Li fengni cut the dishes without saying a word. In fact, she was very ambivalent in her heart. She had been thinking about whether to tell Ding Changsheng what she had heard. Although she had not been in contact with this young man for a long time, she felt that the child was very good to him and depended on him more and more. She could not help looking back at Ding Changsheng, who was helping himself to burn the fire.

Ding Changsheng is also looking at Li fengni's back at this time. Although the clothes have been washed white, they are very clean. Such a woman is a real housekeeper, just like her own mother.

"Sister fengni, why are you not happy today? Did I offend you?". Ding Changsheng asked carefully.

"No, I'm not unhappy.".

"Sister fengni, if you are unhappy, you can tell me that I am a policeman now. I am not afraid of anyone who can help you. If anyone bullies you, I will arrest him.". The second one vowed.

"No, er Gou, why are you so nice to me?" It's very dark in the kitchen, but it's the dark light that hides the shyness of a woman. Li fengni also needs courage to ask for this sentence.

"Because, because you are very much like my mother, I miss her sometimes, but I also know that she can't come back, so I take you..."

Ding Changsheng's words are true. After dinner that night, he wanted to find such a woman to rely on. In a word, he just turned 18. In the eyes of many parents, he was still a child.

Ding Changsheng did not dare to speak any more, but lowered his head and stuffed a handful of firewood into the furnace. Aware of Ding Changsheng's emotional change, Li fengni can't help but look back and squat in front of Ding Changsheng, holding out her hand with the flavor of green vegetables to touch the tears on her face for Ding Changsheng. This is not the first time to wipe tears for Ding Changsheng, which makes Li fengni feel very sad.

"You are a boy. Don't cry. I'll tell you what happened later.".

"What's the matter, sister? Is something wrong?" Ding Changsheng reached out and wiped his tears.

"I went back yesterday. I heard that Wang Hu Hu and Chen Biao were scheming in my house. They said that they would set up a bureau to let you lose a lot of money. They also said that they would go to my backyard to set fire to firewood stacks. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to tell my father what you should do about it.". Li fengni was at a loss when she finished. The fire in the furnace made Li fengni's pretty face red. Ding Changsheng couldn't help reaching out to touch that face, but Li fengni caught her in the middle of her hand.

"Why do you want to take advantage of me? I knew you were such a little kid. You are a big kid. I'm sorry for you.".

"No, sister, sister fengni, you are so beautiful. I can't help but feel your face. I really have no other meaning. Besides, sister fengni, I,..."

"I what, I, quickly burn the fire, my father will be back in a moment.".

A sentence blocked the rest of Ding Changsheng's words back, "sister fengni, what did you say just now, what did Chen Biao do?"

"Didn't you listen to me just now?"

"No, I patronized you.". Ding Changsheng grinned and touched his head. He was very embarrassed.

"Children's family, blind thinking about what.". Li fengni is a famous woman. But her heart is still very beautiful, she is also a woman, a woman in need of men's love, but because she stayed at home after junior high school, until she married Wang Hu Hu, and never met any other woman, so the only impression of a man is Wang tiger. But since I met Ding Changsheng, a young man, she knew that her relationship with men was OK With such freedom.

"What I said is true. I didn't hear it. Sister fengni, tell me again.". Ding Changsheng stood up and came to Li fengni's side, holding Li fengni's arm in two hands, shaking and pleading.

"Let me go quickly. I'll be seen later.".

"If you don't say it, I won't let it go.". Ding Changsheng realized that Li fengni would not be angry. He hit the snake with the stick and stayed in the end.

"Well, I said, let me go.".

After listening to Li fengni's words, he didn't get angry. Instead, he thought it was an opportunity.

"Sister, do you still like Tiger Wang?"

"Well, it was my father's intention to marry him. I didn't like him all day. I also wanted to live a good life. Rural people, who like what they don't like, what they don't like, what they don't love, they just make do with one generation. But he took all the food, drink, whoring and gambling. The most hateful thing is that once he brought the lady who was looking for outside to his house and drove me away I want to get a divorce, but I don't want to embarrass my father.

"This son of a bitch, I will take good care of him. Don't worry, sister. This time, I'll let him lose face and throw him to grandma's house, and let him get out of lujialing completely. You can live a good life and never think about him again.".

"I didn't think about him at first. I went back last night to get some clothes, but I didn't expect that he could do it. My father treats him well. Look at the firewood stack in the backyard so close that once it catches fire, I will burn my house too. It's heartless to feed the white eyed wolf who is not familiar with it."."Elder sister, you can rest assured that this matter is handed over to me. You don't have to worry about it. I will teach him a good lesson for you.".

"No, you can't beat him. You'd better report to your leaders.". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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