"Oh, my daughter is back. Wash your hands quickly and have dinner.". Kou Dapeng turned his face and said with a smile.

"Well, Dad, there are guests?"

"it's not a guest. This is your cousin, his name is Ding Changsheng, right.". Kou Dapeng turned to ask.

"Yes, it's also called Ding Changsheng, but not many people call me my name. They all call me dingergou, little sister. You can call me anything.

"Hey hey, Ding Er Gou, there are people with this name. It's really fun.". Ding Changsheng looks at Kou Dapeng and looks at the 15-year-old girl. She really doesn't look like Kou Dapeng. She looks like Zhao Xinya with her mother. She looks like a beautiful girl. She is wearing a school uniform now. If she takes off her school uniform and puts on other fashionable clothes, she will look good, Ding Changsheng thinks.

"Kou Yingying, you can't be so rude. You can't be called cousin or Changsheng brother.". At this time, Zhao Xinya just came out with the dishes and said a girl. Ding Changsheng knew that the girl's name was Kou Yingying.

"Mom, I didn't say anything. He said it himself, was it brother Ergou?". Kou Yingying spat out her tongue and said.

"You see, this child, is not to clean up.". Zhao Xinya raised her face and said, "but Kou Yingying spat out her tongue and disguised herself as a grimace and went back to the house.".

"Xiaoding, don't be angry, this girl is like this, no big no small.".

"Auntie, it's OK. Everyone calls me that way. I've long forgotten my original name. Ha ha.". Ding Changsheng said with a giggle, which made Zhao Xinya more interested in this young man.

"Is Yingying studying in the middle school in the town?"

"yes, she is in the third year of junior high school, and she will be a junior high school student next year. She only knows how to play all day, but she can't go to school. She has a headache. Her aunt is a teacher in the school, which doesn't work. Her grades just can't go up.".

Kou Dapeng held up a glass of wine and said sadly.

At this time, Kou YingYing and Zhao Xinya both sat down at the table. As soon as she heard herself said in front of an outsider, Kou Yingying was not happy. "Dad, don't worry. I have no problem in the high school entrance examination. You can eat your food and drink your wine. You can not worry about my affairs.".

"Can your father not worry? I have not taught you well as a teacher. I have no face to teach others now.". Zhao Xinya gave Kou Yingying a mouthful of food and said.

"You, you still allow people to eat, ah, mom, you are rich, this necklace is very beautiful, who bought it for you?"

"children don't ask questions, eat your food.". Zhao Xinya said with a red face. She forgot to take it off just now. Her sharp eyed daughter saw it. What's embarrassing is that the person who sent the necklace is still there.

"Yingying, right? I think you are very smart. I think you may not have found your learning method. If you let me coach you for a few months, you should have no problem taking an examination of a key high school in the city.". Ding Changsheng saw Kou Yingying staring at the necklace, and Zhao Xinya's embarrassed expression explained everything, she didn't want to let people know.

"What, brag you, return to the city key high school, if you can let me go to the county key high school, my parents will kowtow to you.". Kou Yingying said without any obstruction.

"You child, how to speak.". Kou Dapeng was unhappy at first. Now he thought, is it right or wrong to bring this guy home today? However, this guy has a good way of getting in touch with each other. In a short time, he made his family interested in him.

"Yingying, do you know what I used to do?" Ding Changsheng said while eating his own kind of dishes.

"What do you do? Are you still a genius?"

"it's not a genius. Haiyang No.1 middle school, as you should know, is the key high school in our county. I left school last year. From the first year of high school, I was the first in the whole grade. Until I quit school, you can ask whether I brag.". Ding Changsheng said it very seriously, as if it was a very respectable past. At this time, Zhao Xinya and Kou Yingying stopped all their actions and looked at Ding Changsheng. Although they knew that Ding Changsheng was a loafer, Kou Dapeng knew little about the things before Ding Changsheng.

"Then why don't you go to school?" Kou Yingying bow weak bow asked.

"My parents were all killed in the mudslide last year. All of a sudden, the sky of my family collapsed and no one took care of me, so I didn't go to school. Originally, I could have been admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University, but now, there is nothing. Thanks to my uncle's help, I have a place to eat. To say a bad word, two months ago I was still stealing chickens from the streets What about the dog's loafer. ". Ding Changsheng's words are very relaxed, but none of the three of them can listen to it easily. Zhao Xinya's face is concerned, while Kou Yingying is full of adoration. Kou Dapeng has heard of Ding Changsheng's past experience for the first time. However, he knows that this guy's IQ is not low, so he decided to cultivate this boy and make him his own People fight for their own way.

"Brother Ergou, if you have time to teach me, my parents talk about me all day long. They think my grades can't go up. I'm bored to death. If I can take the key high school entrance examination, they will not be crazy.". Kou Yingying looks forward to it.

"Ha ha, that's OK. As long as uncle and aunt agree, I'll follow you. There's still a way to learn. It depends on whether you can find it.". Ding Changsheng stopped talking and waited for Kou Dapeng and Zhao Xinya to declare their opinions. In fact, he thought in his heart that it doesn't matter how well you learn. At that time, you will be pushed to the key high school by money.

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