Although lujialing village has many people, there is no strong village level organization. There are several families in this village, which are in charge of their own affairs. When the election is the most chaotic time, it is not easy for the murderers to set fire, but it is common to have a sneak and dog hunting event. And the cattle of Li laoshuan were stolen in such a background, because it was time to elect the village committee again.

"Director, we are wandering around the village like this, and we can't get anything out of it.". Zhang Qiang said to hollymou Mao.

"Yes, if we can find cattle in the street, what else we should do, others will find it. I think the lujialing is coming with wind and rain.".

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Ding Changsheng came up and asked.

"So, we come separately and go to the village to see, it is also an investigation. It is not accurate to find them, but at least it can knock on the mountain and shock the tiger, indicating that we have begun to pay attention to this matter. Even if the cow can not find it, it can no longer happen in a short time.". Huolumao ignored dingchangsheng's words, but assigned the task directly.

So the three men came apart, scattered, chickens did not urinate, each had their own way, huolumao in Linshan town for so many years, can not have a few dark piles, but such things are not visible, this is also the protection of the dark pile, so, even if the police like Zhang Qiang, can not let him know, let alone dingchangsheng, the new new Ding who just entered the business 。

Dingchangsheng doesn't understand what happened, but Zhang Qiang knows very well that he knows that the director is leaving his own case and doesn't say anything. He goes directly. Dingchangsheng is obviously familiar with the village. He used to step on and do it in the evening during the day. Most of the conditions in the area are familiar to him.

"Open the door, open the door.". It used to be stolen, so be careful and be careful, but now I am an official. After a few steps, dingchangsheng starts to smash the door.

"Damn, who are you, dingchangsheng, is your boy in debt, what do you do in the daytime, want to rob.". A little later a guy in shorts came out swearing.

"Oh, it was Chen Pezzi. Open the door. I have to check something.".

"Dingchangsheng, give face not face is not, who do you call Laozi?". Chen opened the door in a word.

"Chen Peizi, open your eyes. I am a policeman now. Do you try with one of my fingers. Have you seen TV? Have you ever studied law? That's called the police. You'll be honest to get you in for a few years. ".

Chen Pezzo looked at dingchangsheng suspiciously, but he couldn't see any fake clothes. Seeing dingchangsheng's happy appearance again, he could not help but believe it.

"I said dingchangsheng, when did you get to be a policeman? I haven't found you to settle for stealing chickens the other day. Is it easy for my mother to raise a few chickens. Your boy has brought her a nest.".

"Evidence, Chen Pezzi, you said I stole your chicken, and took the evidence. I said you stole the cattle of Li laoshuan's house, what do you say?"

"You, OK, you boy wait, I'll find your evidence, and your police will not be the same.".

"OK, you slowly look for it. I suspect you stole the cattle of Li laoshuan's house. I have to go in and see.".

"OK, go in. Get the evidence.". Chen Peizi leaned on the door frame, blocking dingchangsheng from giving in.

"Well, anyway, my master is in the village. I will ask him to come to you personally to see if you slaughtered the cattle of Li laoshuan's family.".

"Your master?" Chen Pezzi's face changed. Although dingchangsheng was not in a long time in society, he was a good thief to observe his words and look at his face. So as soon as he saw that Chen's face changed, he knew that there must be ghosts in his heart.

"My master is huolumao, the director of the company. He doesn't do anything now. He just stares at the cattle thieves in lujialing. I think it is more appropriate for him to come and see. After all, I haven't been in business for a long time, so you wait at home, I'll call him.".

"Hey, brother, you see you, are not just a few chickens? I don't want to. Come and come in, drink water in the room, and check it casually. I don't do anything bad, I am not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. Come on, come in.".

"Chen Peizi, this is what you asked me to come in.".

"That's it. Come on, brother, don't go today. To congratulate you on your promotion, how about a few drinks?". Chen said attentively.

Things will be devious. It is no problem to see Chen Pezzi's appearance of being polite. So I keep a close eye on it. From the beginning of entering the house, I will keep watching it.

But as soon as she entered the room, dingchangsheng was startled. There was a woman sitting on the bench. Although she was haggard, dingchangsheng swore that it was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, with snow-white skin and plump figure. Unfortunately, her eyes were dull and she had no look. What was more striking was that she had a chain attached to her feet, and another iron chain was attached to her feet One end is locked on the bed leg.

Holding a baby in his hand, she was milking the child, revealing a large part of the snow white. He saw someone coming in and didn't know to avoid it.

"Chen Pezzi, is this?"

"Ah, this is your sister-in-law, has a mental illness, often goes out to hurt people, I have no money to see her, must have, just locked up, you sit first, I go to pour water for you.". After all, Chen Pezzi went out.However, at the moment when Chen Biao went out, the woman seemed to be revived. She fixed her eyes on Ding Changsheng and said something with her lips open and closed, but her eyes were eager. There was no dullness just now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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