Looking at Ding Changsheng in a hurry, Tian E Ru couldn't help feeling proud. He was just a bud, and a few words were scared.

"Sister Tian, eat slowly. I'll go first. The director is still waiting for me to go to lujialing.". With that, Ding Changsheng picked up his clothes and tried to run.

"Come back.". Tian E Ru holds a bowl and looks at Ding Changsheng, who is ready to go.

"Sister Tian, do you have anything else to do?" Ding Changsheng talked to him.

"Did I let you go? Come back and sit down. I haven't finished yet.". There's no doubt about Tian E Ru's expression. Ding Changsheng is really a little annoyed because I know about your adultery with Kou Dapeng. We have made a deal, which is endless. Damn it, it's a big deal. I can leave. He thought in his mind, but he never takes a step. He knows that it is not easy for him to have such an opportunity.

When Ding Changsheng was depressed, Tian E Ru took a white towel to Ding Changsheng.

"Look at you. You're sweating.". Say, unexpectedly hand to Ding Changsheng wipe up.

"Sister Tian, it's not appropriate. I'll do it myself.". Ding Changsheng takes the towel and wipes it himself, but Tian E Ru doesn't promise him. He still wipes it for him slowly. Especially when Tian E Ru presses a small pink hand on Ding Changsheng's strong shoulder, Ding Changsheng's whole body is stiff. He looks down at Tian E Ru, immediately raises his head, and dare not look at her again. Tian E Ru's height is just as high as Ding Changsheng's chin When Ding Changsheng lowers his head, he may touch Tian E Ru's head. At this time, Ding Changsheng's whole body is shaking a little.

"What are you shaking for fear that I will eat you?" Tian E Ru asked with a smile.

"No, I'm nervous. I'm so big. Apart from my mother, no woman has ever rubbed my body for me, especially a beautiful sister like sister Tian. I'm very nervous.".

"What's the matter with you?" Tian E Ru asked.

"It's OK, sister Tian. It's just a little stomachache.".

"Ah, is it eating something bad? That's the toilet. Go.".

"No, I'll go to the public toilets on the street. I'll go first.". So in the eyes of Tian E Ru's astonishment, he caught his legs and fled.

"You mean him?" Instructor Chen Bing sat in the office, looking through the window at Ding Changsheng who came in.

"Yes, it's him. It's Kou Laoxi. It's just that we're short of people here. Let's do it first. Maybe we can educate them. If we spend a few years in the society, sooner or later, it will be a great disaster to our Linshan town. We can also count it as good deeds.". Huo Lvmao said helplessly.

"OK, but you can be careful, this boy used to have a bad reputation. Don't let him do bad things everywhere under the banner of the police. This will become the black sheep of our police.".

"Don't worry. I watched it myself.".

Huo Lvmao waited for Ding Changsheng and Zhang Qiang to clean up. They drove a van to lujialing. Lujialing is a big village, and it is also a big village in the whole town of Linshan. It is because of the poor public order, dozens of cases occur all year round. This is not true. Last night, the cattle of Li laoshuan's family were lost again.

"Er Gou, you give me analysis and analysis. Where do you think the thief will hide after stealing the cow?" When Zhang Qiang drives, Ding Changsheng sits in the co pilot while Huo lumao sits in the back seat.

Director, I don't know. I haven't stolen anything so big before. Ding Changsheng said very uneasily.

"Ha ha, I didn't say you. I'm asking you to analyze this case. You are now a policeman. You should learn to analyze the case, so that you can solve the case. We have four joint defense team members and three police officers. Who can manage such a big town, so you should learn to analyze the case, so that you can handle the case alone one day.".

"Oh, so, analysis, I analyze, analyze..." I've been driving for a long time.

"Director, I have analyzed it. The cow must have been slaughtered and eaten.". Ten minutes later, this is Ding Changsheng's final conclusion.

Huo Lvmao and Zhang Qiang were stunned at first, then burst into laughter. No one believed that such a big cow could be slaughtered and eaten in silence. They both thought that Ding Changsheng's words were nonsense.

But Ding Changsheng looked serious. "Director, I have been to lujialing. The village is very strange. There is only one way to get into the village. There are high steep slopes all around. It is impossible to walk cattle. There are watchmen in the village every night. Either the watchmen steal the cattle, or the villagers steal the cows, and they are transported to the village. Anyway, there must be some ghosts in the village." 。 What Ding Changsheng said is well founded.

Zhang Qiang looked back at Huo Lvmao and found that the director was also dignified.

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