Ding Changsheng's eyes widened. He couldn't figure out why. In his opinion, although Tian E Ru lost her life to Kou Dapeng, she had a good job and had a good husband. I really couldn't figure out why.

My grandmother's leg is over. I'm bound to the girl's bed. What can I do? Thinking about the gun Huo Lvmao often wears in his waist, Ding Changsheng shivers.

Before he left work, he went to the county town and bought a Xiang Lian in the only jewelry store, which cost him more than 4000 yuan. He never thought about how to spend the million yuan. However, he knew that some investments must be spent. Therefore, he did not feel heartache at all for this necklace bought for the daughter-in-law of Kou Dapeng. Eventually, all the money he spent without a stick would be in Kou Dapeng Get ten times and a hundred times.

"Uncle, you are the head of the village. How can you live here?". After work, Ding Changsheng went home with Kou Dapeng, but after getting off the bus, he saw the place where Kou Dapeng lived. It was a very ordinary small yard with three tile roofed houses. It was a simple place without any decoration.

"This is rented. My family is in the county.". Kou Dapeng said.

"Come back, get ready for dinner.". At this time, a woman comes out of the room. Seeing this woman, Ding Changsheng can't help but scold Kou Dapeng for looking for a woman outside.

The figure of this beautiful woman appeared in the kitchen door. The woman looked thirty-six years old. Her face was white and her skin was delicate. She looked like a standard good woman. She wore a pink tight sweater on her upper body, a pair of black trousers on her lower body, and a pair of flat heeled slippers did not hide her proud height. Her chest was high and bulging, and the charm of a mature woman was fully displayed Wu Yi, Ding Changsheng looks at it, and his heart trembles. Damn it, this woman is more charming than Tian E Ru. I don't know why Kou Dapeng keeps such a beautiful woman at home, but he still looks for a woman like Tian E Ru outside.

After thinking about it, maybe it's not as good as wild flowers.

"Is this my aunt? Good aunt.". Ding Changsheng should have some eyes, so he went to say hello.

"Auntie? Dapeng, what's going on? He's?"

"Xinya, this is Ding Changsheng. He's my cousin from bangziyu. I didn't know it before. I just got in touch with him recently. I'll come to have dinner with us today.". Kou Dapeng explained.

"Oh, yeah, come in.". Zhao Xinya nodded, revealing a mouth of white teeth, which was very beautiful.

"Auntie, I'm here for the first time. I don't know what to bring for you. This is a Xiang Lian. I'll give it to you.".

"Oh, where did you get the money? Did you steal it again?". Kou Dapeng was shocked. What he first thought of was not Ding Changsheng stealing it, but Ding Changsheng bought it with his 5000 yuan.

"How can, uncle, this is my unexpected fortune. I'm going to show my respect to my aunt today." Ding Changsheng took out the necklace and handed it to Kou Dapeng. "Uncle, do you want to fit it on your aunt?"

Kou Dapeng secretly praised the boy's ability to be a man, so he took the necklace and wanted to put it on Zhao Xinya.

"Dapeng, this is not suitable. Xiaoding has only worked for a few days. I don't know how much it cost to buy this necklace. I can't take it.". Zhao Xinya declined.

"Let you take it, you can take it. The second dog is not an outsider." so Zhao Xinya put the necklace around her neck with half an effort. In the light of the room, the necklace glittered and looked proud.

"Thank you, Xiaoding, you sit down, we'll have dinner" and then went to the kitchen.

"You boy, this is not my money to buy."

"Your money, what money, uncle, when did I want your money?" Ding Changsheng said with a smile, which made Kou Dapeng think that it was his money to buy, but it was good that he finally returned to his home, so he laughed and raised his hand to Ding Changsheng.

"You boy, cunning."

"Hehe, it's all from my uncle,,.

"Well, however, Lao Tian really needs to think about it. When things like this happen, I must be the first one to suspect. As long as Tian Jialiang leaves, I will be the biggest beneficiary. This is a bit difficult.". Kou Dapeng grabbed a hair under his forehead and said.

"It's none of your business to leave it to me, but if it's done, uncle, I have a request.".

"What's the requirement? Start to ask for conditions before things are done.". Kou Dapeng looks at Ding Changsheng with displeasure.

"I don't want to be a policeman anymore. I want to enter the government and follow you, how about?"

"you little kid, you don't even have a degree. What can you do with me? What can you do?

" I can do anything. As for the education background, it's not a matter of one sentence. I think it's over if I go to the provincial city to buy a certificate. I think there are many advertisements for the certificate in our county. ".

"Ha ha, are you crazy? Can you make fun of it?"

Kou Dapeng thinks that Ding Changsheng is a talented man with great courage. However, he has no education background and is too young. He is a bit worried.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back.". At this time, the voice of a girl in the yard came in

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