After a long time, the people in the car still didn't mean to come down. Although Ding Changsheng didn't know what the car was for, he knew that the people who could afford to drive were rich people. Taking advantage of the dark wind in the night, why not vote for him? In this way, the meal money for tomorrow could be solved.

So the cat stooped and walked slowly to the car. In the dim interior light, Ding Changsheng saw one of the things he longed for most in his life. He did not realize that the people in the car had changed his life.

He hid in the roadside in the Bush, pushed aside a clump of branches, faintly saw two people in the back seat of the car.

"Now the rich people really enjoy it. They can't finish it at home, but they still come to the wild. It's really interesting.". Ding Changsheng said to himself.

Looking at the dark night around him, Ding Changsheng got out of the trees and walked slowly to the car. When he was a few meters away from the car, he saw the unforgettable scene in his life, and he also liked the action.

When Ding Changsheng enjoyed the rare spring palace, the man fell on the woman's chest, motionless. At first, the woman didn't realize anything, but immediately felt something wrong, so he patted the man's head.

"Dapeng, what's wrong with you? Wake up.". But the man did not move. At this time, the man's body of more than 180 kg was pressed on her, and she could not move at all, and began to feel suffocated. At this time, the desire for survival was higher than everything else. She knew that there could not be anyone here, but she still slapped the window and made a difficult voice for help.

Ding Changsheng hesitated for a while, until he was about to hear no sound, he realized that it might be really dangerous, so he went forward and opened the door, and the woman inside was shocked. How could anyone be here, but the dying people could be saved? What a lucky thing! And the fresh air made her realize that she had been saved.

But then I felt that I was still under the pressure of a man, and I couldn't help but feel a burst of shame and anger in my heart.

With the help of the light, the policewoman in front of him surprised Ding Changsheng. He knew this woman. It was the household registration police in the town. Although he didn't know her name, she was the one who did the ID card for the college entrance examination last year, so he was deeply impressed.

What are you looking at? Help me quickly. The policewoman sees this half big boy unexpectedly so have no scruples to look at her, the heart is very angry.

"Oh, what's the matter with him?"

"How do I know? Let me out quickly. It's killing me.".

After some twists and turns, she finally rescued the policewoman. She quickly took out her clothes and put them on. Only then did she notice that there was another person who had not been rescued. She couldn't help but said that it was broken. What can I do if it came out?

"pull him out, hurry up.". Said the policewoman in a hurry.

Ding Changsheng looked at the fat man who was pulled out, and his facial features were correct. However, because he was too fat, he looked back at the worried policewoman. He thought, what's the vision of this woman? How beautiful is it to find such a man.

"You, see what happened to him?" The policewoman slowly moved to the fat man, but did not dare to reach out to touch him. Ding Changsheng wanted to leave, but he could not bear to see the policewoman crying for help.

Ding Changsheng looked at the fat man and put his finger under the fat man's nose and felt that he was breathing.

"It should not die, and it will catch my breath.". Ding Changsheng made a definite conclusion.

"Really, Dapeng, Dapeng, wake up, Kou Dapeng..." The policewoman yelled and slapped the fat man in the face.

"Kou Dapeng? Isn't the township head also called Kou Dapeng? Is this guy the head of the village Ding Changsheng is smart. This is bad. The village head Yehe let himself know that he can still be good. He can't do it. So he walked back slowly. But when he just wanted to run, he tripped over a stone.

"What are you doing? Not yet. The policewoman yelled to Ding Changsheng, who fell to the ground.

Later, Ding Changsheng learned that it was estimated that they had been in the car for a long time. Due to the closed windows, the lack of air in the car, and Kou Dapeng's exercise load was large, resulting in a coma due to lack of oxygen. If it were not for Ding Changsheng, both of them would have died of suffocation.

After a while, Kou Dapeng woke up and looked at the two people around him. When he saw Ding Changsheng, his eyes were even more incredible. At the same time, there was shock, so she looked at the woman, the woman shook her head, motioned him not to say anything.

"Sister, since village chief Kou wakes up, I'll go back first.". Ding Changsheng said, he did not say this sentence is OK, said this sentence, how can Kou Dapeng let him go, so he winked at the woman.

"Young man, don't be busy walking. Sit down and we'll talk.". Kou Dapeng said.

Although Ding Changsheng was young, he read many novels. He knew that the most likely thing to happen at this time was to kill people. So he squatted not far away and looked at the man and woman, ready to run away at any time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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