"What do you know? Go back to work, or I'll let Huo Lvmao drive you.". Kou Dapeng feigned anger.

"Uncle, you don't want to be ignorant of good people. OK, if you don't say I'll go back to ask sister Tian later.". Ding Changsheng gets up and wants to leave.

"Come back, you silly boy, sit down and have a cup of tea.". Kou Dapeng was a little afraid of this guy, so he came to stop Ding Changsheng.

"Uncle, you don't want to shut up. I can tell you that several people saw me when I came in. You can't depend on it.".

"Stinky boy, what do you think? I asked you, did you see your sister Tian today?"

"See you, see you.". Thinking of what he has done, Ding Changsheng has a little lack of confidence.

"Well, something happened. I'm worried.". Kou Dapeng stroked his hair and said in agony.

"What's the matter?"

"Tian E Ru is pregnant.". Kou Dapeng whispered.

"What?" Ding Changsheng was very surprised. When he was pregnant, he still did it. He thought of his actions and ferocity just now. He didn't want children or he didn't want to die.

"What are you doing so loud? Keep it down.".

"That child is yours?"

"Tian E Ru said it's mine, or I'm worried. You've got some brains. What should I do?"

Kou Dapeng is in a hurry to seek medical treatment. The key is that the matter is held in his heart. Everyone has a hard time discussing it. He can't take this matter to the meeting to discuss how to do it. This is the common fault of cadres. He will hold a meeting to study every major event and take collective responsibility. No one is responsible for it. But can we discuss this matter? So Ding Changsheng is an insider. It is OK to discuss this matter 。

"Oh, it's troublesome. Sister Tian doesn't want to be born.". Ding Changsheng looks at Kou Dapeng with a searching look on his face.

Kou Dapeng has no choice but to nod.

That's it. No matter who's child, as long as it's the woman's meat, she would not give up. But he thought of Yang Fengqi, the woman waiting for her to save all the time. She said that as long as she could run out, she would rather not have children. It seems that Chen Biao has suffered a lot.

"Uncle, you give me some money, and I'll help you settle this matter.".

"You? I don't want to spend money like crazy, do you have any ability to balance this matter. Kou Dapeng is not a child, so he doesn't believe what Ding Changsheng said.

"If you don't believe it, I didn't say it.".

"No, it's money. Say it, how much?"

"Money is a trifle, I have to attach a condition.".

"What conditions, I'll just say that you are not so easy to send off, say, I can't do you are not good for me.". Kou Dapeng is powerless to sit on the office chair.

"Help me to become a formal police officer. Who knows that I, the joint defense team member, can start as soon as they say so. I want to work for a few more years. You can help me get a formal establishment.". This month in the police station, Ding Changsheng is growing up at a speed that makes people angry and tongue tied. Although he is still simple and honest now, he has a lot of heart.

"I don't have that ability now, that's to be approved by the county leaders. So, you help me settle this matter, and I'll take you to run in the county to see if it can be done. It's OK.".

"OK, I'll help you with 5000 yuan.".

Looking at Tian E Ru's situation, Ding Changsheng doesn't need to spend a cent. If she is involved with Kou Dapeng, she won't induce herself to go to bed. Damn it, she's almost done by a gong. When he thinks of this, he feels very depressed. Although he feels the pleasure, he is actually robbed by others for the first time. He is not willing to think about it.

If Tian E Ru wanted to give birth to the child, she would not have risked doing it with herself in broad daylight, so he concluded that Tian E Ru and Kou Dapeng were over.

As for the five thousand yuan, he wanted to save Yang Fengqi. Although Yang Fengqi's promises were empty promises, the lies told by such a beautiful woman were also trustworthy. So he wanted to take the risk to save the woman. He was waiting for the opportunity, one was time and the other was financial resources. Now he got the five thousand yuan given by Kou Dapeng, there was only time left.

"It's strange to say that when you don't want money, I always feel that you are holding back something bad. But today you ask for money, I feel much relieved.". Kou Dapeng gave Ding Changsheng 5000 yuan.

"That's uncle. You have too much money to spend. One more thing. Let me borrow your car tonight.".

"Car, why do you borrow a car? Can you drive it?"

"I went back to bangziyu. It's been more than a month since I came out. I don't know if my home was demolished by Ding Dakui. Go back and have a look.". Ding Changsheng said humorously, but when Kou Dapeng heard bangziyu, his face turned red and he couldn't see what color it was.

"OK, I can't drive. I'll let the driver take you.".

"No, Zhang Qiang and I have learned how to open bread. It's almost the same.".

"Drive slowly. I just bought this car for a short time.".

"Don't worry. If I fall down in the ditch and die, I guess you will be very happy."."Stinky boy, man, it's just about that. I'm much happier to talk to you today. If you die, who will do it for me? I'll drive it back in the morning.".

"OK, I see.".

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