Zhonghua's words are a bit hard. The government is in charge of administration, and the Party committee is in charge of personnel. But don't forget that Zhonghua is also a deputy secretary of the county Party committee. Although the deputy secretary is not a full-time deputy secretary, he is also a member of the Secretary's Office. If the Deputy Secretary strongly opposes the appointment and removal of individual affairs, Zheng Mingtang, as the Secretary of the Party committee, should also consider Zhonghua's proposal, so Zhonghua said this Sometimes I have confidence. Besides, almost everyone in the circle knows that the nephew of Jia Keyong, deputy secretary of Baishan City, was killed by the explosion. I believe no one does not know the particularity of this case.

Originally, after the Spring Festival, there were two important things to do in the whole county. One was to elect the county magistrate and the other was to build the No.1 highway. But now, the nephew of the Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party committee has been killed, which adds another important event.

However, solving a case is not a day or two, and other things can't be abolished. Therefore, the election of the county magistrate was put on the agenda. It was decided a year ago, and the election should be completed as soon as possible. This has already delayed. The two sessions of the National People's Congress will be held in March. This is a special case in Haiyang county. According to the regulations, the election should be completed years ago Yang county committee wants to complete the election as soon as possible.

In order to realize the organization's intention accurately, the three giants of Haiyang county Party committee gathered together without talking about others in advance.

"Director Lin, let's talk about it first. This election is the leading role of the National People's Congress. In order to develop the economic construction of Haiyang County, the city specially put Comrade Zhonghua here. Therefore, this election must be held successfully and ensure that Comrade Zhonghua is elected by all votes.".

"Secretary Zheng, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. With so many representatives, it's inevitable that a few will not listen to their orders and all of them will be secret ballot. I'm afraid this will not be easy to achieve.". Lin Derong said that there was a lot of pressure. Although he had made a compromise with zhonghuada secretly, he was also very cautious when it came to the election. Moreover, Zhonghua is now in front of him. He really needs to make clear some words first. Otherwise, if Zheng Mingtang's requirements are not met by then, not only zhengmingtang will have to look for trouble, but even Zhonghua may have a knot in his heart, so tell the truth We should make clear the existing difficulties, otherwise there will be no room for us to speak.

"Lao Lin, you have experience in the election. This is what you do. I believe the people's Congress can solve this problem. In any case, we must ensure the success of the election. Otherwise, we will not be able to explain it to the higher authorities.". Zheng Mingtang said solemnly.

It's about yourself. It's said that you should avoid such a thing, but Zheng Mingtang called himself. He was embarrassed to hear that it was about this matter and he would walk away. But I don't speak. You can discuss with you, I will listen to mine, and I will not express my opinions.

Well, I'll do my best. Lin Derong can only be brave enough to accept this.

"Zhonghua, what do you want? Although there are only three of us here, this is to set the tone for the election. You are the party concerned, but you are also the deputy secretary. So you should not try to avoid those things. We don't have so many things here. What can we say?". With a wave of his hand, Zheng Mingtang has great momentum.

But it's hard for Zhonghua to say anything about it. People show such a posture, which is obviously a low attitude, so he has to lower his attitude in any case. Moreover, since he came to Haiyang County, he has been very cooperative in his work, and has not made any inappropriate place.

Ding Changsheng is in the office to sort out the minutes of the meeting held by Jia Chengliang bombing these days. The phone on the desk rings, but it is the doorman. He said that there was a woman who wanted to see the county magistrate and let him look at the door.

It's very rare for a woman to look for the county magistrate. Zhong Hua has been here for so many days and has not owed any romantic debts outside. I can't help it. Go and have a look first. Sharing worries for leaders is not only about work, but also about life.

Just walk to the door to see a graceful and charming, temperament is very good, long hair shawl of the beautiful woman, a standard melon seed face, is the kind of melon seed face that makes people feel excited at a glance, eyebrows such as mountains and mountains in the distance, charming eyes, flow between the flow of color, make the face red heart jump, Qiong nose like jade, a mouth slightly wide and big, but the arc is beautiful, delicate and charming, so that People can't help but want to take a bite. Their skin is delicate and smooth. They wear a black fur coat and their collars are made of mink. They are dark and bright. Their long legs are exposed in black trousers. It's really a feast for the eyes to have a look at them in summer. He had seen this woman, but the last time he was at zhongfengyang's house, he didn't dare to take a close look at it too much. This time it was different. There were only this woman and himself, and then there was an old guard who shrank back when he saw himself coming out.

Xie Heyang leans in front of the door of the BMW car, looking at Ding Changsheng.

"Why, you are the leader, why don't you come out to pick me up and have to wait here for such a long time? I know. The more you get to the bottom, the more serious the bureaucracy is.". Xie Heyang speaks with coquetry. This is the first time Ding Changsheng has heard her talk, which makes people's heart crisp. I don't know how Zhonghua was affected.

"Don't say that, sister-in-law. I promise you'll be free next time. Go ahead and drive in.". Ding Changsheng said respectfully, of course, the eyes can be disorderly aimed, but Xie Heyang was born into a big family girl, and he has never seen any formation. A man who sees himself is completely normal. If he doesn't look at himself, he is either a rabbit or incompetent.Looking at Xie Heyang driving to stop, Ding Changsheng sneaks into the gate post to explain and recognize the license plate number. After this car comes, it is not allowed to intercept. The old man at the door quickly records the license plate on the wall. Secretary Ding's account is certainly not a trivial matter.

Xie Heyang came here because Zhonghua came in a hurry and didn't even bring the clothes to be changed. In addition, there was a very important reason: the two had been married for several years, and her stomach had not moved. She went to check it quietly, and there was no problem. However, Zhonghua was stubborn. He said many times, but he was not willing to go to check And this matter can't give home to say, so these days to ovulation period, so in order to a few seeds, and then chase here.

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