"Xie Jie has the final say that Huzhou is not my final say, but you big capitalists has the final say. We are the civil servants of the government. We are in charge of you. As long as you need, we will provide you with the best possible investment. We will take every investment that we have to Huzhou and take care of your development." Ding Changsheng is not deceived, still playing an official voice said.

"Cut, ghosts believe you. I'm serious with you. The new leader in Jingshan has been urging us to backfill the mine as soon as possible. However, you can see that the steel industry is in a depression. If all the money of Xie's steel is used for mine reconstruction, we will not have the money to build a new plant.".

"What did the old man say?"

"The old man has such a meaning. He is trying to find a way to move around the province to see if we can put pressure on Jingshan and let us slow down. Besides, if we really want to build a factory in Huzhou, it is bound to cause fluctuations in the stock price. Up to now, I can't imagine how much damage will be caused to the company if the news of Xie's iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is set up in other places Lost ".

"In fact, Xie Jie, the situation is very obvious. If you move, you will still have a chance to make a comeback. If you don't move, you will be dead end. It is estimated that the share price will also fall. It is better to repackage a company and become independent to engage in the development and production of high-tech steel materials. Maybe this will give investors hope.". Ding Changsheng said carefully. Thinking of this, he had a bold idea, that is, how to transfer the money of Yuwen Ganoderma lucidum to China. If it is combined with Xie's steel, it is not a good way.

"Look, I can't make such a big decision as my father does.". Xie Jingzhu is obviously tired, which makes Ding Changsheng look at a burst of heartache, can not help but grasp her hand.

Because of his joy and Shi's patriotic enthusiasm, Xie Jiuling drank too much. He originally wanted to return to Jingshan that day. However, Ding Changsheng was not at ease. He urged Xie's father and daughter to stay in Huzhou for one night, and opened a room for them in the same color.

"Sister Xie, call me if you have anything. I'll come to dinner with the old man in the evening. I'll go back to the city to deal with some things.". After the arrangement, Ding Changsheng touched Xie Jingzhu's white hand without a trace. This time, Xie Jingzhu did not escape.

"You go busy, don't come over at night, I don't think he can wake up.".

"Then I have to come here. If I don't accompany him, I can't do without you.". Ding Changsheng smiles and turns away.

Sure enough, when Ding Changsheng went out, he saw that Shi Aiguo's car had not left, and Hu Haijun stood by the door waiting for Ding Changsheng.

"The leader didn't sleep?" Ding Changsheng asked in a low voice. Both Shi Aiguo and Tao Chengjun drank a lot of wine at noon, but the wine was not a problem for him. Besides, he was not the main character today.

"suggestions, come in and sit down.". Without waiting for Hu Haijun to talk, Shi Aiguo called in the car.

"secretary, don't you have a rest Ding Changsheng sat in the co pilot's seat and turned to look at the red faced Shi Aiguo and Tao Chengjun on the back seat.

"well, how can you sleep? What do you think is the probability of Xie's family moving to Huzhou?" Shi Aiguo straightened up and asked with red eyes.

"Secretary, it depends on whether the Xie family is willing to engage in the steel industry. If so, there are many places to choose. But as far as the province is concerned, I think Huzhou is the most suitable place. In the past, there were mines in Jingshan, which was the advantage of Jingshan. But now, Jingshan has been full of ruins. The Jingshan municipal government is urging Xie's steel to backfill the mine for greening It's very tight, so the Xie family can only find another way out. I think this is our opportunity. ".

"Well, you have to keep an eye on the Xie family. Communicate with Xie Jiuling more. I think this person has a lot of brains. Do some practical work and grasp his heart.". Shi Aiguo said thoughtfully.

Yes, secretary. I'll try my best.

"Well, it's better to confirm it as soon as possible. The PX project is now in great competition in the city. You should open up the situation as soon as possible and relieve some pressure for me.".

I know, secretary, I will speed up the progress.

"Oh, and what about the 500 million investment? Is that the case? " Shi Aiguo is also suspicious, because Ding Changsheng has never reported to himself before, which is not like Ding Changsheng's style.

For Shi Aiguo, Ding Changsheng did not dare to talk freely like Xie Jingzhu. He could only simply explain the cause and effect of the matter. However, Shi Aiguo still appreciated Shi Aiguo, because Shi Aiguo saw Ding Changsheng's efforts, at least he did not muddle along in the position of director of the development zone.

After seeing Shi Aiguo off, Ding Changsheng drove back to the downtown area, but instead of going to work in the Development Zone, he went to Yuwen Lingzhi's home. Now the two women are not out of the gate, and all the food and food are sent to the door by a specially assigned person. This is arranged by Ding Changsheng. On the contrary, they are used to the castle in Huajin City, but can not help it.

Although Qi Fengzhu's case has been finalized, where is the money? It's not Lin Yidao who is looking for the money. There are also creditors who are looking for it. If Yuwen Ganoderma lucidum mother and daughter stroll around the street, they will be in trouble.Ding Changsheng has never been here in broad daylight, so when Ding Changsheng knocks on the door, he startles Qi Zhuyun and Yuwen Lingzhi, who are playing mahjong. Finally, Yuwen Lingzhi walks to the door barefoot and sees that it is Ding Changsheng outside from the cat's eye.

"Ouch, I'm scared to death. Why are you here at this time?". Yuwen Ganoderma opened the door and let Ding Changsheng in.

Seeing that it was Ding Changsheng coming in, Qi Zhuyun rushed to the door, squatted down to untie Ding Changsheng's shoelaces and helped him change shoes, which seemed to be the only communication between him and Qi Zhuyun.

But this time, Ding Changsheng did not sit down, but stood. Yuwen Ganoderma lucidum put his arm on his shoulder. Just like an old master returning to his house, Ding Changsheng enjoyed the maid's service to his heart's content.

I want to ask you something urgent.

"What's the matter, drinking? Come and sit down. I'll make you honey water. Yuwen ganoderma is not in a hurry, because five years is enough to smooth anyone's temper. Moreover, Yuwen Ganoderma has no other choice now. She can only put all her hopes on Ding Changsheng. Moreover, as she has been in contact with Ding Changsheng for a longer time, she finds that this person may be the one she is looking for.

Ding Changsheng sits on the sofa, and Qi Zhuyun seems not interested in their conversation at all. After helping Ding Changsheng change his shoes, he repaintes his shoes until they are polished. At this time, Yuwen Lingzhi returns to the living room.

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