It's important to run for life. This is the only idea of Ding Changsheng. If his life is gone, don't say to save Che Ruier. Except for Chen Liu, they know that they have come in. I'm afraid no one knows how he died.

Therefore, after going up to the third floor, he hid in a room and locked the door. He searched the room for weapons that he could take advantage of. The only knife he brought with him did not know where it had fallen when he was fighting with the other party just below. Therefore, he urgently needed a good weapon at this time.

The door outside was smashed, as if to break into the next moment. Ding Changsheng was blocked in this room. He was looking for weapons and saw half a bottle of mineral water on the bedside table. At this time, his biggest disadvantage was that he had no weapons. Therefore, hiding was his best choice. Therefore, this half bottle of mineral water saved his life, As the half bottle of water poured into the socket at the head of the bed, the whole villa fell into darkness.

Ding Changsheng opened the window and threw a bedside table outside. At the moment when the other party broke into the door, he hid under the bed. The open window, the movement of the downstairs, and the two people who broke into the door were attracted to the window. Ding Changsheng crawled from the bed to the other side.

He can clearly see each other's four feet from under the bed, so carefully moved to the bedside, want to come out.

"Where are the people?" The female bodyguard upstairs called out to the downstairs. At this time, the people downstairs also came out of the villa and stood in the yard looking at the upstairs.

"No, it's still up there?" Asked the man downstairs.

At this time, Ding Changsheng untied his belt, which is his most convenient weapon now.

"The bastard is still in the house.". Said the male bodyguard.

However, when he realized this, it was already late. When they both looked back to search the room again, the male bodyguard's face felt suddenly hit by something and felt a strange pain. What's more, the other side seemed to have hit his own eye socket and began to have warm things flowing down and fascinated his eyes.

It was all in a flash. Ding Changsheng quickly retreated and slipped out of the door. There were no other people upstairs. Moreover, the whole villa was dark. Inadvertently, Ding Changsheng turned this place into a live version of the secret room escape.

"How are you? Are you all right? If you go down and change them to come up, he can't run as long as he is in this room.". Said the bodyguard.

Then there was no sound. Ding Changsheng understood that darkness was his greatest advantage, but how long this advantage could last? He did not know, because the other party could not have no lighting equipment such as flashlights, and they would repair the circuit after a long time.

Ding Changsheng went into another room. He just closed the door and wanted to look back at the environment. How could he use this room to give another blow to the other party? He didn't expect to wait for him to turn back. He felt that his neck was strangled by something. Otherwise, he held the rope of the other party with his hand quickly. It was estimated that the other party would tighten the rope and finish himself It's an egg.

The other party holds the rope with both hands and kicks on Ding Changsheng's back, which is the rhythm of strangling himself. However, Ding Changsheng reacts quickly. In this case, he can only narrow the other party's activity space, so as to make the other party's action impossible. Otherwise, he will be strangled.

So he tilted his head back, while his feet were pushing back, and the other side was pushed backward by Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng made full use of his strength, which was related to his life and death. He didn't need enough strength. Therefore, when he pushed the people behind him like a cannon ball, the small space finally came to the end Fang fell on the bed and Ding Changsheng fell on the other side.

In order to give his neck a little more space, even if Ding Changsheng falls on the other side's body, the other party is still trying to hold on to Ding Changsheng's neck, but Ding Changsheng is also trying to wriggle his body upward, his hands as the support point, and strive upward. When his body and the other party completely overlap, or even the upper body exceeds each other, his opportunity comes.

Under such circumstances, the strength of the opponent's strangling his neck is reduced, but his own footwall is also exposed. Ding Changsheng is famous for attacking his opponent's footwall. The most powerful thing is to lift the Yin foot, but now it can't be used. However, regardless of men and women, the intersection of two legs is the most vulnerable opponent. Once attacked, it is also the most painful place, At this time, as long as he bends his legs slightly, he can directly attack the opponent's place with his feet. Of course, he will not miss this opportunity.

As he stepped on the other side's position, Ding Changsheng heard a dull hum. Although the other side didn't scream out, the strength of his hand was obviously reduced. Ding Changsheng took the opportunity to do a back roll to get rid of the other party's strangulation.

After the other party released Ding Changsheng, he instinctively put his hand on his crotch, but how could he let go of this opportunity? So he stretched out his hand and plucked the other party's hair. At this time, Ding Changsheng vaguely saw that it was a woman. Needless to say, this is another female bodyguard. This woman is really cunning. He did not wait to attack himself in the corridor, but was in the He nearly strangled himself in a room. Up to now, I feel the burning pain of his neck. Needless to say, there is at least a deep strangulation mark.A slap in the face of the other party, and the location of the ear root, I don't know if I was knocked out. Anyway, it was more honest. At this time, there was a footstep outside the door. Ding Changsheng really opened the window and was ready to jump down. But he saw the rain pipe outside the window, so he climbed down the rain pipe.

Just arrived downstairs, I heard someone shouting in the upstairs: "below, people down, block him.".

At this time, they did not want to block it. Ding Changsheng quickly climbed over the fence and wanted to escape, because these people were not good at fighting. The hero didn't suffer the immediate loss. But he thought of Che Ruier upstairs. If he ran away, Che Ruier would surely die. Chen huanqiang would not give her a chance to speak. As for himself, he would find various channels to get rid of himself Otherwise, he is very clear about Ding Changsheng's disposition, that is, he will not let him go. The so-called first attack is the strongest, and then the next attack will suffer. That's it.

Ding Changsheng hides in the green belt, waiting for the other party to get close to him. In any case, he must take the car core away, which is related to the attitude of chejiahe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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