After Tian E Ru came down from the roof of the house, she ate quietly as usual. Looking at the restless Ding Changsheng, she couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness in her heart. Could she use such a method to deal with a child so that she could get rid of the present predicament? However, this person is more unreliable than Kou Dapeng, but she has no choice.

After breakfast, Tian E Ru didn't pay attention to Ding Changsheng. Instead, she went directly into the bedroom of the main room. After a while, she called out, "Ding Changsheng, come in quickly. There is a mouse here.". Ding Changsheng did not doubt that he had him. He darted into the house, but not to mention the mouse. Even Tian E Ru disappeared. Then he heard the sound of closing the door. Ding Changsheng looked back, and he was stunned.

Tian E Ru is actually unarmed, which frightens Ding Changsheng completely and starts to run.

"I, I didn't see anything.". So she walked quickly to the door, but was stopped by Tian E Ru with her hands outstretched. There was no shelter on Tian E Ru's body. This is the clearest one that can be seen except the beautiful body of Zhen, the village head's daughter-in-law, who has seen from afar.

"Help me", only this sentence, Tian E Ru hugged Ding Changsheng, has never been a woman to embrace her like this.

"Sister Tian, don't do this. The director will kill me.".

"If you don't listen, I'll yell now, and he'll kill you when he comes back.".

"Well, what do you want to do? I won't tell you about you and Kou Dapeng. Really, let me go.".

"Don't mention him, say, do you want to, want me or not.". Tian E Ru's face was up, just to Ding Changsheng's chin, so he looked at him straightly.

"Tian, Tian Jie, what do you want to do? I'm timid. Don't scare me.". Ding Changsheng continues to act silly.

In this way, Ding Changsheng was led to the bedside by Tian E Ru. Looking at Ding Changsheng's appearance, Tian E Ru felt a little relaxed, guiding Ding Changsheng's every move like a virtuous sister.

Ding Changsheng did not stop, stayed for a while and then put on his clothes and left. Tian E Ru was alone in bed, experiencing all that had just happened. Until she saw a piece of blood on the sheet, she covered the quilt and sobbed in a low voice. It was her child. The child was gone. Tian E Ru did not go to work that day. She sat on the bed with pale face, powerless and staring at the wall I don't know what I'm thinking.

Ding Changsheng stayed in the police station and didn't go anywhere. When other people looked at him, he always felt that other people's eyes were strange. It seemed that he knew what he had just done. Ding Changsheng comforted himself and went to the town government. He wanted to find Kou Dapeng, but he could not tell Kou Dapeng about such a thing. He just wanted to see Kou Dapeng and borrow Kou Dapeng, a cheap cousin Be brave.

But Tian E Ru is also Kou Dapeng's woman. If he knew about it, he would also peel off his skin.

"What are you doing here? Don't work well in your class. As soon as Kou Dapeng saw that it was Ding Changsheng coming in, he quickly got up and closed the door.

"It's OK today. Come and see you, uncle.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile. Although his attitude was very modest, in the eyes of Kou Dapeng, the smile was evil.

"I'm fine. If I don't work in your class, what's wrong with me?"

"Uncle, are you and sister Tian OK recently? How can I see that she is not very happy.".

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean much. I just ask, if I can help, I can persuade elder sister Tian whether you are in conflict.". Ding Changsheng continued.

"No". Kou Dapeng takes a look at Ding Changsheng and sighs. When Ding Chang was born, he knew that something must have happened to them. Otherwise, Tian E Ru would not have paid such a large sum of money to seduce a young man of his own. However, when he thought of it, the taste was really memorable.

"Uncle, I'm your nephew, but I'm also a man. You're also a man. What can't be said? Don't worry. I won't talk about the past things, and I won't say them in the future. What I hear and see must be rotten in my stomach.". Ding Changsheng vowed to say. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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