Please, as long as you can help me out and leave this place, I will promise you anything you want.

"What's your name and how did you get here?"

"My name is Yang Fengqi. I am a senior student. When I was traveling with a group of backpackers a year ago, I fell behind. Later, I met a peddler and sold me here. Please, help me out. You are the police. You can help me.".

"You get up first. It's not so simple. I'm sure I'll help you. But I'm afraid you'll be arrested soon. You should have a good meal and take good health from now on. I'll be in the Linshan town police station, and I'll come to you. I'll go back and prepare for this.".

"What are you going to do? I don't want to stay here for a day. Please call the police to help me.

"It's impossible to call the police. After I left here that day, I told my leaders about it. They didn't believe it at all, so it's useless to call the police. I swear, I will help you out, but what about the child?"

"I can't care so much. This child is not what I want. As long as you can help me out, you must help me. I want to die now. Please.".

"Well, I know, I know, you do as I say now, and I will come to save you when I get back to prepare.". Ding Changsheng knows that he has to leave now, not afraid that Chen Biao will come back. The main reason is that this woman named Yang Fengqi is on the verge of collapse.

Ding Changsheng was sweating out of Chen Biaozi's house. Looking at the locked door, Yang Fengqi sat down on the cold ground. She didn't know whether the police could be trusted. This time she was so close to freedom, and now it's a long way to go.

"he won't come back suddenly.". Kou Dapeng looked out at the night and said in his heart.

"Let's see where those skills of doing bad things have gone. Now I know I'm afraid. What can I do?".

"Or, or do it.". In the dark, Kou Dapeng hugs Tian E Ru's devil figure and says in a low voice.

"Are you willing?" Tian E Ru suddenly turns around and looks at Kou Dapeng fiercely. Although he can't see his expression, Tian E Ru's eyes are like the wolf in the night, flashing light.

To tell you the truth, Tian E Ru is crazy about her children these years, but when she is really sure that she is pregnant, she feels that her sky is going to fall. The key is that the child is not her husband's. she remembers very clearly that Huo Lvmao, after coming back that night for a long time, failed to make his little brother hard and talk about how to have children, so the child resolutely did not Yes, but how she hoped that Kou Dapeng could say something about going back and marrying her after divorce, although such a remark was just a lie to her. Now, Kou Dapeng's courage is broken and it is impossible to say such words. She guessed that Kou Dapeng must want to dump himself now.

"Of course I won't give up, but what can I do? I can't marry you without marriage.".

"Why not? You go back to divorce, I divorce, we get married.". Tian E Ru firmly said.

"Tian E Ru, don't talk silly. You know it's impossible. In that case, my whole life will be over. I'm the head of the township. I'm afraid I'll die in this town of Linshan for the rest of my life.".

"If you don't agree, you can go away.". Then Tian E Ru broke free of Kou Dapeng's arms and kicked Kou Dapeng to the ground.

Kou Dapeng knew that he was in the wrong. He did not dare to say anything. He stood up and cleaned up his clothes. He opened the door and slowly went out. He knew that they had no future.

"What to do, what to do..." Tian E Ru has no time to think about Kou Dapeng's ruthlessness. Now the key is how to deal with the child in her stomach. She wants to be born. She wants to enjoy being a mother too much. But when the child really comes, she doesn't want it.

A few days later, Huo Lvmao and Ding Changsheng failed. However, during their stay in lujialing, lujialing was very quiet, and Ding Changsheng stole to Chen Biaozi's house several times. This gave Yang Fengqi the confidence to escape, so he gradually stabilized and tried to cooperate with Ding Changsheng's request.

"You eat slowly. I'll go to the Institute first, er Gou. I don't think we can stay there. We'd better replace it. I'll go in the daytime today, and you'll go in the evening. Fortunately, there will be more than ten days for the election. Let's wait until something happens after the election.". Huo Lvmao said to Ding Changsheng, who bowed his head to drink porridge.

Director, I'll sleep in the daytime.

"OK, don't delay.". After that, Huo Lvmao left. Ding Changsheng was also snoring. He didn't want to stay in front of Tian E Ru for a moment. He always felt that this woman would be harmful to him, so he wanted to stay away.

Tian E Ru looked at the door and listened to the footsteps of Huo Lvmao. She turned back to Ding Changsheng and said, "Ding Changsheng, I'll be honest when I finish eating. I have something to ask you"

"what's the matter?" Ding Changsheng's heart is startled, grandma's, again committed to her hand.

Tian E Ru didn't answer. Instead, he carried a bowl down the stairs at the corner of the wall and climbed to the roof. In the distance, a van roared with dust and drove toward lujialing. Tian E Ru felt relaxed and his mouth curved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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