"Well, not yet, but it won't take long.". Ding Changsheng looks full of confidence, and such confidence makes Shi Aiguo and Tao Chengjun feel a little blush.

"But I don't agree with Director Liu's words. In my opinion, Huzhou Development Zone will not prosper in three or five years.". Xie Heyang, like her father, is also a businessman. Since he is a businessman, he has to get the most favorable policies to minimize his own costs even if he really wants to invest in Huzhou.

"Three or five years? Mr. Xie, you are too pessimistic, and every Huzhou person will not be so pessimistic. To be honest, when you came to the development zone to look for me, I was in contact with Panshi investors. They wanted to inject capital into a beverage company. This is the first investment Huzhou Development Zone received after the year. ".

"Oh? How much is it? " Xie Heyang knew about the rock investment, because Ding Changsheng also talked to her, but she didn't take it seriously. After all, Panshi investment is an international venture capital company. How can you know such a small bureaucrat as Ding Changsheng.

"At least 500 million yuan, this is the first issue. If the sales can be increased, it will be later.". But in Shi Aiguo's opinion, this is a great investment. At least Huzhou has made a good start this year. What he doesn't know is that Ding Changsheng is deceiving Xie's father and daughter in order to gain some advantages for Huzhou development zone. In any case, no one knows about Panshi investment, let alone anyone looking for Panshi investors To prove it.

Xie Jiuling takes a look at his daughter, and at this time, Xie Heyang is also looking at him. They both look at each other's eyes and are surprised. Is Panshi investment really going to invest in Huzhou? If that happens, the investment situation in Huzhou will be greatly exaggerated. In the near future, maybe Huzhou Development Zone will be as Ding Changsheng said It's going to fill up.

"OK, OK, we don't talk about work today. Mr. Xie, let's have a lunch together at noon. I've arranged that we can talk while eating.". Shi Aiguo doesn't know when Ding Changsheng will make such a big investment, so he also wants to find a chance to ask.

"Well, obedience is better than deference, which will add trouble to Secretary Shi.". Xie Jiuling said.

The place to eat is set at the same lake and sky. This is what Ding Changsheng said to Zhang hechen. Although there is no scenery there, it's better to be far away from the city and have a wide view. The air is much better because there is no dust and tail gas in the city. This time, when Xie Jiuling came, Ding Changsheng played the environmental card, not only in the investment environment, but also in the natural environment Xie Jiuling is very old. It is estimated that he will retire completely in a few years. It is hard to find a place close to his factory and able to support his old age.

Originally Shi Aiguo wanted to call Ding Changsheng to his car, but before he could speak, Xie Heyang followed Ding Changsheng. When they got downstairs, Xie Heyang naturally got into Ding Changsheng's car. At this time, Shi Aiguo chuckled and called back.

Ding Changsheng led Xie Heyang to the front of the road, and Xie Jiuling got into Shi Aiguo's car, and Tao Chengjun sat on the vice driver.

"Mr. Xie, you should be older than me?" Asked Shi Aiguo.

"I was born in 1958. Where's secretary Shi?"

"Oh, that's my big brother. I'm four years younger than you. Alas, we all work hard.". Shi Aiguo sighed.

"yes, Secretary Shi, although I'm in business and I'm responsible for all the losses and gains, you're more hardworking than me. You're shouldering the life of millions of people, and the burden is much heavier than me.".

"All the same, all the same..." Apart from the exchange on work, this is just two old men whining when they are free. Tao Chengjun has never interrupted. He is still thinking about the dispute about PX project in the Standing Committee this morning.

Tao Chengjun understands Shi Aiguo's meaning very well. He wants to go in, but he doesn't want to get involved. As far as the current situation in the province is concerned, Huzhou is not allowed to make any more waves. Luo Mingjiang has expressed his dissatisfaction with Huzhou's economic stagnation on different occasions. In order to take into account the face of the former Secretary an Rushan, it is impossible to change his residence, so he can only change his residence This is the biggest dilemma Shi Aiguo is facing.

Huzhou's predicament is also Shi Aiguo's dilemma. Huzhou can get out of the predicament, that is, Shi Aiguo may temporarily ease the situation as if he was in the abyss.

"Ding Changsheng, OK, I dare to talk nonsense in front of me. Believe it or not, I'll get out of the car with my father right away. Since you like to sing monologue, I'll satisfy you.". Xie Heyang is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she is also living in fraud.

"Quiet sister, if you really want to satisfy me, I'll stay a few more days, and I'll come to see you in the evening.". Ding Changsheng turned his head and laughed at how obscene it was. Xie Heyang was so angry that he couldn't take the sole of his shoe. But when he just wanted to take off his shoes, he remembered the scene in the Jingshan mine, and his anger disappeared for a moment.

"does Panshi investment really want to invest in Huzhou?" Sheikh Yang road.

"It hasn't been finalized yet, but I'm talking about it. I think it's very likely because this project is absolutely sure to make a profit. In addition, baojiaduo beverage company may also participate in this project, because the water quality of Luoma Lake is the biggest selling point. It can be said that it is because Huzhou's economy is underdeveloped that this piece of blue water and blue sky is left for Huzhou. I really don't know the economy of Huzhou Will the development bring negative impact on Huzhou's natural environment. Ding Changsheng is worried about the country and the people.I don't believe it. Xie Heyang is not a small businessman who is not worldly. She is the future leader of Xie's family, so she doesn't believe Ding Changsheng's words.

"Don't say these rotten things, I worry about these things all day long. By the way, be quiet. Where do you live tonight? Do you want me..."

"If you have the courage, you can come. I will send the photo to Qin Feng tomorrow to show him how his trusted subordinates have done with his ex wife.". Xie Heyang said with a sly smile.

"Ah, sister Jingjing, it's meaningless for you to say so. I felt guilty about my love for you. If you don't say good comfort, you still sprinkle salt on the wound. Oh, forget it, I surrender.". Ding Changsheng said, holding out his hand, he grabbed Xie Heyang's hand. Xie Heyang tried to break free, but how could he get rid of it? In the end, Ding Changsheng could only let Ding Changsheng abuse her delicate little hands.

"To tell you the truth, my father was really moved when he came to Huzhou this time, so come and have a look. Do you think Huzhou has a chance?" Since the hands are all occupied by this hateful guy, Xie Heyang takes the opportunity to get some useful information.

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