After finishing the last household registration management, Tian E Ru suddenly collapsed on the back of her chair. She felt very tired these days. However, she was not clear about her way of life. She was also tired and physically tired. What made her upset was that the monthly affairs had not come for a week, which was her most worrying problem.

After looking at the household registration hall, there was no one in the hall, so he quietly got up, closed the door and reached out to call Kou Dapeng.

"When you call at this time, do you miss me? He is not at home?"

"Go to you. I feel very bad these days. If you don't pay attention to it, I doubt if I'm pregnant. It's not here yet. It's been a week. I used to be very accurate.".

"It's not so coincidental, you mean last month in the mountains.".

"That time, if you don't wear a condom, it will be troublesome if you are pregnant.". Tian E Ru said anxiously.

"Ha ha, it's OK. If you are pregnant, you will be born. Let Lao Huo keep it for me, and I will give you money.". Kou Dapeng made a wish.

"What kind of birth? He hasn't touched me for nearly two months. If I'm pregnant, he won't be crazy.". Tian E Ru lowered her voice and said.

"Yes, it will be troublesome. What do you want to do?" Kou Dapeng is a little uncertain.

"I don't know. Didn't I ask you?"

"Do not go to the hospital to check, first look at the situation, we don't want to scare ourselves, OK, go to the hospital to check, and then confirm.".

"That's the only way. In addition, Ding Changsheng is like the tail of Lao Huo now. I'm worried that it will leak out. It's not a way for the teacher to be so worried.".

"Really, you should think about it. If you want money, you can't kill people because you give him more favors and let him become your man.".

"You, all blame you, make it difficult to get off now. Well, I'll try to do something about it.". Tian E Ru hung up the phone and sat in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

The election of the village committee in lujialing has become a hot topic. After the cattle of Li laoshuan's family were stolen, several sheep raised by the branch secretary were poisoned. The cattle were stolen. Fortunately, there was a thief trying to gain money. However, it was not so easy to say that the sheep of the branch secretary was poisoned. It was someone's revenge, so Huo Lvmao was really anxious. He spent three days in lujialing Of course, with Ding Changsheng.

"Er Gou, since you are known as Ding Changsheng, you must smell something out of this matter for me. We will not go back tonight. I am in the village committee, you are outside the village committee, you are in the dark, I am in the light, see if we can dig out the mastermind of this matter.".

"Director, my name is Ding Changsheng, good, but I'm not a police dog.". Ding Changsheng a little bit puzzled said.

"Don't talk nonsense, use your brain.". Huo Lvmao's mouth was full of bubbles. The rural election, or election, was actually a contest among the various families in the village. At this time, accidents were most likely to happen, and an incident was still a big event, a group event.

So Ding Changsheng went back to his old business. At night, he wandered around the Hutongs of lujialing. However, he was not afraid of being caught this time. So he wanted to find a place to sleep. Although it was not very hot, there were still many mosquitoes that were not easy to deal with.

He walked to the door of Chen Biao's house. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he suddenly saw that the door was locked from the outside. It was possible that Chen Biao was not at home. He thought of the woman who had been locked in Chen Biao's house. His curiosity was suddenly suspended. Chen Biao must have gambled again. In order to be safe, he went to Wang Laohu's house.

Under the bright light in the room, the sound of mahjong kept ringing. Through the window glass, I could see that Chen Biaozi was staring at the card in his hand.

Seeing Chen Biao playing mahjong here, Ding Changsheng felt relieved, so he quietly went back to Chen Biaozi's house. The gate couldn't be entered. So Ding Changsheng climbed over the wall and entered. When he reached the door of the house, he was still locked from the outside. It's hard to believe that Ding Changsheng, once a thief, spits out a paper clip and opens the lock on the door of the house.

After entering the room, I just saw the locked woman sitting up in panic and covering her body with a sheet. In the dark, her body became more and more white, and she couldn't see the specific shape. However, Ding Changsheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva because of her body which was clearly separated from the dark.

"Who are you?" The woman's voice is a little hoarse, which is the first time Ding Changsheng heard this woman's voice.

"Don't be afraid. I'm the policeman who came here some time ago. What's the matter with you?"

"Ah, please, help me, help me out. You can pay as much as you want. As long as you let me out, I will appreciate you all my life. My family is rich. I will give you money. Let me out.". The woman heard that it was the policeman she saw that day. Regardless of whether she was dressed or not, she quickly got down from the bed and knelt down beside Ding Changsheng. At night, the sound of the chain was blazing, and it was a terrible thing.

"Get up and speak slowly.". Ding Changsheng reached out to help the woman. Unexpectedly, he held two full and strong peaks in the dark, so he quickly let go. Fortunately, in the dark, he could not see each other's face clearly. Otherwise, Ding Changsheng felt very embarrassed."What's your name and how did you get here?". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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