The lights in the village were gradually reduced, and the whole bangziyu was gradually silent in the dark. At this time, the dew in the mountain began to rise again. Ding Changsheng curled up in a slightly larger tree hole. The only way to get into the mountain was far away. He didn't dare to sleep because he did something he regretted very much when he thought about it tonight.

Ding Changsheng, 17 years old, is supposed to be studying in high school now. However, due to a mountain torrent last year, his parents both died in the mountain torrent. For a time, no one took care of him, and his family property was divided up by several hostile relatives. Therefore, in less than a year, a high school student with a bright future degenerated at an offensive speed Become a loafer.

Time back a few hours ago, after dinner at home, Ding Changsheng, who was full of energy, left the door with a bamboo toothpick in his mouth. This is a required course for him every night. Because there is no food available for tomorrow, he has to go out and get some tonight, regardless of who owns it. As long as he can get it, he does not care about the cost.

Around the whole bangziyu, there was nothing to steal. Just when I was disappointed, I went to the village head's house and saw a light light in the corner of the yard. Although it was not very bright, it was like a light lamp in the dark night. Ding Changsheng walked slowly. Across the thick wall, he heard the sound of pouring water one after another. Moreover, the water flowed directly into the street through the ditch under the wall.

Ding Changsheng knows that it is the toilet and bathroom of the village head's house. Only the village head's family has such a bathroom in the whole bangziyu. Ding Changsheng once went in, and the floor was paved with white dazzling tiles. In bangziyu, it was the most luxurious, at least Ding Changsheng thought so.

Ding Changsheng slowly walked into the wall and listened to the movement inside. Unexpectedly, he heard a woman humming in a low voice. Ding Changsheng was very happy that it was the daughter-in-law of the village head in the bath.

Seeing the gurgling water flowing through the wall and into the street, Ding Changsheng thought of the woman's plump and white body standing in the dim light. Her adrenal gland was agitated, so she turned to look for something to climb. But looking at it, there was nothing to rely on until he saw an old elm tree in front of the village head's neighbor's house He walked over and climbed to the top of the wall with few efforts.

Ding Changsheng is like a civet cat crawling on the top of the wall slowly to the place with the light on.

He didn't stop until a smooth and white body came into view. At this time, Zhen Meili, the village head's daughter-in-law, did not realize that she was completely gone, and was walking in the eyes of a half grown child.

Women in rural areas are generally strong, but Zhen Meili, the wife of Ding Dakui, is an alien. Because the land of Ding Dakui's family doesn't need Zhen Meili to serve her. There are many people in the village who fawn on Ding Dakui's crops. These people are busy with their own crops only after they have harvested the crops of Ding Dakui's family. Therefore, Zhen Meili doesn't go out of the house basically, which makes her In her thirties, she is the mother of two children. Her figure is still so good. The most important thing is white.

Ding Changsheng looked at it. One of them didn't hold back. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Zhen Meili seemed to hear something, so she stopped her movements and took a towel from the shelf beside her to protect her chest.

Ding Changsheng was also very nervous. At this time, he wanted to withdraw, but he didn't dare to move. He was afraid that something might disturb Zhen Meili. However, a lot of things could not be avoided. Zhen Meili suddenly looked up at the opposite wall and saw Ding Changsheng with a smile on his face and a white tooth that could be used for toothpaste advertisement.

"Ah..." Zhen Meili's screams cut through the night sky.

"Plop". Ding Changsheng fell directly from the wall, and he had no time to go back to the old elm tree.

He did not dare to go home, because the village head had gathered a group of people to look for him in the village with flashlight, so he went directly to Wohu mountain. Hiding in a hole in a tree where he thought it was safe.

"Where are you going? It's so dark. Let's go back.". A woman sitting on the copilot of a Santana pleaded with a rich man.

"It's boring to be in the house all the time. Isn't Lao Huo going to the county to carry out the task? I'll take you out to relax.". The man in the driver's seat laughed obscenely.

The light of the car pierced the darkness of the mountain. When turning the corner, the lamp suddenly woke up the sleepy Ding Changsheng.

"My mother, it's stingy to see your wife take a bath and drive to Laozi.". Ding Changsheng scolded, trying to drill out of the tree hole to run up the mountain, but at this time the car stopped. After his eyes adapted to the new darkness, he did not see anyone getting out of the car. Ding Changsheng's courage was strengthened again and he went back to the tree hole again.

The lights of the car in the distance went out, but the lights in the car were turned on. It was like a ghost fire in the mountain. The shadow was wrong. Ding Changsheng couldn't help but drum up in his heart what the car was for. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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