Zhonghua was helpless. If he had been jealous of evil, he would have brought this matter to the Standing Committee. It is certain that Xu Qingxi, the mayor of the town, could not be the mayor of this week. Moreover, Xu Qingxi was not the direct lineage of Zheng Mingtang, so he would certainly give the new young county head a face.

But what about that? He is an outsider who still does not have his own wings. When he holds a meeting, he often thinks that which of these people is his. Maybe it is a little too quaint, but the officialdom is the river and lake. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. If you want to do something, you don't have a few right-handed men. So he was very angry today and unexpectedly suppressed his anger and had to disobey himself His moral bottom line forgives Xu Qingxi.

Ding Ergou watched Xu Qingxi go out after Zhonghua with his head down. He was not surprised at all. Since Zhonghua had driven several people out, his boss would surely make a deal with Xu Qingxi. As for what kind of deal, it's hard to say.

"All right, you don't have to follow me. Go to your class.". Zhonghua said to Xu Qingxi behind him.

Ding Ergou followed Zhong Hua out of the gate of the town government. After getting on the bus, he left the town. It seemed to be the way back to the county. However, shortly after leaving the town, the car turned to a mountain road until it was impossible to drive. Ding Er Gou carefully turned the car around. During this period, it was really dangerous, but there was no way. I'm afraid it would be difficult to turn around further.

"I've never been to the countryside. To tell you the truth, the last time I went to your Liyuan Village, it was the first time I went to such a grassroots place. But now I suddenly have to go to the countryside. I only know that it is ridiculous to listen to the report materials on it. The people who report the materials are not trustworthy. Do you think, can the materials be trusted?" Zhong Hua felt it.

"It's no wonder that the cadres in the past paid attention to going down to the grass-roots level, but now there are fewer of them. They call and listen to the reports, and what the people below say is what they say. Although sometimes the leaders may know that this matter is false, but for some interests, or they are too lazy to take it seriously, so it is over.". Ding Er Gou looked at Zhong Hua's face and said slowly.

"Changsheng, if you have something to say, don't be timid like others. If you can't hear the truth here, then I will be really deaf.". Zhong Hua looked at Ding Er Gou and said.

"Leader, I have always wondered why I was chosen as your secretary. I can hear that director Chang has made great efforts for this matter.".

"It's his own business to have trouble. He should take care of it.".

"Leader, there is a village ahead. Let's go and have a look.".

"Let's go and have a look. Ah, what village is this village?"

Ding Ergou didn't come here at all. He didn't know what village it was. So he opened his mobile phone map and wanted to see where it was. Zhonghua looked at Ding Ergou, who was playing with his mobile phone. What's the use of reading the map at this time? Can the wild mountains and mountains be displayed.

"Fellow townsman, what village is this?" Zhonghua saw a rural woman with a child on her back coming from the corner of the hill and asked.

"Zhengjia village, the front is Zhengjia village". With these words, the child on her back cried again, so the woman rushed with her child to Zhengjia village.

"Fellow townsman, what's wrong with the child?" Zhonghua has already had a baby, so I can tell that the baby's crying is not like ordinary crying.

"Fever, I want to take her to Zhengjia village to see a doctor.". The woman quickened her pace as she spoke.

"Leader, the village in front of us is called Zhengjia village. It seems that there are more people with surname Zheng.". Ding Er Gou came up and said.

"Changsheng, if people in your village get sick, where do they usually go to see a doctor?"

"Linshan Town, the distance between our village and the town is fairly good. Liyuan Village is miserable. We can only rely on the barefoot doctors in the village, which often delays the disease. Every year, there are other complications due to delayed treatment. Serious cases will die directly. There are more elderly and children.".

"So the villagers in Liyuan Village are very enthusiastic about road construction?" Zhonghua asked.

"In fact, it is very difficult for people in the mountains to see a doctor. Before, there were many barefoot doctors. Later, because there was no medical qualification certificate, many barefoot doctors changed their professions, resulting in a serious shortage of medicine and medicine in rural areas. This situation is very common in Haiyang County.". Said Ding Er Gou.

"I really can't come down to have a look. I don't know. I haven't seen any report on these things. So I have no idea about this matter. In fact, I want to see the actual situation today. I didn't expect to find so many situations again. It's worth the trip.". Zhonghua said.

Zhengjia village is supposed to be the largest village in the area of tens of miles, so it basically takes on the role of Anshan town. Although it is only a village, it seems to be more lively than the town. The entrance of the village is a primary school. At this time, the school has already had the winter vacation, so the school is empty, but the sound of reading comes from the classroom.

"Go in and have a look? Are you still in class at this time? Don't you say that you can't make up lessons during the holidays? " Zhong Hua looked at Ding Er Gou and said.

"This should be an interest class, leaders, you listen to, teach English, should not be a formal class.".

The two slowly paced to the back of the classroom. A young woman in a red down jacket stood on the platform, with a pointer in one hand and a book in the other, leading a large group of children of different sizes reading words.The young woman also noticed that someone was peeping at the back window, so she pointed to a child in front of her to stand up and lead everyone to read. She put down her pointer and textbook and came out, just blocking Ding Er Gou and Zhong Hua in the lane behind the classroom.

"Who are you? What do you do? "

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