On Monday, Bing was forced to a dead end and had to make a choice, either to sacrifice himself or to sacrifice others. This choice was very simple for him. Before Ding Changsheng returned to the unit, he received a call from him asking Ding Changsheng to designate a place, and then he would take Che Ruier to meet him.

Well, I'll tell you then that tomorrow is the weekend. Have a good time. Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

When Ding Changsheng answered the phone, he was in a very good mood. He took a casual look at the roadside and found that he had driven to the provincial hospital. He remembered that Tong Jiagang was still in the hospital. When he was in a good mood, he should never let his opponent be in a good mood. This is his consistent principle.

Ding Changsheng parked his car in the yard, then bought a bunch of flowers in the supermarket at the gate to see if tongjiagang was better.

Sorry, we can't visit now. The Secretary of tongjiagang stopped Ding Changsheng outside.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, it's you who can't go in.". Tongjiagang's secretary said.

Ding Changsheng reached out his hand and gently pushed him aside. He said, "the doctor didn't say you can't visit. Who the hell are you? Take my kindness as a donkey's liver and lung. I'll go to see Secretary General Tong. What's wrong with him? He's your father."

All these things that Ding Changsheng does are harmless. What do you say you want to do to him, but he doesn't do much to you. They are all trivial things. In fact, what he does is to disgust you. What do you want to do with him?

Tong Jiagang heard the noise at the door and frowned, but before he could ask what was going on, he saw Ding Changsheng come in with a bunch of flowers.

Tong Jiagang immediately turned his head and looked out of the window, not giving him a good look.

Ding Changsheng doesn't care. He comes to disgust him. If he is disgusted by the other party, what's the meaning?

, "how too vulgar to be endured, I heard the provincial Party committee is very busy. You are always hospitalized. It's not a way to do that. My God, this is the gift of the ceremony. It's all too much. Now this person is really there. Who sent the stuff, WeChat Alipay transfer, and send things, it's really vulgar..."

"What do you want to do? Leave here if you're OK. I thank you for coming to see me. Let's go.". Tong Jiagang said.

Ding Changsheng didn't care. He casually sat on the chair at the head of the bed. He took a box under the bed, as if it was a tonic. He took it in his hand and said, "Secretary General Tong, it's really not bad for me that day. Qiumingsan is a member of our unit. I investigated him, and you'll have to worry about it. It's unnecessary, unless you and he have a deep understanding But I believe that the integrity of secretary general Yitong will not have anything to do with him, do you think? "

Tong Jiagang knew that Ding Changsheng was being sarcastic, but he still wanted to send him away.

"Ding Changsheng, I have nothing to do with you, so don't disgust me here. Let's go. I'll have a rest.". Tong Jiagang said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "well, Secretary General Tong, you have a good rest. I'll go first and come back to see you in a few days.".

But before he got up, he opened the box in his hand. There was medicinal wine in it. But in the gap of the box, there were more than a dozen rolls of 100 yuan, which filled the gaps in the bottle. The Secretary of tongjiagang, Ding Changsheng and tongjiagang all saw it. The air seemed to solidify, and the static root dropping needle could hear it.

"Well, Secretary General Tong, I didn't mean to. Who sent it to the secretary general? It's very hard to roll up the money.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile and handed the wine box to his secretary.

Tong Jiagang's face was livid, and he put his hand over his chest. Ding Changsheng stood up and said, "that's OK. I'll go first. By the way, Secretary General Tong, I wish you a speedy recovery.".

After that, he walked to the door. Tong Jiagang thought it was over. Unexpectedly, Ding Changsheng went to the door and said, "secretary general, I think you'd better check the other boxes. Maybe there will be..."

Ding Changsheng made a gesture of money, but did not say it. At this time, it would be meaningless to say it again. Ding Changsheng looked at all kinds of gifts piled around the room, laughed and left.

Tong Jiagang saw that he had finally left, but his heart was in a state of colic. Since then, tongjiagang had a problem. As long as he saw Ding Changsheng, his heart would hurt badly. If he could not see Ding Changsheng, his secretary was more careful. He never dared to mention Ding Changsheng's name in front of Tong Jiagang.

"What are you going to do?" Ding Changsheng met Ye Yijun in the tavern next to the family home of the provincial Party committee. Chejiahe was busy. It was easy for Yuan's real estate to be done. However, he didn't expect such an accident on the way. Although chejiahe repeatedly contacted Xu Yijian, Xu Yijian was dragging. Che Jiahe knew that the other party was pushing down the price by taking advantage of Chen huanqiang's assassination, but he could not help it It's not that he has the final say.

"What to do?" Ding Changsheng pretended not to know.

"What are you going to do about cheruier?" Ye Yijun asked in a low voice."I haven't thought about it. I'm not very familiar with this girl. Although I have dealt with her several times, I feel that she is just a mindless crazy girl. I'm also trying to deal with such a person. How, do you have a way?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Ye Yijun shook his head and said, "I don't know what to do. You're an old hand. What I'm worried about is Ye Ruping. How is she doing now?"

"What does Wan Changle say? He is listening to you now. You didn't ask Ye Ruping how she is now?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"They have been busy selling yuan's real estate these days. If it hadn't happened, their transaction would have been completed. So on the other hand, we have to thank Che Ruier, a crazy girl. Otherwise, we will have no room to turn around, and the Ye family will be completely destroyed.". Ye Yijun raised his glass and touched Ding Changsheng. The sake went into his throat, and the light taste made Ding Changsheng a little unhappy.

"You have too many buttons.". Ding Changsheng looked at her and said.

The white shirt, button has been tied to the neck, Ding Changsheng see some le flustered.

"We're talking about that girl. Don't interrupt.". Ye Yijun gave him a look and said.

"Then what do you want me to do? After all, I don't want to turn over face to face with chejiahe, I'm not ready.". Ding Changsheng said.

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