Some things can't be thought of at the beginning, just like Ding Changsheng's approach to Kou Dapeng. At the beginning, no one realized that it was a good or bad start. But in fact, Ding Changsheng was gradually approaching Kou Dapeng and his family.

Kou Dapeng looks at Ding Changsheng, who is chatting with Kou Yingying. He thinks that this boy is really a talent. If he can help him, he will become his successor in the future.

Ding Changsheng is chatting with Kou Yingying about the school's interesting things, of course, it is also inseparable from some things in learning. All the new learning methods have not been tested by practice, but as a teacher, Zhao Xinya also thinks that we can try it. Therefore, Zhao Xinya's affection for Ding Changsheng is not only on that necklace.

At one time, four people had several different thoughts. Ding Changsheng was also thinking about the harvest of the evening. Later, he had to go back to lujialing, so he took Kou Dapeng's car to lujialing without delay.

Tonight, he is going to do a big thing. A few days ago, as Li fengni said, Chen Biao came to find himself to play cards. At that time, the contact lenses he wanted had not come, and he didn't know whether uncle long was fooling himself. But when he really came back to contact lenses, he seemed to have discovered a new continent, which made him very happy.

He found that after wearing these glasses, he could not only see through the ordinary playing cards, but also the mahjong pieces. Moreover, after wearing them for the first time, he went to the village for a walk. This almost caused trouble, because almost all the people he saw were the same as those without clothes. When he saw Li fengni's beautiful ketone body wandering around in front of his eyes, he almost missed it He couldn't help it, so in order to cover up the embarrassment of the rise of his stall, he had to pretend that he had a stomachache again and stayed in the toilet for a long time.

"Brother tiger, do you think this boy will come? I always think this boy is not a good stubble.". Chen said.

"It's OK, Biaozi, are you scared? It's not like that before. Isn't this boy a little gangster in dog's skin? You're really afraid.". Wang tiger said discontentedly.

"Brother tiger, Biaozi is right. You should be careful about this matter. No matter how you say it, this boy is also a member of the government. If you offend him, Huo Lvmao will not be able to make it.". Liu also said at the same time.

"It's OK. Listen to me. You still don't want to come. I gamble with him. I've had decades of experience, but I can't play a little hairy boy.". Said Tiger Wang.

"Who said that I was a hairy child, so big a tone, also not afraid of the wind flash tongue.". Ding Changsheng came into Wang tiger's house with a convenient bag. To tell the truth, Wang Laohu's family is a real family with no family. Needless to say, this guy lost a lot.

"Oh, it's police officer Ding coming. Come in and have a seat. This is what we're talking about. How dare we say you are brother tiger?". When Chen Biao saw Ding Changsheng come in, Yama stood up and warmly welcomed him.

Pockmarked Liu didn't say anything, but the guy's eyes were very good. When he looked at the bag in Ding Changsheng's hand, he couldn't move his eyes. There were about ten bundles of red bills in it. Under the light of the electric light, he could see clearly that it was money. At the same time, the boy brought at least 100000 yuan. He could not help but wonder that Ding Changsheng was poor Yes, I was still stealing from my boss a few months ago. When did I become a rich man.

Wang tiger also wanted to say a few scene words to stimulate Ding Changsheng, but he was rammed by pockmarked Liu with his elbow. Then he saw what was in the convenient bag on the table with pockmarked Liu's eyes.

"Brother tiger, how can we gamble? Do we come one by one or play together? I don't know how to play. The only thing I can do is to bet on the size of the bet, that is, whoever has the largest number will win. Of course, if you are small and willing to play such a low-level game, I mainly look at the face of Biao brother and whether it's brother Biao.". Ding Changsheng took a look at Chen Biao sitting beside him.

"Yes, yes, brother tiger has not played anything. Is it brother tiger, or let brother tiger and police officer Ding play first? Let's have a look at it.". Chen Biao made a color to the king tiger, which means that such a fat sheep, you don't kill your brother.

"Well, then I'll play. First of all, I'll tell you the rules. If you choose to abstain, I'm sorry. I'll have to pay 100 yuan. If the card is bigger than the size, the smaller one will lose 200 yuan.". After playing cards for a few more years, Wang Hu Hu was very big. He set the chips of each card so high that Liu Mazi and Chen Biao were a little bit short of breath. He thought, Wang Hu Hu was too anxious. However, this is the time when Wang Hu Hu was in high spirits, and no one was willing to touch the bad luck.

"For the sake of fairness, these are some new cards that I have brought with me. Some of them are senior players in the gambling industry. You can see if there is any problem with these cards. In fact, they were bought in widow Wang's shop. If you are not sure, you can go to the shop and buy some more.".

"No problem. The cards we play here are also bought from widow Wang.". Chen Biao opened a pair, looked at it and said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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