"Well, you say you are not young. What are you doing? You have something to say. OK, I'll send people in again.". Ding Changsheng said.

Qian silei still cried, but Ding Changsheng couldn't bear it. What happened next? Ding Changsheng knew what happened next. In addition, he had no good impression of Qian silei, so he rang the bell on the table and Lin Tao pushed the door in.

Seeing Qian silei, who was kneeling on the ground and weeping, was also shocked. Qian silei didn't expect Ding Changsheng to ask people to come in. For a time, he was very ashamed and angry. But when he stood up, he didn't seem to have any sincerity. Ding Changsheng forced himself to a dead end.

"Lift her up, like what words, something to talk about, cry what?" Ding Changsheng winked at Lin Tao and said.

Ding Changsheng is to do business like, otherwise, if you help this old woman, I don't know what will happen.

"Director, I haven't reported yet.".

"You can say now, Lin Tao is not an outsider. I trust her. If you think about something clearly, you can say it. If you don't, go back to think about it.". Ding Changsheng said impatiently.

After that, he sat back in his seat. Lin Tao was excited when he heard the speech. It was his work that was recognized by him. This was the biggest encouragement Lin Tao heard. Knowing the secret of the leader is a good thing and a bad thing. But at present, it seems to be a good thing.

Lin Tao handed Qian silei several paper towels, poured her a cup of water, and then stood aside.

"Director, I want to resign. I don't want to be the deputy director anymore. I want to change my job.". Qian said.

Lin Tao and Ding Changsheng are both in a daze. I don't know what she means by saying these things at this time. However, Ding Changsheng thinks that she certainly does not come to resign. If she really wants to resign, she can write an application. There is no need to cry here.

"Quit? Yes, it's over to write an application. In addition to resignation, you have other things you haven't said. It's more than ten o'clock. I'll go out later. ". Ding Changsheng said carelessly.

"Director, I've resigned. Deputy director he doesn't want to investigate any more. Let's go here If there is any problem, I will take it by myself. Qian said.

"Are you alone? What problems have been found out in the investigation? Are you sure you can afford it

"As long as it's not to check again, I'll recognize it and let me do anything.". Qian said.

Hearing this, Ding Changsheng turned his eyes and asked, "did he Changjie really find out something? Lin Tao, go and ask deputy director he.

When Lin Tao went out, Qian silei came to the spirit and said, "director, please don't check again. If you continue to check, the governor will not be able to sit down here. There are so many things in it. When the provincial government is in chaos, what else can you and the governor do?"

"What do you mean by that?" Ding Changsheng asked with a frown.

"I don't mean anything. I just want to say that it's not only outside our unit, but also our provincial government. It's not as simple as you think. Yes, I've got some benefits from logistics. But as a deputy director, I'm really brave. How much can I take? So, in this Just saying that, Lin Tao came in from the outside, followed by he Changjie.

"You wait outside for a while.". Ding Changsheng said.

When Lin Tao heard the speech, he was stunned for a moment and then retired.

"You go on..." Ding Changsheng looks at Qian silei and says.

"That's all I can say. I'm also kind. Even if it's for my own consideration, I'm doing it for you. If this matter continues to be investigated, it's really not good for you and the governor. If the logistics are in disorder, the provincial government will be in chaos.". With that, Qian silei stood up and went out, leaving Ding Changsheng alone in the room.

Lin Tao came in at this time and looked at Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng nodded and he Changjie followed him in.

"Deputy director he, sit down. I feel very confused when deputy director Qian said something just now. Deputy director he will explain to me what you have found these days. Is it serious?" Ding Changsheng asked.

He Changjie nodded and said, "it's very serious. I just want to report it to you. Let's see if it needs to be further investigated.".

"Very serious? How serious is it? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"These clues add up to point to one person, who is our executive vice governor Ke Bei. He is the executive vice governor, so logistics matters are in his charge. In addition, everything purchased by the provincial government is completed through a company whose legal representative is Ke Bei's niece, and Kebei's wife is in charge of these matters.". He Changjie said.

"Kebei?" Ding Changsheng is a bit confused. He tries his best to search in his own impression. He has been here for such a long time, and he has never dealt with Kebei.

"Hasn't vice governor Ke come to work for a long time? Why haven't I met him? It seems that I've seen him once at the Standing Committee, but I haven't seen him since. He hasn't looked for me or the office, has he?" Ding Changsheng asked."He is very busy now. He has lived in Hedong new area for a long time, where the largest free trade zone in North Central Province is under construction. This is a project that secretary he personally takes charge of. Therefore, he seldom comes back in more than a year. Even if he comes back, he also reports to the provincial Party committee and does not come here often.". He Changjie said.

"What you mean by Hedong new district is that new district in the east of the city?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Yes, the new Beijing Hong Kong high-speed railway passes through there, and a new high-speed railway station will be built. So, it is hot there now. According to Beiyuan municipal government, it should be in charge of this matter. But now it is watched by a vice governor in person, and the specifications are very high. Some people say that it is the independent kingdom of Kebei and no one can enter it.". He Changjie said.

"I understand your subtext, that is to say, Ke Bei is the red man in front of secretary he Jiasheng?" Ding Changsheng asked.

He Changjie nodded and said: "it can be said that, so if we continue to investigate, we must be prepared to deal with a lot of things. Otherwise, it will be very ugly when it comes to dishonor. It's better not to check, not to check, to maintain the status quo. Everything is OK, at least in face. If we find out later, we can't find out why or why People say hello and order us to stop the investigation, then we really have no face. We should pretend to be confused or touch the tiger's butt. Director, you have to make a good idea.

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