"Yes, I'd like to meet you. Can director Ding spare me some time in his busy schedule?" Ye Yijun said very politely, but the tone was also somewhat unusual.

"No problem, but now I don't have time. Secretary Che just called me and wanted to see me. By the way, are you together?" Ding Changsheng asked on purpose. Hearing the tone just now, Ding Changsheng knew that they were definitely not together. Besides, ye Yijun was not so concerned about Che Ruier's affairs. Therefore, ye Yijun's call to himself must not be about Che Ruier.

"We're not together. I'm at work. What's the matter with my old car?" Ye Yijun asked.

"I don't know. I've just got up. I have to go now. There's a big stall in my unit. It's all crowded together. Well, I'll see Secretary Che. I'll see the time sooner or later, and then I'll contact you.". Ding Changsheng said.

"OK, I'll see you then.". Ye Yijun said.

On the way to yujiabieyuan, Ding Changsheng has been thinking about Che Ruier's disappearance. He thinks that Che Ruier is more likely to hide himself, because she said she didn't want to go to the United States, but her father had to force her to go. Therefore, Ding Changsheng was willing to believe that she only hid herself.

"Here you are, sit down.".

"Have you heard from cheruier?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, look at what this is.". With that, he pushed the mobile phone to Ding Changsheng, who picked it up and took a look at it. He opened a few photos, all of which were photos of cheruier being tied back, but there was still time for shooting under the photos.

"Who sent this from?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Chen huanqiang, this bastard, called me and said that Che Ruier was there and detained in Beijing. But I was relieved that she would not be hurt. But I hope I can cooperate with the next thing.". He said.

Hearing this, Ding Changsheng leaned back on the back of the sofa and asked, "what's next?"

"It's not about Yuan's real estate, but now I've missed the best time to deal with Yuan's real estate. As you said, I can't deal with Yuan's real estate. Now someone takes over yuan's real estate. So, I'm going to find Chen huanqiang and take Ruier back. You and I can't help it. By the way, you don't have friendship with him Will you still have that face? " Chejiahe asked.

"You don't care about Yuan's real estate. Who cares? Who is responsible for the disposal, or is it no longer to deal with Yuan's property? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"No more processing? Yes, you can call ye Wenqiu back and calculate the accounts clearly. Yuan's real estate can be kept, but we can take out what we want. Can you do it? Now ye Luping is struggling in Yuan's real estate. You wait, and she's going to have a bad time again. ". He said.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile, "it's no use threatening me. You'd better find a way to get Che Ruier back. I still have something to do. I don't have time to accompany you to find Chen huanqiang. Besides, Chen huanqiang and I don't have much to deal with. If you ask me to talk to you that day, it's just counterproductive.".

"You're not going? Now Ruier has something to do, don't you ask? " Chejiahe some angry said.

Ding Changsheng patted his thigh and said, "for so many days, you haven't inquired about the relationship between me and Chen huanqiang. Let's say, Chen Hanqiu, Chen huanqiang's nephew, was sent to the Bureau by me. Up to now, I haven't been sentenced. I'm waiting. I'd like to ask who is trying this case. At that time, the judgment will be more serious. Do you think, what can I have to talk with him? I'll talk with him Some of the old accounts in central and southern provinces have not been counted. Therefore, this is also the reason why Qi liangkun suddenly assassinated him, and I did not move. Otherwise, with my reaction, Qi liangkun could not run away. Unfortunately, Qi liangkun's skill was not good. He failed to pierce the vital part, and was saved. It was a waste. ".

Chejiahe was shocked by Ding Changsheng's words. He really didn't know that there were so many conflicts between Ding Changsheng and Chen huanqiang. He still hoped that Ding Changsheng could win some victory.

"What about that?" Chejiahe said to himself.

"I have a few friends in Beijing. I can ask them to find out the whereabouts of Che Ruier. It should be OK. You can go to Chen huanqiang and talk as you like. It's good to have a talk. If you can't, there's no way. You can only take other measures.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Ding Changsheng, I can't manage so much. I'm just a kid like Ruier. If you can't help me, I can only help myself. Their target is probably yuan's estate, because after all, there are still a lot of land under the name of Yuan's real estate. So, when I want to do something out of the ordinary, you can't regret it. You say you don't care about the Ye family and me If you don't believe it, who's taking the risk of fighting against the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee is just for the sake of two women. You cheat the ghost. I know your little 99 in my heart. Therefore, if you don't help me find Ruier, the Ye family may really have no residue left. ". Chejiahe got up and went out, regardless of Ding Changsheng, who was still sitting in the living room.

When Ding Changsheng came to the door, chejiahe had already got on the bus and left. Ding Changsheng had no choice but to drive away. He contacted Ye Yijun in the car, agreed to have lunch together, and then returned to the unit to deal with daily affairs.As soon as Ding Changsheng entered the office, Qian silei knocked on the door and came in. Ding Changsheng looked at her and said, "what's the matter with deputy director Qian?"

"Well, director, are you free now? I'd like to report something separately.". Qian silei asked.

Ding Changsheng takes a look at Lin Tao, who comes in to deliver tea. She goes out with interest and brings the door.

"Come on, what is it?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Qian silei seems to have made a great determination. The air in the room seems to have solidified. Only the breathing sounds of Qian silei and Ding Changsheng are clearly audible.

"Deputy director Qian, if you have something to say, we are all colleagues. What else should I be sorry about?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Qian silei bit her lips and stopped talking. Looking at Ding Changsheng's anxiety, she just wanted to say that if you didn't think about it well, go back to think about it. If you think about it well, you can say, "don't write here and waste time.".

However, she saw Qian silei's legs bend and knelt on the ground. Although the floor was covered with carpet, she also made a splash, which made Ding Changsheng stand up across the desk and asked, "deputy director Qian, what do you mean? What's the matter?"

Qian silei's eyes were tearful. Before Ding Changsheng asked her next question, she fell on the ground and began to cry.

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