Fu pinqian couldn't help it. When Ding Changsheng accompanied Zhong Hua to inspect the scene of the explosion, he felt his mobile phone vibrate. It was a good habit of Ding Changsheng. As long as he was with the leaders, he should always adjust his mobile phone to vibration and put it close to the place where he could feel it all the time.

This will not make the boss feel you hate, no boss is willing to arrange work for you, when you are always interrupted by your phone, but if you can't receive the information from the outside world in time, this is also a disadvantage, so the mobile phone must be placed close to you or in your hand.

Ding Changsheng is one step behind. When you open it, it is actually from Fu pinqian: dare not disturb you. Is it safe to arrive?

It was Fu pinqian who made a great determination to send it, because she found that if she could not get a definite message, she would be hard to sleep on that day. It was worry and longing, which was out of reach, but now it still exists.

Ding Changsheng replied: safe, now in Haiyang, in a few days to see you in Baishan, now inconvenient.

Get such a message, Fu pinqian read and look, until his daughter muddleheaded up to go to the toilet will be confused in Fu pinqian wake up.

"Secretary Jia, mourning for you.". Just as Zhonghua thought, Jia Keyong came in a hurry, but Zheng Mingtang had not arrived at this time, so Zhonghua went to meet Jia Keyong and said hello.

Secretary Jia, this is Comrade Zhonghua, head of Haiyang county. Secretary he Qinmin introduced that others may not know Zhonghua, but a secretary must not. This is the responsibility of a secretary. He always answers questions and answers questions for the leaders at any time. On this point, Ding Changsheng feels that he is far from being able to do a good job.

"Comrade Zhonghua, what's going on, when did it happen, why did it take so long to report it?". Jia Keyong was angry. He didn't have a good face because of Zhonghua's active greeting. After all, it was his relatives who died. It was understandable that he had a little temper.

"Secretary Jia, the matter is under investigation. The preliminary result is that fireworks and firecrackers exploded, and the cause is still under investigation. We are very sorry about this matter.". Zhonghua did not get discouraged by Jia Keyong's anger, nor did he get angry with the leader. He still did not report humbly.

"Investigation, we must thoroughly investigate, we must find out the cause, is the accidental explosion, or murder, this matter must have an account to the dead.". Jack Yong was angry and had no good face to anyone.

The dead had been transported to the funeral home, so Jia Keyong didn't stay at the scene for a long time, so he got on the bus and went to the funeral home directly. Zhong Hua didn't follow him. His work was on the scene. It was enough for Jia Keyong to see him at the scene.

But Zheng Mingtang is different. He heard that Jia Keyong went to the funeral home and turned around directly to the funeral home. What's the significance of going to the scene at this time?

"According to the leader's instructions, this case needs to be thoroughly investigated, so the public security comrades have to work harder during this period. Maybe now we all know that this case is very complicated, but the more complicated the case is, we must make an iron case. I believe everyone has seen the information on the Internet. It's hard to hear our comments. There is no way, It has been two days since the explosion, and we haven't said a word. It's normal for the outside world to guess. So we can't wait any longer. We must have our own voice, otherwise, all kinds of shit will be on our heads. ". In the meeting room of the county government, Zhonghua held the third meeting since the explosion. Ding Changsheng served as a record holder. He learned a lot in Zhonghua's handling of this matter in recent days. He was envious when he saw Zhonghua talking with the leaders of these bureaus and banks. He thought, which day can he reach this point.

"Mr. Zhong, we have been really busy these days. All the police have been investigating the case, because a special task force has been set up. The preliminary investigation results show that this is a deliberate murder. It seems that it is a fireworks explosion. In fact, there are a lot of explosives in it. Moreover, the car carrying the fireworks was driven to the back of the deceased's building, close to the first floor The vehicle carrying fireworks and firecrackers was a wooden vehicle, which had been blasted off in the explosion. This is why the vehicle could not be found. Therefore, the next step is to investigate Jia Chengliang's social relations. That's all I want to say. ". Chen Junwei, the director of the Public Security Bureau, changed his decadence and became professional. Ding Changsheng looked at the man who once let himself look up to sit in front of him and report to the boss. It's really unpredictable.

"Director Chen, the public security bureau is the protagonist in this case. Since the nature of the case has been determined, we should try our best to solve it. This case must not become an unfinished case. Even if I can tolerate it, the leaders above will not tolerate it. You know what I mean.".

"Mr. Zhong, I know this, and I will make it clear to our comrades that this is a political task.".

On hearing this, Zhonghua thought to himself, you can say what you like. Anyway, this case can't be solved, and you, the director, can be regarded as the end of the job.

"Director Jiang, the task of your safety supervision bureau is also very heavy. These days, we need to investigate the fireworks and firecrackers in the whole county. This requires the cooperation of the Public Security Bureau. It is impossible to buy so many fireworks and firecrackers in a scattered way. It may be bought from one place at a time. You should step up the investigation in this aspect to see who bought so many fireworks and firecrackers. In addition, now It's spring. It's spring to strictly control the construction units that need explosives in the county area. This needs to be followed up by the Safety Supervision Bureau. All work at this time can't be discounted. Let me first say, which link has problems, which link is in charge of. Don't say that I didn't put this ugly word in front of me. ". Zhong Hua said this with a cold air.

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