Chejiahe looks at Ding Changsheng. He has a feeling that the longer he contacts with this person, the more he can't see through each other. Even a small office director is like this. What kind of person is Zhonghua? Thinking of this, chejiahe can't help but sweat.

"What do you mean?" Chejiahe asked.

"Secretary Che, let's say that if we can cooperate, the case of Chen huanqiang may be over. After all, his nephew will be tried in central and northern provinces, and you will still be able to use you at that time. However, I estimate that even if you don't want to help with his nephew's sentence, other people will also help. Therefore, if you want to talk to Chen huanqiang, you will not be talked about. He will not take you back Things. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"In these days, when there is no interest, who takes who seriously?" He said.

"That's right, so I said that we may have the possibility of cooperation. How about that, you are a member of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee, and your words still work. Although you don't speak in many matters, I believe that as long as you make a noise on the Standing Committee, others will give you face, and what we lack is this voice.".

"You? You mean Zhong Hua? " Chejiahe asked.

Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "yes, with your experience, is Zhonghua an irresistible governor? Even if he is not satisfied with his work, this term must be finished. This is five years. If he deliberately ignores Beiyuan City, is it not good for you as secretary of the Beiyuan municipal Party committee?"

"Threatening me?"

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "it can't threaten you. It's just a problem of non cooperation. It's enough for Beiyuan to have a good drink. So, as I said, we don't care about Yuan's real estate, and we don't intervene. How do you like to deal with it? It's your own business. We don't participate in the operation. Naturally, we won't participate in the share of the stolen goods. We're talking about the future Is that ok? "

Che Jiahe thought for a moment and said, "let Zhonghua come and talk to me. I'll talk about it after the two sessions. I don't have time now, and I don't want to talk about it.".

"Yes, but you'd better think about it. It's hard to solve this problem.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

Ding Changsheng and chejiahe talked for nearly an hour in the study, and no one knew what they were talking about. However, ye Yijun knew that there was a bug provided by Ding Changsheng behind a Book high in the study. This conversation, especially about Yuan's real estate, made Ye Yijun very angry. Ye Yijun didn't expect Ding Changsheng to talk like this with chejiahe For a long time, the food was hot twice before they came down to eat. Ye Yijun was extremely warm. Compared with chejiahe's cold noodles, ye Yijun was very polite. Of course, chejiahe was very satisfied with Ye Yijun's politeness. The couple had to play different roles.

But when Che Ruier saw that ye Yijun was so polite to Ding Changsheng, she was very uncomfortable. At this time, Ding Changsheng and Che Ruier were still sitting on one side, and she was not afraid to pick up vegetables for Ding Changsheng. This made chejiahe very angry and kept staring at her, but Che Ruier ignored his warning at all.

The focus of this meal is not the meal, but the conversation between Ding Changsheng and chejiahe before the meal. This conversation is secret. So when Ding Changsheng finishes the meal and leaves, Che Ruier comes out with a suitcase.

"I'll go with him and let him take me to the airport, so you can leave it alone.". Cheruier said to chejiahe.

"Where are you going?" Ding Changsheng asked. He was startled. At first, he thought Che Ruier was going to move to live with him. There was no explanation.

I went to Beijing and then went abroad. I had a business to talk about and had to go on business. Said Cheryl.

Ding Changsheng took a look at chejiahe. Seeing chejiahe's face and eyes, he knew that Che Ruier was not on a business trip, but rather like a farewell never to return.

After getting on the car and leaving the family home of the provincial Party committee, Ding Changsheng asked, "are you still going to come back?"

"Do you see that?" Cheryl asked.

"I can't see. Is this going to run?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"No, I miss my mother. I went out to see her. She didn't come back before the new year. It was miserable for her to spend the Spring Festival abroad alone. At the end of the year, I was not busy, so I went to spend the Spring Festival with her.". Said Cheryl.

Ding Changsheng didn't take it seriously. He sent her to the airport and went back home. As soon as dawn came to light, he found that there were dozens of unanswered calls in his mobile phone. The office made three calls. All the rest were chejiahe's office and mobile phone number, and another was yeyijun's.

"Hello, Secretary Che, what's the situation?" Ding Changsheng first called chejiahe and asked.

"You bastard, where's cheruier? Is she with you? " Chejiahe asked nervously.

"No, I sent her to the airport last night, and I didn't contact her again. What's the matter?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I also received a phone call from her last night. After she boarded the plane, she still came to the video with me. I saw that she did get on the plane, but now I can't contact her. I called, and her scheduled flight to the United States did not board. Is something wrong?" Chejiahe asked."Don't think about it. What can happen to her? Is it possible that the mobile phone is lost, or... "

"No, it's impossible. I think that Chen huanqiang must have done it. He threatened me yesterday. I didn't expect that they would dare to do it. Che Ruier must be in their hands now. Certainly.". He said.

"Chen huanqiang and them? What are they doing here? " Ding Changsheng doubts.

"I don't know what to say. Let's find a place to meet at yujiabieyuan villa. I'll wait for you there and see what to do with it." Che Jiahe said he hung up the phone, whether Ding Changsheng promised or not.

Ding Changsheng looks at the mobile phone, and then makes a call to cheruier. It seems that chejiahe didn't cheat himself.

Then he called Ye Yijun again. After dialing the number, he remembered that he had contacted the family again this morning.

"Hello, chief ye, have you called me?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, I want to consult you about something. Do you have time now?" Ye Yijun was very polite. She was very curious about Ding Changsheng's conversation with chejiahe last night. Early in the morning, when chejiahe went to work, she took the deposit card of the eavesdropper to the unit. At that time, she heard the conversation between chejiahe, Che Ruier and Ding Changsheng. She didn't expect that Ding Changsheng would not care about the interests of the Ye family. Is what he said true or false? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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