"Then you plan to put it off like this. Ye Ruping can't wait so long. Once they finish trading, ye Ruping will be useless. What they have done to her is obviously not going to let her come out alive. Maybe she will disappear sometime. What can you do?" Ye Yijun asked in a low and powerful voice.

"Don't worry. I'm trying to figure out a way, but it can't be remembered in a short time. I have to plan carefully. Now, in my position, what can I do? Tell me what I should do?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Ye Yijun was immediately asked by Ding Changsheng. She did not know why the people of the Ye family recognized that Ding Changsheng could redeem the Ye family. But up to now, she really doubted Ding Changsheng's ability and courage. He has been protecting himself, even if he wanted to report Che Jiahe in his real name, he would not let himself do it.

"Then you can give me a time. The Ye family can't wait any longer, and ye Ruping can't wait so much time. By the way, where is ye Wenqiu? Can you tell me?" Ye Yijun asked.

Ding Changsheng shook his head, did not say a word, after a while said: "you are too anxious, do your own thing, like this thing, you do very well, I want to know what he is thinking, what their father and daughter want to do, so, can't worry, always know what the other party is doing, we can carry out the next plan.".

When Ding Changsheng and ye Yijun meet, in the box of Xuanyuan bar, Zhoubing also sees cheruier.

"Miss, things are not good. We may be in big trouble.". Said the soldier on Monday.

"What trouble?" Cheruier asked indifferent.

"Qi liangkun wants to see you.". Said the soldier on Monday.

"If he wants to see me, he will come to see me if he wants to see me. It's not for you. What my father said to you, you can do what he wants.". Car Rui son does not matter to say.

"He wants to see you means to ask for money. Let's go and take the money tomorrow morning. I think his appointed time is in the mountains. If you don't go, he doesn't show up. Then it will be very troublesome. So, I mean, you and I will go to find him with the money you bring tomorrow, and then I will make an end according to your father's will.". Said the soldier on Monday.

"I'm not going.". Said Cheryl.

"If you don't go, I can't find him. Now the people stabbed by him are looking for him, and the people of Ding Changsheng are also looking for him. No matter who he is in, it's not good for you, me and your father. We must do him first, and you must cooperate with me in this matter.". Said the soldier on Monday.

"No way, I won't go, you die of this heart.". Said Cheryl.

Zhou Bing sighed and said, "well, you asked me to do this. In the end, if I am confessed by him, I can only confess you. What Secretary Che does then depends on his ability.".

"You Monday soldier, that's all you can do. My dad said you'd find him out, and you'd go and find him out. He said these useless things are useless. He's so dangerous. Do you want me to risk myself? "

"Miss, I said that if you go there, you will catch him out. What's the matter with me? What's the relationship with you? Besides, do I dare to risk you? It's time tight. If you give me time to let me solve this case slowly, I won't bother you.". Said the soldier on Monday.

Che rui'er heard the speech and was silent for a moment. When the soldier saw the door on Monday, he continued: "go, you'll be in the car. When he comes, I'll catch someone. It's none of your business. You'll drive there when it's time. As long as he shows up, you'll drive back. I'll do the rest, right?"

Che Ruier thought for a while and thought that Zhou Bing was right. If we let go of this opportunity, what would happen if Qi liangkun fell into the hands of others? It's really hard to say.

Ding Changsheng is talking to Ye Yijun about something. His mobile phone vibrates for a moment. He takes a look at the message sent by the soldier on Monday. There is only an exclamation mark, which means that the matter is done. Ding Changsheng purses his lips and smiles, and finally it is time to close the network.

"Where are you going tomorrow? Can I help you? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"It's OK. What's the matter?" Ye Yijun asked.

"It's nothing. A friend has opened a home stay in the mountains and invited me to play. Do you want to relax and go to the mountains?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Just you and me?" Ye Yijun asked shyly.

"Where do you want to go, there are other people, dozens of friends, when we have a bonfire party or something, it's fun.". Ding Changsheng said.

Ye Yijun shook his head and said, "I'd like to go, but not now. I can't let chejiahe doubt me. Otherwise, the affairs of Ye's family can't go on. OK, let's go here today. I'll go first. Have a good time.".

Ding Changsheng didn't leave her. He had a lot of things to do, so he didn't have time to pay attention to her at this time.

"Dogo, is the place ready? I'll be there early tomorrow morning. Ding Changsheng said.

"Ready, according to your requirements, everything you need has been transported here, and I'll wait for you to come and repair it.". Said Du shankui."What kind of clean repair is to go to the mountains for quiet. OK, put down the key for me. You can go back and send me a location. I will go there by myself tomorrow morning.". Ding Changsheng said.

In the early morning of the next day, Ding Changsheng asked his office to prepare an off-road vehicle for himself and drove to Taiyin mountain. Du shankui of course knew what the so-called "Qingxiu" means. He brought a woman to the mountain to play. On the weekend, the air in the mountain was very good. Although it was chilly, there was no lack of wood in the mountain, so it was still possible to keep warm.

When Ding Changsheng drove to the foot of the mountain, then up the mountain, and walked for more than ten minutes, he saw the place Du shankui had found for him. It is located in the deep part of Taiyin mountain. This house used to be the place where the forest rangers used to live. Now the Rangers patrol with UAVs, so they don't need to live in the mountain. So this place has become a perfect place for mountain restoration.

Ding Changsheng went into the door to have a look at all kinds of food and drink. What satisfied Ding Changsheng most was that there was an upright pillar in the middle of the house, supporting the weight of the roof. He sat at the door of the hut, and there was a small yard. The yard was full of wood. Ding Changsheng lit the stove and hot Kang in the house. There was no smoke in the house for dozens of kilometers, and the location was excellent He will stay here with Che Ruier for two days. If he can tame this woman, it's OK. If he can't tame the woman, he will have to find another way to talk with chejiahe. However, Monday soldier was dragged into the water by himself this time.

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