In the past, Ding Changsheng had a girl he secretly loved in school, but he didn't quite understand how to coax girls' expenses. Although he longed most for a woman to feel like Tian E Ru, now, how to make a girl fall in love with himself is the most important thing.

Li fengni's concern undoubtedly increased his confidence. Originally, he wanted to tell his leaders that he would ambush in the backyard of Li Jianshe's family and catch all the people who came to set the fire. Even if they could not be sentenced, they would not have a foothold in lujialing.

But what happened later made him change his plan. He wanted to revenge Li fengni in another way. This was also an expression of a boy's love for his woman. He wanted to help her.

"You are ding Changsheng, nicknamed Ding Ergou?" a man wearing sunglasses stopped Ding Changsheng who was about to leave the village committee.

"Yes, who are you? What can I do for you?"

"nothing else. This is something I asked me to give you. Please open it.". Uncle long looked at Ding Changsheng. He really couldn't understand why Miss would give this million yuan to the hairy boy who didn't grow all the time.

"What is this?" Ding Changsheng did not see the check, but saw that it was covered with several chapters. After a look at the amount, there was a one in the front and several zeros in the back.

"This is a check, a million, it's yours. Take it to the bank and you can change it into one million, payable on sight.".

Ding Changsheng looked up at the man. He remembered the woman who had left alone in the cold wind. It seemed that she had arrived home and was indeed a trustworthy person.

"Is there any other letter or message?" this is Ding Changsheng's longing. Although he knows that this is impossible, he still can't help asking.

"No, only these.".

"OK, I see.".

Uncle long looked at the boy curiously. He was very strange. He had a million yuan in his hand, but he could not see any excitement on his expression. He really didn't understand the relationship between the boy and the young lady. He shook his head and wanted to leave.

"Sir, wait, I have one more thing to do.". Ding Changsheng said. Uncle long sighed in his heart that he had killed too many people in his life, but this is what the young lady meant. If he asked others, he had to kill him, and his fist could not help clenching.

"What else?"

"uncle, you are a person who often wanders in the river and lake. You must be well-informed. Do you have a kind of glasses that can see through each other's cards? I have seen them on TV and can see through.".

Uncle long can't help but feel relieved. The boy wants to cheat and gamble.

"What do you want this for?

"It's OK. Just ask. I think these things are very interesting."

"I can send them to you when I go back. Moreover, they are still contact lenses, which can't be seen by others when I wear them.".

"Well, that's very important to me. Thank you.

"Young people, if you have money, you can't gamble. What's more, you can't cheat if you have money."

"if it's OK, I'll do it once. It'll be OK." long Shushu shook his head and turned away. The task of this trip was fairly smooth.

In the office of the Secretary of the township government, Tian Jialiang and Kou Dapeng sat opposite each other. Neither of them spoke. They were smoking stiffly, and no one was willing to speak first. The reason is yesterday's economic meeting of the county government.

Linshan town is very special. Although it's called Linshan Town, it's called township head instead of mayor. The reason is that in the past few years, we had to remove the township and change it into a town. However, due to the lack of economic aggregate, it can only be called township. However, Linshan town has been called out, and the people are used to calling it.

As soon as the economic conference of the whole county was held this year, Linshan town was the penultimate Town, and there was no hope of upgrading it.

"Old Kou, I think about it. We can't do this in Linshan town any more. If we go on like this, we will die old in Linshan town.".

"I can't help it. Anyway, the situation here is like this. What kind of development can we develop into? We need energy, coal energy, resources and no resources. I have no idea.".

"That can't go on like this. You are the head of the township. You are in charge of the economy. If we can't develop our Township, I have the responsibility, but it's mainly your responsibility.". Tian Jialiang is not happy in his heart, so he talks a little.

"What do you mean? I don't want to develop the economy, Tian Jialiang. If you can develop the economy, you are still in the nest here. You are the head of this mountain town. Look what you have done and say me. Why do you say me?" Kou Dapeng Kui does not show weakness.

The two men had a big quarrel in the office and parted unhappily. Back in the office, Kou Dapeng tore his tie off and threw it on the sofa, panting like a rooster just finished fighting.

"Uncle, I'm angry. Who made you angry?" he said to his nephew, "I'll kill him for you.".

"Go away, what are you doing here? Where are you cool? Where are you going to play?". Kou Dapeng a look is Ding Changsheng probing in, the whole body gas does not hit a place.

"Uncle, I'm angry and hurt my liver. I'm not reporting good news to you. It's settled."."What's the matter?" Kou Dapeng said angrily.

Ding Changsheng looked back, then closed the door, approached Kou Dapeng and said, "uncle, how can you be so forgetful about Tian E ru?".

"Well? It's all right? "

" yes, it's OK, but I have another good news to tell you. You'll be happy to hear that. ".

"What's the matter?"

"it's about Secretary Tian, do you want to hear it?". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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