The red lips of women are still delicate, a one-in-one, dingchangsheng has opened his eyes, and sees the eyes he seeks, the woman appears more impatient, constantly repeating a mouth type, although dingchangsheng does not understand the oral type, but such a simple oral type he still understands, that is "save me, save me".

At this time, Chen Pezzi's footsteps gradually approached, and the woman returned to such a dull appearance. At this moment, dingchangsheng concluded that this woman was never neurotic, and there must be something in it.

Come on, brother, drink water.

"Chen Peizi, sister-in-law is still a beauty, your brother really has a good fortune.".

"Well, what is not gorgeous is to have children to live. Look at her. Because of her nerves, I am afraid to go out and cause trouble. I am not allowed to lock it at home, inside, outside and inside, and outside, I am busy alone, and it is hard to live.".

"Unfortunately, Chen Peizi, you really don't know what happened to Li laoshuan's cattle?"

"Brother, can you tell me that this cow can sell a little more than 3400. If caught, I will be sentenced to jail. Besides, I have been playing mahjong at Tiger Wang's house these days. Last night, I played mahjong again. Oh, we don't have money to gamble, just play. I don't know. If you don't believe it, you ask Tiger Wang. I mean everything I say is Really. ".

"Brother Biao, I mean, OK. It is estimated that the cow has been eaten now. It may have turned into shit and pulled out. Where to find it. But these days are a little tight. You should be careful. Now the village committee of each village election will begin immediately. My master is afraid to be nailed to lujialing. Be careful.". Dingchangsheng Yin measurement has penetrated a very important information.

"Director Huo is here, then we can sleep peacefully. Rest assured, brother, this is a little bit of a small meaning of brothers, which is not a tribute. If there is any good thing in the future, we can think about my brother.". Chen Baizi sent dingchangsheng to the courtyard door, and one hand reached into dingchangsheng's pocket, and he didn't know what to put.

"What is this for, brother Biao? You and my brother can use it? Are you easy to make these three walnuts and jujubes? "

"Nothing, nothing. It was all I won last night..." Before finishing, Chen beat his mouth with a slap, just said that he didn't have money to gamble. Now he said that he won. Fortunately, dingchangsheng didn't say anything at all, and laughed away.

Turning a alley, dingchangsheng put his hand into his pants pocket. It was money, one and two. It was actually five. This old label is very generous. It seems that his family is broken and ragged. It is not like the rich owner, but where did the money come from.

Dingchangsheng hesitated whether to tell huolumao about this matter. When he thought of Tian Erru, he could not help but be smart. He thought that although he could play the old and real things in front of huolumao, he could never go too close. If too close, Tian Erru and kodapeng would never let go of themselves. It seems that it is not good to master the secrets of others sometimes.

But who is the beautiful woman tied to, why have such a look, but there is a certain that the woman is not as neurotic as Chen Pezzi said.

"Any findings?" An hour later, the three met at the village committee. Asked hollymore.

"Nothing was found, the time has passed for more than ten hours, and people in the village have come and go, and no trace can be found.". Zhang Qiang said he was a police officer of scientific background and was serious, so the first thought of solving the case was how many traces of the scene.

"Two dogs, what about you, have you found it?"

"Well, no, nothing.". Dingchangsheng hesitated, did not say it, Zhang Qiang did not pay attention, but dingchangsheng's hesitation fell in the eyes of huolumao.

"Then go, go back.". Said hollymore.

"Director Huo, eat rice and go again.". An old man came out of the village committee. It was lijiangling, the current branch secretary of lujialing, who was his brother.

"Secretary Li, there is still a lot of things in the house. I will come again for the loss of cattle, goodbye.". Hollymou Mao and Li Jianshe greeted and got on the bus and left.

Back to the police station, Zhang Qiang went to wash the car, and dingchangsheng was called to the office by huolumao.

"Two dogs, sit down. I see if your boy is swallowing today. Is there any discovery?" "Said hollymou, who opened up to the mountain.

"The director, the cattle stealing thing did not find, but I found a more serious thing, that is, stealing people.".

"The thief, ha ha, see adultery, you should not be blind about this matter, you love me, the people do not sue the official or not to investigate.".

"Director, I said that stealing people is not this matter. I mean Chen Pezzi has a woman chained in a chain. That woman is beautiful..."

Listen to Ding Changsheng said, huolumao gradually did not have the joy, just a cigarette after another smoke smoke.

"Is that all right?" Asked hollymore.

"After that, director, I think we have to save her, so a beautiful woman to Chen Peizi spoils pity.".

"Two dogs, this matter is up to now, do not go out to say, no one to tell, otherwise, there will be big trouble, you understand."."Oh, yes, director, I understand.". Huo Lvmao's attitude made Ding Changsheng very disappointed. He didn't understand why he didn't save the woman as a policeman, but he didn't dare to say that. He had to pour out these things that he didn't understand at night and slowly thought about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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