Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Sharing Group Chapter 338

For example, the time now is before the plot begins.After searching for several years, AFO finally found the tyrannical rule that had resisted him. He was also the first successor of OFA. After his brother died, in order to prevent him from discovering the body, he personally designed it and asked the second successor of OFA. Hidden tomb.

Using the'ossification' personality, the AFO, who turned his right arm into a bone knife, cuts his brother's coffin.

He sighed in a very complicated tone after looking at the skeleton-shaped bones inside.

"My stupid brother."

The AFO is not as long as the left hand. The right hand with obvious long and short hands becomes normal again.

He jumped off the coffin and gently placed his right hand on his brother's skull.

"Although this personality requires a high price, even in my case it can only be used once, but once is enough. Wake up, you have slept long enough, Xiaoguang."

With the launch of the new personality, from behind the AFO, a dark light like an abyss radiated.

A dark figure in a cloak appeared faintly behind him, with a balance in his hand.

However, there is nothing at both ends of the balance, but one side is raised high, and the other side is heavily pressed down.

Looking at this balance, there are no facial features on his face, and relying solely on the AFO, who is able to see things, put some things in the body on the balance.

The balance is slowly balanced.

The dark figure in the cloak seemed to nodded, and then gradually disappeared.

As he disappeared, something was released.




Olmet opened the live broadcast room.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua opened the live broadcast room.

Xiao Jianjian opened the live broadcast room.

Hermione Granger: Huh?With so many people in the live broadcast room, I don’t know which one to watch!

Elia: This kind of thing is casual.Hurry up!I haven't seen the traverser look like a god horse!

Vignette: Huh, haven't you seen it?Obviously... Oh, it's Xiao Hei!

Iliya: Yes, it's Xiao Hei desu!

CC: Anyone can see it.Isn't there a split screen function in the live broadcast room?You can use it to watch three live broadcast rooms at the same time.

Zhang Jiao: Oh, there is still this function?When was it updated?

CC: Always?Don't you usually study it carefully?

Zhang Jiao: Hehe, after all, Pan Dao is an ancient person.This modern product of mobile phones is still very new.

From the perspective of Olmite’s live studio, everyone could hear him calling someone else.

"What? Erzhiya also appeared brainless? So far, there have been twelve cities with brainlessness! Damn, what the hell does AFO want to do?"


"It's actually very simple, it's nothing more than to consume Ormet's physical strength."

In the dark basement, full of screens.In the screen, it is the appearance of Brainless (a monster made by AFO, a huge man like a dinosaur with an exposed brain. It has the personality of speeding regeneration and shock absorption) destroying everywhere.

The resurrected Mu Guang, or the transversal Mu Guang, explained to the brother behind him.

"Since Oermat has been severely injured by his brother five years ago and cannot maintain his heroic state for a long time, he must avoid head-on conflict with him in heroic state. He can use his brain without consuming his physical strength, why is it the most difficult choice? A positive breakthrough?"

"Traps, poison gas, assassinations. Now that the enemy is in the dark, there are many ways to deal with a person, and you can try them one by one."

After listening to the resurrection, the younger brother's tone and plan are completely villainous, and AFO still has some doubts in appreciation and gratification.

"Light, I remember that you were not like this at the time. For the sake of'justice', you even went on a hunger strike to resist me."

As soon as he said this, there was a silent silence in the basement.

After a full twenty seconds, the traverser who had harvested all the memories of Dead handle Muguang said softly.

"Brother, death will change a lot of things. At least it lets me know that I don't want to die yet."

AFO believed his statement and was very happy that his brother was able to'open up', and gently pressed his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Xiaoguang. Soon, I will put the power of OFA in your hands again!"

Chapter 51 The speed of light completes the task

"Oh, it turns out that you got the status of AFO's younger brother as soon as you crossed. If Oermat didn't join the group, with such a high tone of traveling, you might really become the villain protagonist."

This is the traverser who has a lot of mental activities not described, and the last sentence heard by AFO.

Immediately afterwards, the phones of Ye Nan, Tornado, Xiaojianjian, Oermat and Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua all rang.

mission completed.Start calculating rewards.

Olmet, who was driving the live broadcast, took out his mobile phone and said in surprise.

"Hey, I didn't seem to have done anything, so I got 500 share value?"

The trembling tornado: I don't have one.

Little Bird Tour Liuhua: Neither do I!

Xiaojianjian: I got 0 shared value.Therefore, the group owner solved the problem.It’s not that I said, you are too fast, the host, right?Miss Tornado and Little Sister Liuhua ended before they were happy.Men can't be so fast!

Xiao Jianjian was silenced for twenty-four hours.

Nine-headed Dragon Bayi: The yellow jokes have all gone to another world!

The trembling tornado: Ahhhhh!Why can't members of this group PK each other?Wade, I'm going to kill you!!!

Emperor Nantian opened the live broadcast room.

"Oh, hello everyone."

On the camera side, Ye Nan waved his hand.

Behind him, the traverser and AFO are lying on the ground, having lost their breath.

Looking at the three figures in the camera, Oermat fisted the brain in front of him with a fist, exclaiming.

"This is an AFO?! Is it possible that there is a traverser next to him?"

"Introduce everyone."

Ye Nan pointed the camera at the young man next to AFO.

"This traverser passed through his brother who was just resurrected by AFO, and he also planned a series of plans specifically for Oermat who could not maintain his hero status for a long time."

"If according to his plan, Oermat will continue to encounter innocent people who may cause casualties due to'accidents'; powerful criminals with personalities; prison riots that imprison them, etc., situations that require him to remain heroic. "

"Wait for Olmet to solve everything, his body will reach the limit, even the limit of overdraft. At that time, AFO will appear."

"When Oermat, who is overdrawn again, fights with AFO and is not sure of victory, a young man full of'righteousness' will appear. He will use bitterness, and he will still be dying. Then, Oh, what is your choice, you can easily guess it?"

"I will entrust the power of OFA to him, desperately send him away, and keep the flame of hope."

Olmet's expression was heavy.

He is not a very smart person.If this strategy is really implemented, 90% of him will do it.

"Thank you very much this time, group owner. If the power of OFA and the power of AFO are both mastered by criminals, Japan really doesn't know what it will be like!"

In the tornado's live broadcast room, I don't know when it started, the tornado in a black dress that could cover the knees floated in the air, looking bored.

"But won't I just come here for nothing? Olmette, are there any bad guys here who can break stars? Let me have a good fight with him!"

Oermat: (△;)

A drop of cold sweat fell on his face, and he shook his head.

"This is really nothing! If there was such an enemy organization, I would have been defeated long ago!"

"Cut, it's boring."

Tornado curled his lips, picked up the phone and pressed it.

"I'm going back!"

The next moment, her live broadcast room went black.

"What a wayward hero."

Olmert wiped his forehead without cold sweat, looked down at the roaring brain, who was rushing again, his sandbag-big fist was raised high and clenched hard.

"Smash you with one punch! Detroit Smash!"


Ye Nan's map looked at the phone, and Aleister sent a private message.

Aleister: Host, I want to study the bodies of AFO and the traverser.

Emperor Nantian: Come here, and I will give them to you directly.

"Thanks to the host."

In the next second, Aleister was still dressed in a hospital gown. No, to be precise, it was Aleister who appeared in front of Ye Nan and shocked him.

"I said the chairman,"

He looked up and down the chairman of the academy city, especially the opponent's Adam's apple, which had disappeared, and the slightly bulging second sexual characteristics of the sister Pao (laughs).

"How did you make it like this?"

"It's just that the law experiment failed. I have already given up my gender, so it doesn't matter if this body is male or female."

Alessita herself was much calmer than Ye Nan.

However, Ye Nan seemed to be quite curious about this, she thought for a while and took out three test tubes.

"This is a by-product of my law experiment. It can transform men into women, either by mouth or by injection."

The implication is to use this thing as an exchange between the traverser and the AFO corpse.

This is simply Niang Duquan!

Ye Nan took the three test tubes carefully and sealed them with divine power.

He did not intend to become Ye Nannan.


After the mission was over, Tornado and Ye Nan returned home, Xiao Jianjian didn't know where they went.

It was the little bird who traveled in Liuhua. Oermet hosted him for twelve hours and sent someone to accompany him to eat, drink, play, and buy, and he happily ended his journey in another world.

Watching Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua leave, Oermat opened his clothes, touched the place where he was injured, and laughed happily and emotionally.

"Unexpectedly, I still have one day to recover!"

This position has been hurt by the personality named'twisted'.

Because of the concept of'distortion', the stomach and part of the intestines that Oermat lost was not simply a loss of organs, but was taken away conceptually.

Otherwise, it's just a simple injury, as he is Japan's No. 1 hero, he has already been healed by personality therapy.

"Xiandou, what a magical thing!"

Putting down his clothes, Ormet took out his phone and found a photo.

It was a photo of him with a man with glasses, a white-collar head, and sharp eyes.

Looking at the spicy man, Ollmat laughed nostalgicly.

"Next, it's time to find him."

This man is named Yeyan. Six years ago, he was Oermat's partner and worked together for five years.

Six years ago, Oermat was hit by the'twisted' personality of the dead-handle wooden hanger and suffered serious injuries that could not be cured.

At that time, due to the loss of most of the digestive system, his body could only absorb a very small portion of energy every day.Every transformation, every battle, every punch is squeezing a lot of energy from the cells and speeding up his death.

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