"How many people did he come?" Chen huanqiang asked.

"One, still wearing the clothes of the staff here, should have sneaked in without seeing other helpers.". The bodyguard whispered.

Chen huanqiang was silent for a moment and asked, "how sure are you?"

"I'm sure, but it's better not to use guns. It's evening. I'll call a car and pull it from the underground garage to find a place to burn it.". The bodyguard gave a cruel idea.

"Since I'm sure, I'll leave the person with the girl. It's useless to keep it.". Chen huanqiang said.

"Understand.". The bodyguard whispered.

Ding Changsheng wanted to know what the grandson said. However, the guy ran to a corner and muttered. Ding Changsheng didn't hear anything. But when the phone finished, the man came over with a smile and returned his mobile phone to Ding Changsheng. Then he made a gesture of inviting Ding Changsheng to come in.

"What did Chen huanqiang say?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"The boss said that you can take people away, but you should write a letter of guarantee, and promise not to tell others that this woman was found here. My boss doesn't want to be fussy.". Said the bodyguard.

"Guarantee? Sign a fart. You tell Chen huanqiang that since he dares to do it and has no courage to admit it, you can rest assured that I will not sign this guarantee and will not tell him the secret. I am going to take him away. Where is it? Bring him here. ". Ding Changsheng walked over and stood in a corner of the living room and asked.

"Miss Che is not feeling well. You'd better go up and see her. If it's not suitable for a long journey, you'd better stay here for a few days. We've already found a doctor for her and she's in the process of infusion.". At this time, a woman came out of the corridor on the second floor. She looked like a bodyguard. Now, a woman upstairs and two men downstairs were watching Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng would never believe that Chen huanqiang had such a big courage and dare to calculate himself.

In this life, even if you have been very careful, you will often die in the most inconspicuous place and time. Such time and place are the least noticeable, and are often the time when people are most conceited, just like the present Ding Changsheng.

So Ding Changsheng went upstairs. When he went up the stairs, there was a turning position. When Ding Changsheng went up the stairs to turn around, the light of his eyes found that a man who followed him downstairs made a gesture to the woman upstairs. What did the gesture mean? Ding Changsheng didn't understand, but this scene made him wary of such a close distance Do you hear me? Do you still use gestures?

Ding Changsheng continued to move forward, but the woman did not mean to get out of the way. It was just when Ding Changsheng stepped on the last step that the woman took a step backward, and then Ding Changsheng followed him forward.

When the woman opened the door and saw that the car core was tied into a twist, Ding Changsheng turned to look at the woman, but at this time he saw the reflection of the lamp in the corridor. No matter what it was, Ding Changsheng instinctively hid, and an army thorn was inserted into the wooden wall. It was a knife that she was determined to get. Originally, she thought that she could get it Ding Changsheng dodges. If he doesn't, the knife is inserted from Ding Changsheng's clavicle and goes straight to the heart. In a few seconds, Ding Changsheng's soul will return to heaven.

Ding Changsheng wanted to retreat, but he didn't expect that the back was also sealed. His back was solidly hit, and he was kicked into the room. Che Ruier looked at this scene, and was shocked. When he was just tied up, he was stunned. She didn't expect Ding Changsheng to come, and the other party obviously killed everywhere, which killed him Rhythm, they dare to Ding Changsheng's life, not to mention their own life.

Ding Changsheng was almost kicked to the ground under the inertia of the other side's foot, and had to run a few steps to stand firm.

Looking back at the man and the woman, what he saw for the moment were these two people. The rest of them must be waiting downstairs or in the corridor. Therefore, Ding Changsheng seemed to have no other way but to jump out of the window.

Ding Changsheng laughed and said, "it seems that Chen huanqiang's phone call is giving you orders?"

Both the male and female bodyguards were silent, but they pressed forward step by step. At this time, the female bodyguard had pulled out the army thorn from the wall, while the male bodyguard behind was unarmed. It seems that he did not pay attention to Ding Changsheng.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say. After that, you can drop whatever you like, OK?"

"Fart quickly". Said the woman.

"I just want to ask, you hurt me to kill, in the end is Chen huanqiang's order, I want to die, also have to die a understand.". Ding Changsheng said.

At the same time, he looked at the window next to him. It was indeed possible to jump out of the window, but it was a second floor building, and it was high enough. After jumping down, if someone was waiting below and waiting for work, he might not be able to get up, so he was held down.

However, there seemed to be no other place to go except this window, so he could only slowly step back to the window, looking back at the window from time to time, completely ignoring the car Ruier struggling in bed. At this time, Ding Changsheng said, "I was just trying to take her away, but I can't care about it now. So, take good care of her and tell Chen huanqiang that I will go to him.".After that, he turned to climb the window sill. Seeing this, the male bodyguard thought that Ding Changsheng was going to jump out of the window, so he jumped up and jumped to the car core on the bed and rushed to Ding Changsheng beside the window. Ding Changsheng was waiting for his move. When he jumped onto the bed and rushed to the window, Ding Changsheng walked around the end of the bed and went straight to the female bodyguard.

But his disadvantage is that she has no weapons. The only weapon is a mobile phone. So in this gap, when she takes the mobile phone out of her trouser pocket and goes around the end of the bed, the mobile phone is also thrown into the face of the female bodyguard. Originally, the female bodyguard was going to stab Ding Changsheng with the army, but in this way, she can only dodge and dodge. That's how it works At the opportunity of Ding Changsheng, because of such a flash, the army thorn in his hand also lost its power to kill. When Ding Changsheng came to her, he pushed her and ran to the door.

Sure enough, there is still a man in the corridor outside the door, but Ding Changsheng can't fight him now. In that case, the two men in the room will come out. So now, we can only escape. Walking forward is against each other. On the right is the corridor railing, on the left is the stairs. Ding Changsheng does not hesitate to go up to the third floor. In any case, go up first.

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