The construction of Anshan town can not really become construction. There is only one street in this town. You can see the other end of the town from this end. Low bungalows are scattered on both sides of the narrow street. It can be seen that although it is poor here, the business is good, but the goods sold are nothing more than needles and thread or necessities of life. There are no real supermarkets and other shops. This is still the town. Generally, the town is the place where people in the whole town buy daily necessities. Such a sight can be seen in its economic situation.

Ding Changsheng stops the car at the gate of the town government. Some children who have been on holiday immediately gather around and look at the two people getting off the bus. At that moment, Ding Changsheng feels like a monkey in a zoo and is being watched by a group of children. What's the age and this kind of onlooking hobby.

"Let's go. Go inside first.". There was no expression on Zhong Hua's face, so Ding Changsheng followed Zhong Hua into the town government. The yard was not small, but there was only a single tile roofed house, which should be the house before liberation.

There is no old guard or security guard here.

"It seems that the public order here is good, even there is no security.". Ding Changsheng said after Zhonghua.

"It's not that the public order is good, but it's too poor to steal. What should the security guard do? It's a waste of one's wages.". Zhong Hua white Ding Changsheng one eye said.

Ding Changsheng smiles and doesn't speak. It's just that it's time to go to work. Several rooms are closed. Before entering, he hears the sound of cheering and cheering coming from a room close to his head. Zhong Hua frowns. Ding Changsheng also knows that this is the sound of washing mahjong cards, and there are also voices of collecting money from each other.

"Have you got your cell phone?" Zhonghua asked.

Isn't that nonsense? However, the leader's nonsense is often a piece of nonsense, but if you listen to the nonsense, you will be defeated sooner or later. Ding Changsheng immediately takes out his mobile phone from his pocket, switches to the camera function, and follows Zhonghua to the room. The American's products are good, and the camera is very clear. Even when you just enter the room, the light is not affected.

The mahjong card in the room has just been coded, and it has not been officially taken. At this time, Zhonghua gently opens the door, and Ding Changsheng holds his shoulders in both hands. His mobile phone can take a full picture of the room, but it can't be seen that he is deliberately photographing.

Today, it's really unfortunate that Wang Baoshan, the Secretary of the party, went to the countryside to mediate because of a sheep stealing incident. While Xu Qingxi, the mayor of the town, was pondering over the big win of the last deck of cards. He had just collected more than 100 yuan. He was very happy in his heart. When he looked up, he saw Zhonghua coming in.

At the beginning, he didn't recognize it, because the angle of Zhonghua's entering was just backlight, so when Zhonghua came to the card table, he could really see who was coming. Xu Qingxi Hula suddenly stood up and stammered: "county, county magistrate, how did you come?" None of the four people next to him had met Zhong Hua. Only Xu Qingxi had seen Zhong Hua from a distance when he took office. However, Xu Qingxi is an old rascal in the officialdom. He still has this insight, so he is now in a state of panic.

"Xu, you are very leisurely now. You won a lot today.". Zhonghua looked at a pile of red banknotes in front of Xu Qingxi and said.

"No, no, no gambling, just play.". Xu Qingxi stammered.

The other three were Wang Baisheng, deputy mayor of the town, Li Yaoqiang, director of the family planning office, and Hu Lijin, director of the Institute of finance.

"Xu, I don't object to you playing this game, but if you play it during office hours, if it is spread out, you, the mayor of the town, still want to do it. Now reporters are everywhere. Do you think that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and no one can see it? Look behind you. This is my secretary Ding Changsheng. He has recorded all the scenes of you playing cards. If you change someone else and directly post it to the Internet, do you think you can be a mayor for the new year Zhonghua takes a look at Ding Changsheng before he talks. He turns off his mobile phone and the boss doesn't want to take pictures when he talks about business with others.

"County magistrate, this is my first time to play, really, I swear, there will never be another time, county magistrate, I promise..." When Xu Qingxi wanted to say something more explicit, Zhong Hua looked at the other three people: "you three, go to the yard to cool off first. I have something to say with your leaders.".

If the three people were granted amnesty, they immediately went out. Ding Changsheng followed behind and closed the door and went out. He thought that when he entered the house, according to the general situation, the boss would be furious. In ancient times, he had the mood to drag out and hit the 20 boards. However, such a bloody scene did not appear. It seems that the boss has some ideas in his mind.

"Xu Qingxi, you said that you did these things today. Originally I thought you were younger than Secretary Wang and should have more courage. I didn't expect that your courage was put on the Great Wall. Is that your courage?" Zhonghua's voice was fierce. He grabbed a card in his hand and smashed it to the card table. With a sound, the card fell to the ground, and Xu Qingxi's nerves were completely destroyed.

What Xu Qingxi was afraid of was not Zhong Hua, but Ding Changsheng's recording and video recording. He had seen many of such situations on TV. Many officials much older than him were concerned because of the reporters' exposure or secretly taking photos. Then, the Commission for discipline inspection conducted an in-depth investigation, and 99% of them would find out the economic problems. Thus, there was a reason to bring him to justice. What he was really afraid of was that This one.Xu Qingxi knelt on the ground with a plop. "County magistrate, let me go. I'm the county magistrate's man in my life. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Let me go this time. I swear I won't do it again.".

Xu Qingxi is 41 years old. It's not easy for Xu Qingxi to survive as a worker in a fertilizer plant in Haiyang county. When there are only Zhonghua and him in the room, he can't care about his shame any more. He can't kneel easily because he has gold under his knees. However, it depends on who is kneeling and why. When he is concerned about his own future and fate in such an emergency, he kneels again and again What? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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