Dimensional sharing group

Dimensional Shared Group Chapter 339

Therefore, Yeyan suggested that he retire.

Moreover, Yeyan possesses the personality of'foresight'.He saw that in the future, if Oermat continued to fight with this broken body, he would die in a speechless tragedy.

However, Oermat rejected his proposal, and the combination of the two was dissolved.

But now, Oermat feels that it is time to find his former teammates!

Chapter 51: Men are dead arrogant

After separating from Oermet, Yeyan did not stop his hero activities, but founded his own professional hero office.

At the same time, he also trained a heroic disciple named "Tong Xing Million".

The personality of the Communication Million is'penetrating', which is a bit similar to Uchiha's blurring of soil, allowing enemy attacks, enveloping physical attacks, and energy attacks like flames and lightning to penetrate through one's body.

Moreover, in addition to enemy attacks, this ability can also be used to penetrate the earth and buildings, which is a proper space personality.

However, when you pass a million and use penetration, you cannot carry anything other than the body for penetration.

In other words, when he activates his ability, he will become a celestial state.

Fortunately, is it a boy?

This powerful personality, coupled with the cultivation of night-eye, makes the ability to pass a million very strong.Night Eye hopes that the pass million can inherit the power of OFA and replace Oermet to become the new generation NO.1, allowing Oermet to avoid the miserable death ending.

Therefore, men are dead arrogant.


Looking at the blond man who broke into his office, Yeyan assumed the classic commander look, and a reflection flashed on the lens of the black-rimmed glasses.

"The Japanese hero ranks No. 1, a symbol of peace. What is it for me to come here?"

"Haha, can't you come and see old friends if you're OK?"

Olmert didn't care about Yeyan's cold expression.

He sat down on Yeyan's table (Yeyan: (??╬)), his clothes were lifted, and his thick and strong muscles trembled quickly in front of Yeyan.

Hey ♂boy.

Pa♂ Autumn♂ Li♂GO

The blue veins on Yeyan's forehead twitched: I haven't seen him in a few years, isn't it possible that Oermat was stupid by the enemy organization?

But soon, his attention was attracted by the perfect, majestic muscles on Ollmat.

"This, this is?!"

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, and pressed hard under the left pectoralis major muscle of Olmert-this is where he was originally injured.

"Oh, that's right. My injury has been cured! Hey, ha!"

Olmert jumped off the table, pulled off his upper body clothes, and put on various bodybuilding poses with a smile on his face.


At this moment, Yeyan's office door was opened again.

"President, here is a newspaper, a table..."

Ormat: (*~▽~)*muscle*(~▽~*)

Night eye: _

The little secretary who had just opened the door closed it gently.

"Sorry to interrupt!"

"Wait, things are not what you think!"

Night Eye: (o;′Д`)

"Fool! Do you know what you did?!"


Compared to the night eye that collapsed and scratched his head, Oermat did not take this matter to heart at all, but put on his clothes again.

"Yeyan, I'm afraid you don't know yet? The boy who injured me was actually trained by AFO. Moreover, he is actually the grandson of the teacher."

"Senior Shimura's grandson?"

Yeyan raised his head abruptly. As a result, Oermat didn't consider his tolerance at all, and kept breaking the news.

"But it doesn't matter. AFO has been wiped out. Things about the Shimura boy can take your time."

"What, AFO has been wiped out?"

Yeyan frowned.

"Did you do it? What's the reason why your injury was suddenly healed?"

"This matter is not important!"

Olmert had a meal, originally wanting to pass the blunder, then patted the table overnight, and shouted at him.

"Stupid! This matter is very important! Am I a strategist or are you a strategist? Tell me about this matter from beginning to end!"

Seeing that Oermat was not good, he quickly changed the subject.

"Moreover, with regard to the heir of OFA, I already have a goal!"

As Yeyan's expression changed again, he thought of the child he saw in the illusion, and he couldn't help but smile.

Green Valley Boy...

"Compared to children who already have individuality, it might be better to give this power to children without individuality!"


Within two days, Ye Nan received a private message from Daozu.

Daozu: One year has passed since the last training class for group leaders, and now the second training class for group leaders has begun.Do you want to participate?

Emperor Nantian: Of course participate.

Although it was unhappy with Tong Ren and Lin Jiu, there were other group owners who had a good relationship with Ye Nan.

For example, the "I am his father" red dragon brother, the innocent and beautiful fairy princess, the King Billy who left a deep impression on Ye Nan... forget it.

In short, Ye Nan deleted Tongren and Lin Jiu's friends, just taking advantage of this opportunity to add two back.

Daozu: OK, then I will help you sign up.In addition, this time the host meeting is different. There are some things to announce, so you should be prepared.

Emperor Nantian:??what's up?

Daozu: You will know this when the time comes. Don't ask, you just don't know!Ask again is a shared value of 100 million!

Emperor Nantian: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Although he didn't know the situation, Ye Nan still prepared according to Daozu's intention.

He ran to the depths of the universe, found a few stars and recalled the three clones of the magic weapon, put on the black light armor, sat quietly for a day, and adjusted the state to the peak.

Then, he ushered in the second training class for group leaders.


The same white light flashed, the same huge round table, and the same Taobao eighty ergonomic office chairs.

This time, Ye Nan stretched out his hand and patted the chair.Layers of supernatural power condense, changing the atomic structure of this chair.

Soon, the eighty-dollar Taobao chair and the 2.5% discount on Double Eleven turned into a blue and ultra-modern cosmic steel throne.

When Ye Nan planned to sit down, a soft nether energy cushion popped up automatically on the throne.

At the same time, it's not just him.The other group owners who came did not want to show their timidity in front of everyone, and they all showed their magical powers.

The fairy princess Tina puts a little bit on her cane seat, and countless cute flowers bloom on the vigorous cane; the red dragon turned her head back and took a mouthful of dragon flames, melting out a head on her golden throne to spread her wings, which was obviously to take him Scaled red dragon statue.

Lin Jiu chanted a mantra in his mouth, stretched out his hand, and a huge lotus rose from the futon; the woman in the phoenix robe directly condensed a blue luan with her force and rides on it.

However, there are also such as Ultraman Gaia and Godzilla who are satisfied with the seat, so there is no action.

But what surprised Ye Nan was that there were several new faces among so many group leaders present.

Shi Hu, the leader of the Leng Weapon Dimensional Sharing Group, was nowhere to be seen. Sitting in his seat was a heavy man with a fierce face and a beast robe, eight feet tall and eight feet waist.

The owner of the martial arts shared group, Wan He was gone.In its place was an old monk with white beard wearing an old robes and a big bald head on his head.

Chapter 52 Jump up and hit you on the knee

This situation was also expected by Ye Nan and many other group owners.

Although it is said that the group cannot hurt each other, one warning will automatically dismiss the group twice, and even the group owner has the authority to kick out group members.

However, if the members of the group want to kill the group leader, how can some group owners who do not know the world be able to fight those old coins that have lived for thousands of years?

Moreover, the dimensional shared volume function allows the group owner to shuttle to other dimensionalities, but if you want to return it, you need to take out your phone to operate it!Just kill the group owner in the process!

For example, the fat man who replaced Shihu was a blood-handed slaughter, a generation who rushed to kill him.Although on the surface it is honest and honest, in fact it must be a cruel group!

If Shi Hu was successfully attacked by his design and inherited Shi Hu's position as the leader of the group and the status of the son of destiny, then Ye Nan would not feel surprised at all!

At this moment, the fat warrior touched his head and said in surprise.

"You are what my dad said, are the leaders of other worlds? My name is Shi Yan. This time my dad can't come if he has something to do, let me replace him. And Tiandao administrator also agreed."

Ye Nan:...


The great monk in grey monk clothes chanted the Buddha's name and looked at the few obviously non-human creatures in surprise.

"One sand, one world, one leaf, one Tathagata. I didn't expect that Yun Zhonghe, one of the four evil men, would have such a source of blessing. It is really unimaginable."

Crane in the cloud?It was the last time that the atrophying middle-aged man who molested Wu Zetian and was beaten by Wu Zetian was also the owner of the group?

Ye Nan's face looked strange.

And Tathagata?I have already killed two Tathagatas. Which one do you mean?

"What a crane in the cloud and a crane in the mist. Since you have replaced him as the leader of the group, just take care of your own affairs."

Another big guy who replaced the previous group leader stood up.

He is nine feet tall, with broad shoulders and broad body. He wears a red dragon armor, a waistline rushing into the sky and a blue dragon lock, feet on golden tiger-head boots, holding a crescent square halberd, and a purple phoenix crown on his head.The big red cloak behind him was raised high, and his terrifying aura was like a sea of ​​blood rising and falling, and his body was full of fighting spirit and fierce aura.

"A certain is the new Gaowu historical world sharing group leader, the nine original killing god Lu Bulu Fengxian! The previous group leader was designed by a certain to let Dong Zhuo kill, and certain killed Dong Zhuo to win the position of the group leader! Dissatisfied, Come out and fight a certain battle!"

Many group owners have heard of the name Lu Bu.

For a while, the old monk in grey clothes, Wu Zetian, Lin Jiu, Ye Nan and other group owners who were obviously Central Plains looked at him.

But it was also because of being too arrogant. Godzilla, who was sitting not far from him, turned his mad eyes, and the four rows of fangs in his mouth were shining sharply, and his body was not weaker than Lu Bu. The power of terror.

It was the coercion of the terrifying monsters that existed on the earth since prehistoric times, and it was the death announcement of the new earth, solar system, and even the overlord of the galaxy.

"Humans, let me fulfill your wishes!"

With such a lively look, other group owners are attracted.

At the same time, an indifferent voice came from the sky.


The next moment, the world began to change.

The small world filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers, suddenly expanded like the big bang of the universe, and turned into a dark and deep universe in the infinite light.

Other group owners are floating in space.On a barren planet full of loess below, Lu Bu and Godzilla stood 100 meters apart.

Obviously, this planet is a battlefield of one man and one beast.

As a native of the Central Plains, Lu Bu knows exactly what is meant by "strike first to be strong, then start to suffer."

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