the end of the first game, the two have swung more than sixty times, far exceeding the number of ordinary games.

This made the surrounding youth candidates, and even coach Long Qi, once again refreshed their understanding of Ryoma.

"In that thin body, there is actually a power comparable to Taocheng? And it seems that this is far from his limit!"

Gan Zhenzhi, who played'data tennis', updated his information over and over, while shaking his head slightly.

"Taocheng lost. What the first grade shows is the foundation, and the foundation has the foundation. The strength does not lose to Taocheng, the agility is first-rate, and the physical strength exceeds Haitang. To defeat him, do you need skills?"

During the game, the referee's whistle sounded continuously.




"Echizen Ryoma won a round!"

"Huh, huh, huh..."

Breathing rhythmically, watching the 3:0 rounds next to him, a lot of sweat dripped from Taocheng Wu's face and wiped it with his sleeve.

"No, if you continue like this, you are only dying chronically!"

After a few more goals, Echizen Ryoma shot a high ball, which made him shine.

"good chance!"

Taocheng Takeshi opened his legs and strode forward.The tight muscles of the legs drive the thighs to jump high, and at the same time, the right hand swings down with all its strength, as if to blow the tennis ball!


"It's a slam dunk!"

Seeing this trick, Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses.

"Taocheng's leg muscles, back muscles and arm muscles are very developed. He jumped high and made a slam dunk like a slam dunk. It was faster and stronger than normal smashes. !"

But then, he shook his head slightly, from the data analysis aspect, he was not optimistic about Taocheng Wu's goal.

"Unfortunately, this trick is suitable for dealing with opponents whose strength and speed are not as good as his. It is not effective for Echizen Ryoma."

Chapter 508: The aborted game


Facing the smash from Takeshi Momochi, Echizen Ryoma showed a speed and strength beyond the previous one.

With a small swing of his right hand, he aimed at the tennis ball and hit a very fast spin, which bounced back like a bullet.


The ball rushed to the other half, and Taocheng Wu, who had just exploded once, had no power to rush over, and could only watch Echizen Ryoma score.

Taocheng Wu's heart was cold, like a funeral.

It's over.

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